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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tues: Overnighter/Morning Quickie Post

Happy Tuesday, everybody! I'm home on my lunch break to blog for y'all real quick, since I didn't have time this morning before I had to go leave for work.

Nothing too much happened last night. Paulie started campaigning and looking to the HG's to tell him what it'd take in order for him to stay.

James gave him the solid advice of campaigning without throwing Corey under the bus. There's no hope for Paulie, however. His only saving grace would be to have the Roundtrip Ticket on Thursday.

Last night the HG's were treated in the backyard to a Ziggy Marley concert. Yea...I know. Totally random. I've tried to think of what the heck BB would have Ziggy Marley do a concert in the BB backyard and I can't figure this one out. Unless it's for the special Friday episode, which nobody has a clue what that show is gonna be about. We'll have to wait and see on that one. *shrugs*

As I type this up (11:58am BBT), it seems like most of the HG's are napping.

HOH Victor is going around the house taking pictures of himself with the HOH camera since most are sleeping at the moment. 

In other news..
Natalie pulled a muscle in her neck yesterday while in the shower.
She was in some serious pain. She asked James to help her out by giving her a neck massage, which he of course did.

**And that's it for the latest BB happenings! Paul is still getting his "Red Alerts", and it's still hilarious to watch him nearly cardio-out from all the running around he does during his skits. lol Paulie is still baking pies when BB instructs him to.  I'll be back tonight with an Afternoon Post, as long as the HG's wake up and actually do something. lol :P See y'all later!!


TonyaB1027 said...

Did you see the red alert BB did because James made a replica of himself with a melon head and asked BB to help him out? It was hilarious!

Unknown said...

James is just seriously likable. He sometimes goes along to get along, but otherwise I have never perceived him as a bad guy. I think he deserves at least the AFP money.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh... im not a huge twitter user but have been today... Evil Dick and Pauli's dad had it out!! The douchecanoe is is going to go home to a big wake up hoo..oh sweet karma!!😂

Unknown said...

Evil Dick and Pauli's dad got into it??? Tell me more!

Jamie said...

yea it was great! go to my twitter. i retweeted a few of their exchanges. (click the blue birdie on the top right of the blog).

Unknown said...

Wow! thank you Jamie!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I saw that battle too! Note to self....NEVER come for EvelDick! Whew, lol!

Sammie said...

Paulie making those pies in just an apron... How childish can you get??

Razldazlrr said...

Paulie is just so rude - he thinks having his butt out is funny or attractive?

Jakesander4444 said...

This game is 100% rigged!

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