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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Thursday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Live Eviction Show Thursday to y'all!! I've been trying to get energy to do this mornings Overnighter because frankly, I'm checked out at this point with this season. lol James/Nicole having such an obvious pre-BB18 deal, Nicole doing nothing but sleeping (and Corey, of course), and Natalie saying "America!" every other sentence..while all of them target the only 2 likeable HG's left, is boring to watch. The only thing that could possibly save this season, is Victor, Paulie or Day returning tonight in the battle back. I'm not sure how Zakiyah would play without Paulie, so she's a toss up. And Bridgette..well, I like Bridgette but I think she'd be picked off so fast that it'd be a waste of time for her to go back into the house at this point, sadly. What are y'alls thoughts? Who do *you* wanna see win tonight's Battle Back?

Speaking of tonight, I got confirmation from CBS this morning that tonight's HOH comp is indeed ENDURANCE and YES they will be showing that on the feeds! Yayyyyy!!! :D If you wanna watch, all ya gotta do is get the live feeds ($6/m) to watch! Nothing to download. Easy peasy.

Last night, Paul/Victor did a last minute attempt to save their BB lives by coming up with a plan: the plan was to act like Paul was getting in good graces with Nicole/Corey and teaming up with them, and acting like Victor is a sinking ship. Then Victor went up to the HOH room to talk to James/Nat/Meech (part of the plan) to act suspicious of Paul hanging around Nicole/Corey.

But then James/Nat/Meech talked to Nicole/Corey and asked them what was going on. Nicole said it was Paul/Vic doing all this as strategy. So that plan flopped. So Victor is still slated to go out the BB door tonight. So nothing has changed there.

Tonight's HOH Comp and Jury Member Battle Back will determine the direction this season will go. I'm anxious to see the results and hope that James or Nicole are targeted to shake the game up a bit. I'll see y'all back here tonight at 9pm ET for the live show & then I'll blog the endurance comp after the show ends! See y'all then!! :D


Unknown said...

If this season was a movie it would go straight to video. The sound of Nicole's and Natalie's voices makes me want to stick knives in my ears. Corey's blank stare gives me nightmares and the whole showmance BS between Corey and Nicole makes me want to pour bleach in my eyes. I hope the Fall show is better and has better cast members.

Jamie said...

lol @ Tammy!

mrCee said...

The problem I have with big brother is that the spirit of the game (an all out fight for $500K) is almost non-existent. Take James for instance, how is cow towing and stepping and fetching after Natalie, or defending your BB court gesture crown from last year (jokes, pranks) supposed to make me believe that are hungry and are trying to get paid that chunk of money?

These showmances… when you are swapping tongues, rubbing and snuggling and keeping to yourself for 15, 20+ hours a day, as a fan I struggle to see the angst, the plotting, the execution of plan, the I'll do whatever it takes to get my hands on that cash. It seems that the showmances are more afraid to get evicted because they won’t have their snuggle partner, as opposed to losing out on the grand prize.

The EGO-MANIACS that graduated Summa Cum Laude from I’m very entitled University… such as Jozea the Messiah (should have been the 1st out if not for poor Glen), or returning players such as Frank the Tank and Mama Da, and little brother King Paulie. What mattered to them was being ‘know it alls’ who were right in the moment (roll with me I got this, I know how this game works trust me, better get on board or get shipped out). They were some of the loudest voices and biggest personalities in the room, and in real life those who speak and bark the loudest usually don't come out on top.

Did any of you see that passion and hunger, and correct game play that resembled a person whose sole purpose was to get their hands on that money, I didn’t? And besides the brilliant game play of Derrick from last year, this season's big brother super bowl is 3-3 tie late in the 4th quarter = BORING!

Unknown said...

They just need to start casting homeless people they would actually fight for $500,000

Anonymous said...

Who do I want to come back in? No one. Absolutely no one. Day and Paulie would be sent out the door very quickly upon coming back in. Bridgette and Zakiyah won't do anything, and Victor coming back basically cheapens the season. Seriously a guy gets voted out twice and he could still win?

Day and Paulie would create drama for maybe a day, but it won't last.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I am still a Nicole fan. I loved her in her 1st season and hated her getting screwed over by Christine (whom I despised). I was happy to see her return. I don't care that she is in a showmance. I think her subtle behind-the-scenes gameplay is a great strategy. Natalie I am actually liking a little more. Ut she really thinks everyone is coming on to her. I think she. Eeds a reality check. She is cute and all but ..... she is not all that she thinks she is. I actually think she is smart and she should go with that versus the body strategy. Michelle needsto stop being jealous of Nicole and she needs to close her mouth when she eats and stop binge-eating. Paul is a bully and a jerk. Corey is laid back and honestly nice. Victor... Cannot decide. Like him one minute and not the next.

Unknown said...

Funny......James believes Nat is REALLY into him, but had enough intuition to not believe the Paul/Vic plan? Mkay.....(insert side eye here).....

nikkikole said...

Does anyone know a way to watch live? We have football here in Austin,TX tonight, ugh

Razldazlrr said...

Tammy - ha ha ha - good one! I think Nicole is so into Corey that she almost has no clue what is going on around her and Corey is cute but just a goof. At least Vic and Paul seem to remember what they are they for!

UnionGrl said...

I'm with you Pam. I like and respect Nicole's game. So she lays around all day with Corey, I can dig that - hell, I would too. If, in fact, she and James have some before the house secret plan - more power to them 'cause it's working.

I also agree with you on the Michelle, the pig, comments. Just watching her shovel food in her gaping maw make me queasy. It never stops. She eats from sun-up to sun down. It's a laugh that someone who eats constantly has the nerve to complain that she's getting fat. Just stop eating!!! She is the only one this season I have consistently wanted out from day 1. Just don't like anything about her as she's shallow, jealous, dim, and so completely unaware it's tragic.

Anonymous said...

Just one question - Jamie, where's Brian?!? Missing his colorful commentary. :)

R.Cazares said...

@nikkikole - try the links at and look along left column for "East Coast Streams"

Unknown said...

yeah whats with michelle and her eating? when season first started she said she was a dietician and was going to show everyone how to cook and eat healthy but she eats more junk than anyone

JoyNSoul said...

Like her or not, Nicole is playing a successful game. It may not be exciting by any means, but she's gotten pretty far and isn't really top of the list on anyone's hit list. James is playing a similar game, but is higher on the hit list now. And if Derek told them to lay low, I guess they're following that advice quite well.

That all being said, I have a suggestion:


Gross said...

I agree with everyone. Casting is terrible.

Taz Caz said...

How have Nicole and/or Corey lasted this long? I'm so confused with strategy this season.

Victoria Stairz said...

@nikkicole: here in the Dallas market, when BB is pre-empted for football, the local CBS 'sister station' airs what would have been on regular CBS. For example, our CBS station is KTVT channel 11, but their sister station is KTXA channel 21. Channel 21 will show BB, Madame Secretary, etc.

Check to see if Austin has the same set-up.

Taz Caz said...

I'm so disgusted with the screwing in this house. At least James has enough respect for Natalie and dignity for himself to keep his hands off. It's called live feeds, Nicorey and Zaulie. Quit acting like college kids at a frat party. Gross.

Dianne said...

@nikkikole I used the link below to live stream the BB Thurs live eviction the past two weeks, no popup ads and no charge, and overall came in pretty good.

==> Stream link to #bb18 tonight #BigBrother

(I have cable but live in CA and if I watch CA time I have to stay off the internet for 3 hours to avoid spoilers! However I am visiting my daughter in DC this week and she doesn't have cable so will watch online!)

So, yay!

FEMily! said...

Oh well. At least Victor tried saving himself. But you can't rely on James doing anything intelligent. He's playing for America's favorite, because that's worth more than 500 grand, apparently.

ltcmek said...

Looks like the plan may have worked after all. Just as feeds went down James is 50/50. House blew up this afternoon and he knows it might be a ploy but is really thinking about flipping. Nat and Meech working him hard to keep Vic while Paul and Vic celebrating in other room. Buckle up, tonite is gonna be interesting!

Unknown said...

Next season BB should make a rule that anyone who throws a comp or spends all day and night in bed can't play for HOH the next week and they lose their vote this game.

Unknown said...

Nicole is a slut. She isnt even being discreet anymore...she climbs right on top of Corey now and goes to town. Its like watching porn under a blanket.

Someone who lays around in bed having sex and sleeping 20 hours a day and only waking up/ moving when she has to do a comp or go to the living room for something should never get this far in Big Brother. I think with the way this show is going, this may be my last season watching this crap.

Sammie said...

mrCee, Derrick was actually 2 years ago haha. Although, I think we've all tried to erase last season with Steve as the winner from our minds. Vanessa and the annoying twins + Austin. Unfortunately, BB keeps casting people that have big mouths but no skills to back it up. None of these girls can win a comp to save their life, which is why they all end up getting sent packing. Dunno why the plan was the back door Da' because she couldn't win a veto anyway. And all the guys cast are beefcakes who it's assumed that they'll be pretty good at comps. Like way more of the comps this year have been physical comps than mental ones. They need to get back to a good balance like it was in the past. Both of these battle back/jury buy back things are physical comps. How the hell is that fair at all?

Unknown said...

Steve, please refrain from calling Nicole a slut. Why is it always the woman in the sexual relationship that gets called names and not the man? Sexism, that's why. And you're displaying your blatant sexism for everyone to see. Not nice.

Victoria Stairz said...

I'm with you, Jewel. Although personally *I* wouldn't do it, more power for Nicole for riding around on that big dumb dummy while she can. Git whachoo need, just put a blanket ovet it. You go girl. Lol

Dianne said...

I don't agree with calling people sluts, but good lord wouldn't the fact that your parents, grandparents and present or future employers might be watching and/or hearing about your antics make a normal person put thr brakes on?

Unknown said...

Right on, Victoria.

Just put a blanket on it. LOL That's going to be my motto for a while.

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