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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Weds: The Overnighter

Happy Hump Day, y'all! Tomorrow cannot come fast enough, as the past 2 days of the feeds have been pretty boring. Victor and Paul know that Vic is pretty much a goner tomorrow, the 2 boring showmances are having the dumbest talks ever (I'll get to that in a min), and Meech is playing for 5th place at this point.

Tomorrow will definitely shake up the game, as the 5 jurors will compete to get back into the game. The HG's have been on lockdown since yesterday, as BB builds the HOH comp in the backyard. I'm thinking it'll be another endurance comp (if I had to guess, I'd guess it to be the wall comp). If Victor does end up winning his chance to come back, James should be scared for his BB life. Both Paul/Victor mentioned yesterday that they'd gun after James if they won HOH.

Okay, so getting back to 'the dumbest talks' thing I mentioned above..and I can't believe I'm even writing this...Nicole thinks Paul lied about making french fries yesterday because he made them so good for it being his first time making them, that he is most certainly lying about that. I'm not even kidding. She told this to James yesterday.
*in my best Austrailian wildnerness voice*

"And here we are seeing a very rare sighting of The Nicole, briefly out of hibernation just long enough to get some food and then go back to hibernating with her favorite mate as they both fall back into a deep sleep, only to be awaken on Thursday's."

Anyway, that's pretty much all that happened yesterday. Tomorrow cannot come fast enough. I'm really looking forward to this Fall's Online BB season (yes, I will be blogging that), as I hear the casting director will be different. Very much looking forward to that! :P

EDIT: Forgot to mention that Nicole/Corey banged again last night.


Unknown said...

If the fall bb won't be on TV how would a person watch it and if it's the Internet how much would it cost and where would I go to buy it. Thank you for all your hard work that you do for the blog.

deedee1123 said...

I thought it might be an endurance comp but voting on care package starts Thursday night at 10pm est so returning houseguest will be included in vote. That would mean that comp would be done by the end of the show. Could endurance comp be later in the evening?

Jamie said...

you can watch the fall season via the live feeds. Please use any live feeds link on the blog to signup! :) helps support the blog and keeps me here blogging. thx!

Fuzzies said...

I was watching at around 3:30-4:30am and James, Nat, Vic and Meesh were all chatting. James was telling some prison stories...all were super impressed. And then Nat was telling about her job with the Make-a-Wish foundation. That girl is pretty amazing. Anyway, I'm glad I got to see them talking about their real lives. James and Nat could be a powerhouse couple in the future!

Razldazlrr said...

Nicorey - gross - so she won't kiss but she will do the deed - nice! I liked her ok last season - she drives me crazy this time around

Razldazlrr said...

Jamie - I just saw your post on Twitter about houseguests paid for meet and greets - seriously???!!! why would anyone pay to meet someone that was on a reality show?? ha ha - or does it mean something different?

stephanelson said...

I had a dream last night that Vic pulled a Dan's Funeral and was able to stay! If only, if only.

Jax said...

I hope Meech wakes up and realizes that she's the lynchpin here for the showmances. She's playing for 5th place right now until she gets her head out of her ass and realizes she's going to be the #1 target as soon as they're down to the final five. She'd have much better prospects if she realized she needs to team up with Paul and whoever comes back in the house(probably Vic or Paulie) to battle the showmances. At least then she'd have a shot at progressing farther than 5th place.

Another boring season though. Another house full of a bunch of people on summer vacation that don't want to play the game. Maybe BB can sweeten the pot next season by adding some sort of incentive to winning the HOHs. Lately, there have just been far too many people who's strategy to advance in the game is by not playing the game. It makes for boring TV for us.

Jnine said...

Jamie -
You cracked me up with the Nicole description. In my head I heard Ben Affleck doing the bad Australian impression from Armageddon. Too funny and sadly so true.

Gross said...

2 words.

Nicole sucks.

BeeBelle said...

It would be nice if they sped things up once it gets to jury. Too many days between veto and eviction.

Unknown said...

I haven't got to watch the feeds the past couple of weeks, so I have a silly question. Does Natalie really like James or not? In her DRs she has said she would date him, but I know people can say whatever....I'm just wondering

Unknown said...

Shes not into him physically. She likes his personality, that is about it. You can tell when a girl is really into a guy..and shes not into him like that. Once the season is over, he will be tossed in the friendzone so fast his head will spin. To be honest, Paulie was more her type.

FEMily! said...

They should want to get Corey out. He probably won't even realize he's out of the game until he's sitting on his couch at home, so no blood on your hands there (@ James). Plus, Victor is the only reason they're not all dead, since he's the only one who cleans a damn thing. If he goes, they'll all get enveloped by the Mold Monster until they suffocate.

What I don't understand is why Natalie and Michelle suddenly want Paul and Victor gone. Yes, they're a strong duo, but they're the strong duo that have kept you in the game and have been working with you forever. Why throw that all away to believe some dope who just got out of bed long enough to lie to you? I'm convinced that Production just wants Victor out so he can battle back again. Stop putting this poor guy through all this stress! Plus, America wants Corey OUT and Bridgette back IN!

But if tomorrow is the last time we ever see Victor, I just want to let everyone know that I think he's a total babe and will miss his puppet shows, his little pink headband, and his bod. Beautiful bod . . . .

Unknown said...

I just caught up with Sundays episode and I want to say that house is looking like an absolute hovel. They need the clean up team from "Hoarders" to come along and clean up that shit tip. I'm no clean freak but there is no way in hell I could live in that filthy mess.

Unknown said...

Victor is a beautiful man. He really is.

JoyNSoul said...

@deedee, I hope you're right about it not being an endurance comp! That would seriously favor the guys!! Kiss Da'Vonne's chances of getting back in the house goodbye! Not sure how well Bridgette would do against Victor and Paulie. Come on BB! At least give the girls a fighting chance!!!

Michelle might be in a great position depending on who comes back and who wins HOH. Paul will target James and Corey, and everyone else will target Paul or possibly whoever comes back. She could be sitting safely in the middle for the next couple weeks, but she does need the couples to be broken up in those next couple weeks to have a chance after some big dogs are taken out.

And so excited they will have someone new casting for future shows!! About time they try something (or someone) new.

JChism said...

Are the 5 jurors competing first to see who comes back in, and then the HOH comp will be after that? I hate these battle back twists. So don't want that a$$ Paulie back in the house again.

Razldazlrr said...

Yep - agree - I don't see Natalie really into James - he's more like a "gay" friend you love to squeeze and hang out with.

Nicorey are just obnoxious - all they do is lay around - I laughed at comment above - Coreey won't know he's home until he's sitting on his sofa - he really doesn't seem to be too bright.

And the house is so dirty - it's horrible - I mean, they have nothing to do - couldn't they clean for a couple of hours?

I now hope Victor can come back in - it would serve them all right! (and how much do you want to bet that Z cozied right back up to Paulie in the jury house!)

FEMily! said...

I'm not sure James is all that into Natalie either, considering he always blows up her game to Corey and Nicole.

Unknown said...

I hope Victor is not eliminated tonight but if he is and wins the challenge to come back and go after James and Corey, Corey couldn't win a competition if one was handed to him! I am soooooo over Nicole just coming on BB for a relationship, there are so many vets that would have been a better choice than her. Michelle needs to stop eating get and start actually playing the, Natalie is past annoying and bordering on obnoxious! And finally, your boy Paul who has done, seen,purchased,met,partied and eaten everything, everywhere and LITERALLY done it all! Such a boring season, this is truly summer camp these are some of the laziest bunch of POS's who are forever eating and whispering!

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