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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Weds: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Hump Day! We're half way through this work week yayy!!! :D Okay, so yesterday was probably the most boring day of the live feeds this season. Lots of sleeping and non-BB talks. *yawn*

**Sorry for the Overnighter being late, I totally slept through my alarm and had to high-tail it outta here. I'm literally just now (at 5pm ET) eating breakfast as I type this up. lol

Let's see what happened last night in the BB house, shall we?!

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

6:35pm BBT:
Paulie has to make pies again per his veto punishment. This time, he decides to bake a pie while nude, with nothing but his apron on. (*He's a major douche, but damn...that ass. haha)

Paulie suggests to BB that it's time for Paul to do a "Red Alert". A few minutes later...

6:50pm BBT:
"Red Alert"! Cue Secret Service Paul.
Paulie ran from him for awhile before ending up in the kitchen for his pat down.

7:35pm BBT:
Victor did a puppet show, using Corey's bald eagle puppet. The best way I can describe it is, it's Tony a bald eagle. lol
James: "That's funny."
Vic: "You know what's not funny?..that I haven't gotten paid yet, motherf**ker!!" (*lol)
*It's a great Flashback Feeds moment if you have a few minutes and wanna laugh.

Around 8pm, Natalie told James that she'd gun after Nicole/Corey, with Corey as her target. she wants to be the one send him out. James knows that Michelle's in a good spot because she's made it this far where bigger targets will target each other.

Other bits from last night:

*Victor is grateful for being evicted before, because it showed him who was true to him and who wasn't. He said he didn't have a problem with Nicole until he got evicted because she turned on him.

*Corey is getting irritated with Paulie always hanging around him, it's preventing him from checking votes with the HG's and making sure he's safe this week. Nicole said she'd freak out if Corey went home.

Around 1am BBT, Paulie campaigns to Paul but doesn't work.

He tries again at 4:30am BBT, asking for a "pity vote" (*he's hoping he can swing James/Nat, which would be the 3 votes he needs this week with the pity vote). Paulie tells him that if he comes back via RT ticket, the boys should work together.

*And that's it for The Overnighter! It was a very calm day/night in the BB house and today so far as well (I just looked at the afternoon happenings..we're not missing anything. I promise. lol) Tonight's BB episode is at 8pm ET and it's the Veto Comp & Veto Ceremony episode. The host of the comp is former BB HG, Jesse, so make sure to tune for that tonight! :D


Unknown said...

Like the often spouted "blood on my hands", another popular Big Brother phrase that folks like to utter is "If I win HOH, I am going to..........". Funnily enough, those who say it rarely win.

Jamie said...

true lol

r's mommy said...

Why would Paulie ask BB for a red alert from Paul when he knows he'll get a naked patdown! Just saying... The kid has odd behavior, this is a "family" show, right?

Anonymous said...

James hid under a bed in one room, had a melon with a cap on it with the covers pulled up to the cap and his boots sticking out the other end. Hilarious! James asked BB for a Red Alert and while Paul was looking for the real James, Paulie took off all his clothes in the kitchen but put his wadded up shirt in front of his jewels and told Paul to search him. Paul did so from the back putting his hands down his sides.
Later while Paulie was baking his pie, he just the apron on and took off all his clothes AGAIN so Paul had to search him AGAIN! Definitely is wanting to show off his oh so gorgeous bod since he's so in love with himself. Just saying...

Anonymous said...

Jamie, I just went and watched the puppet show. That is the most hilarious and spontaneous act ever! Definitely worth watching.

Taz Caz said...

Dear Big Brother,

Please stop with the Jesse crap.

Everybody that watches Big Brother

Kelly G. said...

I would love to have Paulie gone. I am OVER him and his nonsense. However to make things interesting and make at least a little tug of war regarding who is going, he needs to fight for it. I think his only arguement is to break up the Nicory shownance. There are so few people left that you can't keep them together. Like I said I want Paulie gone but I've loved the drama this week so we need at least a little "Will they or won't they?" on Thursday nights episode. The breakup the showmance arguement is the only one he could use logically.

Sammie said...

I watched the episode tonight, but did I miss something? I did not see Jessie at all in the episode. It looked like Nat was the host of the Zingbot Veto comp.

Unknown said...

My money is on Pauley having the round trip ticket!

Jamie said...

Jesse is gonna be on Friday's episode. it was speculated that he'd be on the veto comp episode.

Michelle said...

I really hope Natalie doesn't show her hand (nominations) before the care package arrives. I think if she targets Paul/Victor and Victor wins the care package he will put up James who could very well get booted.

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