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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thurs: The Overnighter

Good morning, everybody!! Yesterday was another day of boring live feeds. Paulie did some light campaigning but it's pointless as he's going out the door tonight. The question on everyone's mind is, does Paulie have the Roundtrip Ticket or not? We shall find out tonight!

Last night from 9:50pm-11pm BBT, the HG's did impressions of each other and then a roasting of each other by using Corey's Bald Eagle puppet.

There were a lot of really funny moments and definitely worth the look in the Flashback Feeds!

That's really about all that happened. I think the HG's are just waiting (like us) for a new week to start, as this one has been over since Monday post-Veto Ceremony.

Tonight's live eviction is at 9pm ET as usual. Don't forget there's a special BB episode tomorrow night (Friday) as well. I'll see y'all back here tonight for the live show! Until then, enjoy your Thursday!! :D

1 comment:

Fuzzies said...

Victor really got the ball rolling with the bald eagle coming after James for his $5000. That was seriously so funny we had to rewind and watch it again. Victor makes a great loan shark/loan eagle?

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