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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tuesday: The Overnighter (review)

Happy Tuesday, everybody! Today's Overnighter is gonna be a little different..more of a review and rant, than a detailed overview of the lack of house happenings overnight.

Okay, so Paul thinks him/Victor were the targets this week all along and they're pretty sure that Victor is getting sent to jury on Thursday (*correct). He asked America to send him the care package this week to help him out. (*We're trying, Paul!) Speaking of ACP, this week's ACP is gonna be $5k to giveaway. Could be used as a bribe. Not sure how this is better than Co-HOH, as the ACP's were supposed to get better every week. In my opinion, it's not that great of a prize to win. (I wouldn't mess up my game for a mere $5k, when $500,000 is on the line, but hey..that's just me.)

Nicole/James had a talk in the BB backyard the other night about gifting $10,000 to everyone in their F4 if they won BB this season, which is a huge no-no. (*I retweeted the 10 min clip on Twitter. Click Here To Watch.) Then BB made them tell each other (in which they did in front of the HG's) that they wouldn't gift money to each other. Victor commented that BB just blew up James' game.

There's speculation amongst the BB fans that James/Nicole had a F2 deal or some other work-together deal before they even entered the house. Kinda like a "nobody, not even production will know" type of deal...which has Derrick written all over it. Derrick has given advice on how to win BB, and a big part of that is to not let production know where your head is at and who you're truly aligned with.

Either today or tomorrow, Victor plans to call out James for flipping on him this week and will tell him he will lose him as a jury vote if that's what is happening. They also plan to tell Meech that the showmances are a F4 if Victor does indeed go out this week. They're also gonna remind her about N/J getting in trouble with production for talking about gifting money, which also indicates that they're working together.

So that's where we are...we have 2 showmances that have teamed up against Paul, and Michelle will continue to float to whoever is in power that week, though her/Paul hate each other at this point so she's kinda screwed if Paul wins HOH this week (or Victor if he wins the battle back on Thursday). Paul/Victor know that Victor is getting voted out this week, as Nicole/Corey are busy having sex and taking 32 naps a day, and James/Natalie talk about taking out Paul next week.

The conflict for me, as a fan, is that there's been very few HG's for me to root for this season. While I wasn't a Victor or Paul fan in the begining, they have both grown on me (and others fans as well) lately and now we're gonna be forced to watch 2 showmances (with Nicorey not doing crap all season long) run this season even further into the ground. Mix that with hunches that Derrick set Nicole/James up to have a F2 deal prior to entering the house and making cash deals in the BB house, and this is what we're left with. Not exactly a thrilling season.

Yes, James/Nat are smart to gun after Paul/Victor because they're a strong duo and Victor is an absolute comp beast. Doesn't mean us fans have to like it, though.

Today is Tuesday, which means the HOH's will do their HOH blogs and take pics with the HOH camera for an hour. Other than that, I forsee another day of Summer Camp for these HG's, as Victor/Paul stress over Vic leaving Thursday and Paul knowing its the house VS him at this point. Ho-hum.


Dianne said...

Paul is seething over Michelle. Doesn't take a weatherman to predict a huge storm coming.

Atlanta said...

I like your commentary Jaime! You do a great job and we love you for it! It's definitely been a drab season. I've been watching this show for the entire 18 years. Maybe it's just not as good these later years because it's old to me. I don't want that to be true though! I look forward to the start of BB every year. However, it's been boring for the last two or more seasons for me. Earlier years, they had a more diverse cast. I wish so badly they would do that again! Thanks again for all you do.

Razldazlrr said...

Atlanta - I think it's just horrible casting - they must be going after a demographic that they think will bring them money (after all - that's what it's all about in the end). There HAVE to be better people that want to be on this show! More ages and backgrounds - this season is definitely "summer camp" - Nicory are just god awful. Along with more ages have more mind comps so the most athletic don't always win. Maybe they need to bring over a Survivor producer to mix it up!

I hope the challenge to get back in the house is mind and not athletic - I would love to see Day come back through the door! ha ha

Atlanta said...

I was rooting for Day since she was cut so early the year before. She's funny in the Diary Room!

Unknown said...

The production STILL believes the audiences are into showmances -- which we are when they really impact the game as in if they're really strong together and really make moves together. But when you cast intentionally for that -- and then everyone has to inform america if they are down for a showmance during their intro aka getting their key - it's a problem.
I am so tired of the lack of game play! Make big moves..that's what Big Brother used to be about and then ACP and someone getting back in the game would be even better for us. For James and Nicole to come back with a second chance and lay around not even winning comps is ridiculous -- I feel for Day...She is the one who needs to come back.

Unknown said...

When did Nicole and Corey have sex?

Dawn M. said...

I was also frustrated with this week's America's Care Pkg. The only way this could be better than the last 2 is if it also involved safety for the winner along with a bribe.

Jamie said...

Alex, they banged the other day. I retweeted the clip.

LilyPearl0560 said...

Lets just pray that Vic gets to come back. He and Paul work together to make it to the end.

Andy Tatnall said...

That realityblurred poll suggested that fans want more frequent, more direct audience participation in the future. PLEASE NO. This show is at its best as a game when it's a true fishbowl, when HGs are totally on their own have to figure out who to trust without any hints. As it is I think audience interference already has blown up too many people who were doing a good job fooling everybody (not necessarily this season but in the past).

Here's what I think is most important for them to change:

1. INCREASE THE PRIZE MONEY. Half a million dollars don't go as far as they did in the late 1990s, which is why you have HGs who aren't as as hungry to win the money as in years past and who would rather parley their TV time into a career. BB is successful enough to afford bumping the reward to, say, 800k as an inflation adjustment.

2. STOP CASTING RETURNERS FOR AWHILE. We don't need them every season and it's lost its novelty. Worse, it invites collusion between seasons as we're (potentially) seeing with James and Nicole, and they tend to act differently when they get back in, be cockier and more audience pandering. And if this year is anything to go by, BB tends to favor returners who were "funny" over ones that played the game well.

Jon said...

I'm a huge big brother fan and I agree about with the sentiment on Nicole and Corey and the cast in general but I think James and Natalie have been playing great games. Although I don't like that they are teaming up with Nicole and Corey, I think it is a smart move.

I also don't get why people like Day so much and want her to come back. Sure she seems like a good person and is funny in the diary room. I give her credit for trying to play the game but she is not a good player. I don't think she has ever won a comp, she's a drama queen and can't control her emotions, she gets twisted up in a lot of the lying/deceiving and then can't keep her mouth closed which gets her in trouble, and just makes bad game moves in general which is why she always gets evicted early.

Unknown said...

I agree Jon....Day seems like a great person, but her mouth always does her in. I think she was cast for that reason.....she is a likeable personality, but really isn't positioned to actually win the game. I will say however that other house guests have also had diarrhea of the mouth and seem to get a lot further. A lot of variables come into play, the main one being production interference. They've got a story to tell and come hell or high water, they are determined to tell it. Unfortunately it is at the detriment of those who are true fans of the show. Hoping they can turn this around before BB becomes a footnote in reality show history.

Unknown said...

Jamie, I had a good laugh couple days ago when Corey, Nic and James were talking by the pool. James said " the worst that can happen next wk is Paul wins HOH and puts up himself and Corey" LOL wrong the worst and best in my opinion is Paul puts up Nic and James, I'm over the vet crap this yr. Was not Vic or Paul fan in beginning, but now I hope they're final 2 by some hail mary! Thanks for all your hard work!

Anonymous said...

Production keeps casting "pretties" that will walk around in bikinis (girls) and shirtless (guys) - and let's face it - "sex sells." Or that's what they would have you believe. Maybe it does. They also keep casting people who know nothing about the game. So why would you think these people would do anything different (except the veterans who should know better)? I also think BB UK and BB Canada are much more entertaining. I miss the Rennys, Chicken Georges, Sheilas and Shellys of the world! They were fun to listen to and watch!

Tam said...

What happened with Meech and Paul? Thought they had a final 3 with Vic(if he comes back).

TheFamDoc24 said...

It took 10 seasons or so, but I finally disagree with you Jamie. I'm not a fan of Paul, beginning middle or end. I just don't think he's that great of player. And I admit, I'm annoyed by him every time he is in the diary room. I wanted him gone after Jozea if I'm being honest.
Now that being said, I'm not sure who is that great of player this season. haha. James I think is playing but not the way I would have wanted to see him play. Nat has her moments to me where I think she's brilliant, and other times when I'm face palming. Wasn't a Nicole fan the first time, not one this year. Vic is alright. Not great but okay. Michelle is playing a great floater game. I don't necessarily like floaters but that style is a valid style and can lead to a F3 birth and even a win. Corey, well bless his heart.


Unknown said...

I'm over James, Nicole and Corey. Not a big fan of Natalie either. Actually they all blow except Vic and Paul in my opinion. I'm over the lame showmances in general. The comps this year have been mostly physical, dragging over several hours instead of being tied up in the same episode as the eviction. Jury house looks way too cushy. They should make it as basic as the BB house so people fight harder to stay. The only silver lining for me, this season, is that there have been less people getting "back-doored" Always felt that was a little unfair, when people couldn't play to stay.

SaskatoonMarilyn said...

Hi Jamie!! LOVE your blog! I am so over Corey and Nicole (OMMG HER VOICE!! - JUST STAB ME IN THE EAR WITH A FORK!!). I don't mind Paul (hated him at first!) and didn't even really pay attention to Vic til he came back in the house but now I really like him. I wish he would have got ACP but it was not meant to be! I hope Vic or Day get back in the house for the battle back but it will probably be Z or Bridgitte... we can only hope. Ans I m in Canada and can't get the live feeds so this is my lifeline for BB - I appreciate all of your comments. Marilyn in Canada

SaskatoonMarilyn said...

Oh and the last BB Canada was awesome! US BB could take some tips!! Marilyn

Unknown said...

Players just need to break up "showmances" as soon as they start. If this happened season after season, it would be less advantageous to get yourself into one in the first place.

You can tell, when you watch enough showmances, which ones are legit and which ones are strategy/gameplay. Natalie is just not into James on that level. You can tell by her body language around him that she isn't into him on a physical/attraction level. As soon as this season is over, its right into the friend zone with "jamesy".

Unknown said...

Meanwhile...Nicole has went into full "slut-mode" this season. She is banging Corey now and I remember with Hayden, it was a "big deal" if he even got a kiss...according to her family when they asked them about Hayden in their season. She is full on fucking Corey with the cameras on them...and her reason is, "She would never meet a boy like Corey outside the house". Never have liked her...she is no Jordan. Jordan is a sweetheart.

Unknown said...

She would never meet a boy like Corey outside this house because she ain't all that and he probably wouldn't have looked twice at her outside of the house. That voice alone would drive me demented. Not that Corey is much himself, but he strikes me as someone who wouldn't give a girl the time of day unless she was at least a "9.5".

Unknown said...

So they're not allowed to agree to a prize split? Always wondered why the final 2 don't just spilt the $550k.

Gross said...

Getting Paulie out was a big move.

And this whole James/Nicole f2 think is BS..... You can't tell me Nicole would take James over Corey to final 2. Or James would take Nicole over Natalie to final 2. There's no way.

The problem with this season is--- no one is charismatic or funny. They casted boring people to avoid potential media controversy, IMHO.

I do agree the prize money is too small.

Maybe I'm just growing out of BB. Sigh.

Michelle said...

I think the money conversation between Nicole and James would make a lot of sense if they do have a final two because they feel bad about their showmance partners.

Anonymous said...

I agree with everything you said. Have gotten to love Vic and Paul and am so mad to see them go. If production had not screwed up and not delivered the ACP this week Victor might have gotten it and used it to save himself. I feel like the last several years have been super boring because they are casting only good looking young singles I guess I'm the hope they will hook up. Well they did. And not much else happened. They need to cast a wider variety of ages and people, hopefully with brains.

DeniseG said...

My favs are James and Natalie for AFP, and surprisingly enough I think Meech has played well, so I'm rooting for her to win. I really didn't like her in the beginning, and she cries a lot, but that shows to me that she's passionate about the game.

I want to appreciate Paul's gameplay but he just seems too fake. He has been loyal to Victor all along but that's about it.

Corey is just at summer camp with a playmate.

Nicole whines all the time.

Victor is a comp beast. If he's evicted and returns I can see him winning. He'd have a good case for the jury.

I think it would be interesting if Bridgette returns. She didn't flip flop so we would see if she could build bridges to stay or if she would just get booted back out.

Just my 2 cents.

Dianne said...

I like Natalie, she is playing the game and she and James make a good team. Corey is okay but not a gamer. Nic is lazy as hell. Paul was stupid to tell the HG he has two 5,000 dogs special ordered from Germany and a 2,000 cat. I lknow BB is not a charity, but hope he gets outplayed, his mom will survive without a Bentley. Overall, he's not the worst, that honor goes to Paulie.

Vic has played really hard, if a guy comes back, I hope it's him and not Paulie, but I'm really hoping Bridge or Da' return. Not Z, she's hopeless, poor thing.

pgh fan said...

This season and the lady few are boring. I like twists but these are not good ones. Jury should stay in that house unless sequestered. Not a twist. Showmanship are boring and leaf to nothing. Young is dumb. Get a variety of people and see if they get along and play. A good twisty would be secret relationship and blindside why tell anyone. Play the darn game. Summery camp sucks

Razldazlrr said...

I missed the part about Paul saying he had 2 $5000 dogs - what an ass. Living with his mommy in their big CA home. He just seems like a big spoiled brat to me - I would hate to see him win. He has a huge Napoleon complex, if you ask me.

I agree with another - Nat is just in the James showmance for the summer - she plays around but definitely doesn't seem that in to him - I can't imagine her with him out of the house. And Nicole and that voice - don't get me started!!

I know the show doesn't want controversy but good god - this has been a pretty vanilla crowd.

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