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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wed: The Overnighter

Good morning and Happy Wednesday!! :D When I woke up this morning, I started my coffee, mumbled & grumbled my way to my laptop, as I was sure I was gonna have to blog the same bullsh*t I've been blogging about for weeks now...which is a whole lot of nothing & how Paulie's running the game over these idiots.

But!!...I was pleasantly surprised that the game is actually being played!! Yes, you read that right. I'll give y'all a minute to let that sink in as I sip my coffee.

Go ahead. I'll wait.


Okay, so if you didn't have a heartache reading that and taking that in, then I encourage you to proceed to The Overnighter details. lol

Let's start at...

10:35am BBT:
Meech warns James that Paulie/Nicole are running the house this season.

Fast forward to..

2:12pm BBT:
Nat told Bridge she wants Z out this week. Bridge thinks Paulie's running the house. Nat agrees and adds that he also has Z as his puppet. They want James to help by canceling out votes and save Michelle this week, but fear that James won't have the balls to do it. (*I concur. lol)

4:50pm BBT:
Nicole wants a F4 with her/Corey/Paulie/James. (*Good luck with that.)

5pm BBT:
Victor admits to Meech that he really wants Z out this week. (*Us feedsters know this to be true.) She then later on (10:19pm BBT) goes and tells Bridge how Victor doesn't want her out.

10:27pm BBT:
Bridge tells Meech what Frank told her about getting Nicole out, then Paulie, then James..then bring in Natalie with her. They know they gotta get to James onboard this week to get him to keep Michelle. Bridgette has an idea: they flirt with Paulie, tick off Z, and have Z annoy Paulie to the point where he wants her out. (*Not a bad plan! lol) The key is to make Paulie *think* it's his idea of wanting Z out.

11:11pm BBT:
Meech talks to James, tells him how Paulie's running the game. (*Thank you, Meech!!) She tells James that Victor wants her to stay...

Michelle: "..because I'm not a threat to his (Victor's) game."

11:45pm BBT:
Natalie tells James how Paulie made a pass at her by saying he wanted to "bite her butt" and make out with her, nobody would ever know. Natalie said she giggled and "played it off". James wants to call him out, but can't because it's a game. Natalie wants to expose Paulie's game.

12:10am BBT:
Bridgette joins them and says how her/Victor want Meech to stay.
Nat says she's on-board too.
James is worried about going against the all powerful Oz (Paulie).
Bridgette warns that they have to do something, otherwise they're all toast and Paulie will win the game. (*Bingo was his name-o!)

1:05am BBT:
Natalie/James by the hot tub.
James doesn't wanna rock the boat.
Natalie: "Then when? After I get evicted?" (*I'm starting to love Natalie.)

Nat is ready to take a shot at Paulie.

During their convo, Paul is telling Paulie that he wants to break up the pairs..get James out and get Nicole out. (*Better take the shot, James!) Paul wants Z out, but Paulie said that Michelle said he's her target, so she's gotta go.

1:25am BBT:
Smart-cookie Natalie tells James that if Z stays this week, Paulie will use it as an excuse of why he doesn't want Z up again.

Fast-forward to..

5:10am BBT:
James tells Paulie he's mad at him for hitting on Nat. Paulie said it never happened and that Nat is making sh*t up, it goes against bro-code, and turned it around on Natalie by saying she's the one who keeps telling him that they're gonna hang out after the show. Paulie then hints at the idea of getting Nat out soon.

5:43am BBT:
Natalie/James have a talk in the Storage Room about going after Paulie/saving Michelle. James is nervous that Meech isn't a big HOH player. Natalie reminds him that she won a veto and him/Victor are good competitors, and she herself is good at endurance comps.

James: "We can save Meech, but sh*ts gonna hit the fan."

James wants to throw a monkey wrench in Paulie's plans.
Natalie said Paulie's getting the showmances to attack the singles, as he's getting the singles to attack the showmances..all while Paulie claims to not be in a showmance with Z so he's not targeted.

James thinks America wants some sh*t to get stirred in the game. (*I'm so thirsty for it, that I'm dying from dehydration! You better do it!! lol)

7:09am BBT:
Anti-Paulie talk with Paul/Bridge/Natalie/James and about flipping the vote to save Meech!
Paul knows that Paulie's pitting them against each other. They all compare notes and spill the beans on what they know about what Paulie has said to them. James lets Paul know how much Paulie has thrown Paul under the bus, while Bridge tells Paul how Corey has thrown him under the bus as well.

Paul said to cancel out his/Corey's vote and then pin it on Nicole (which Paulie's gunning for anyway) and say that she's trying to form a girls alliance.

They discuss taking a shot at Paulie in the DE tomorrow, saying they should put up Paulie VS Nicole.
Paul said he can get Vic on their side, so the house would be them 6 vs them 3 (Nic/Corey/Paulie).
James will cancel out Paul/Corey's votes.

Paul is pissed because he trusted Paulie so much.
The Double Eviction Plan is this:
Put up Nicole/Corey and put up Paulie as the renom and evict him.
Natalie said her game play was to be under the radar but she's done "playing dumb" now. It's game on.

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! So Paulie is now the biggest target in the house, as Z will get evicted tomorrow and depending on the DE outcome, Paulie might be following Z right out the door. I'll update the blog this afternoon with the latest game play (now that there's actual freakin' game play to blog about! lol) ;)


Stevie said...

Does anyone else have goosebumps!? This better go down!!!!! Fingers crossed!

UnionGrl said...

Damn, I really wanted Michelle no more but a little spice wouldn't be a bad thing. What'd I tell y'all about Nat-nat - sharp as a razor.

Unknown said...

I love Nat! Get paulie out fast.

Olivia said...


And is it true about Paulie hitting on Natalie? Or Natalie saying they'll hang out after the show?

Jen said...

YAY!!!! I love Natalie. She's the smartest one in that house!

2thDoc said...

OMG!!! Christmas came early this year!!! Please please please have James have the balls to team up with the rest of them and get Z out and piss off Paulie!!! They shouldn't tell him too!! Hope telling Paul wasn't a mistake because he may run back to Paulie (that would be "friendship" towards the other HGs). Lol. Seeing his face when Z gets evicted would be as priceless as seeing Frank's when Bronte left instead of Tiffany!! So again PLEASEEEEE let this pan out. I may actually start getting excited again for the show.

Unknown said...

LOVE Natalie ... she's the only one that's been playing the game from the beginning (other than Paulie) albeit a low-key game. She's turning it up now and I CAN'T wait for tomorrow and the DE. :-)

2thDoc said...

Meant to say that "WOULDNT BE friendship" if Paul told Paulie

FEMily! said...


Natalie, you might not call yourself a Jersey girl, but you are one! No matter where you were born or raised, the grit of the dirty Jerz rubs off and sticks to you. Latinas from Jersey are evil geniuses -every single one of us. I've liked Nat for a long time. If she pulls this off, I will love her. All my votes for America's favorite will go to her, hands down.

I really hope this goes down on Thursday. Paulie is a loose cannon and probably won't even be able to play straight once things get flipped and Z goes. Not that he'll have long to play if the back door plan for him to get out goes according to plan. My faith in humanity will be restored. It will truly be life-affirming if the plan stays the same. As long as Paul keeps his mouth shut and Michelle doesn't make fun of everyone, this should happen.

My heart is racing and I'm grinning like an idiot right now.

FEMily! said...

Olivia, I think Natalie is telling the truth about Paulie's comments. I've read more details about her conversation about it with James, and it sounds legit. She didn't like Paulie's comments, particularly the one about biting her butt. And especially since James got kind of mad at her for keeping it a secret for so long (you know, because James and the other guys in the house have no understanding of women whatsoever), I don't think she would have jeopardized her relationship with James for a silly lie. Plus, James told Nat that Paulie denied the allegations, and Nat stuck to her story and was pissed that Paulie would lie. James seems to believe Nat over Paulie, which is good.

r's mommy said...

This all sounds so great but, I feel like it's too good to be true. Maybe I'm a cynic but we'll just have to see if it'll happen. I thought last year was the worst season but, it seems this year beats it so far. Ugh...

Kimberly said...

Thanks for capturing all of this! I love how Natalie is turning out to be the smart cookie!

GB said...

Hooray! Please let all of this go down; finally some actual game play!

furhead said...

Awwwww! Z can annoy the crap out of Paulie the rest of the summer in the jury house! Hahahaha!!!!

Dianne said...

It's true re Paulie making the "bite" comment to Nat, someone posted the clip on Twitter. Nat laughed it off at the time, but she left the HOH room shortly after.

Unknown said...

Woo hoo! Looking forward to some excitement!

On another note, I can barely read comments anymore. Some people are constantly negative, every single post.. No matter what happens.
This is a show. Life isn't so bad.. Let's do some self reflection and find where all this negativity comes from, deal with your own insecurities and enjoy life! Life is what you make it. By voicing constant negativity only breeds anger. Let that shit go. Namaste.

Nicole Chenault said...

Whew I hope all this does happen! They've only got 24 hours to wish-wash their brains out of doing something epic, so maybe it'll fly. I've always like Nat - and I'm glad she is breaking out and showing how promising a player she truly is. Fingers crossed this goes down as planned! Woot!!

BBFan9891 said...

I really dislike Meech and all her crying but dammit I want this plan to work. Get that asshole outta the house in the DE and lets see those fireworks! Paul better keep hims friendship fucking mouth closed or its all going to blow up.
Glad to see people are finally realizing that Nat is a strong player and that she was playing a stay low but hear everything game.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it was agreed that Paul would tell Paulie and someone else is going to tell Z (I forget who). Of course, it was Paul's idea to tell Paulie (so he can make it look like he's a good guy and stay in his good graces. Lets hope that everyone does still vote the way it went down during the night. It has been a long night, since way before midnight when Brig and Mich talked and many hours since all five hashed it out. How exciting to see some game play finally. Nat got right to it with James earlier in the evening, laying it on the line that Paulie was running the show.

Mandaeff said...

This made my day!!! #teamnat#teamjamesifhegrowsballs

Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!! Ha-ha now Paulie can enjoy more time with Z in the Jury House.

Unknown said...

@bbfan9891 you literally made me spit water in regards to Paul and "frienship". I hope the plan follows through and Nat will be my new favorite player.

GMAGS said...

Even if Paul runs to Paulie and tells him what’s happening, the plan still works. 7 votes this week, James cancels out 2 leaving 5 votes. James, Nat and Bridge decide who goes home…..and that would be Z. Am I missing something here? They totally can make this happen regardless of who knows what's going on. Technically, they didn't even need to get Paul involved.

Andy Tatnall said...

If they do get Paulie out, please let whoever's on the block with him give him the stare-down as Julie is reading the results.

Unknown said...

Oh please oh please oh please!!!! I want this to happen. I want to evil laugh as I watch it go down!! :) :) :)

Praying lol

Jamie said...

lmao andy yasssss

slnc said... took this long? TF?? After Da' is gone🤔 I don't give a s*** who wins at this point, at least we may see something worth watching...key word "may" James acts like a scary Azz sometimes😫😒😕if this doesn't come to fruition😠👀💆!I will be pissed..Jesus take the wheel 🙏👐

UnionGrl said...

Now everybody need to take and breather and not get their knickers in a twist as nothing has happened yet. It could but it may not and what does that mean? Again, I'm soooo over Michelle so her out suits me fine. But the beast has awaken and the DE may be a different animal then what we anticipated, which would be very cool.

I have no favorite to win (as long as Michelle goes) so either way it falls is good with me. Nat-nat is shrewd-ie but I don't want her to be playing, in a mean hurtful way, James. He is keeping some reality about their "thing" but he's too nice and too real to get smashed on her advancing game play. I got the feeling that she is getting over him watching BBAD and I think he did too.

What will be, will be.

Unknown said...

I happened to turn on my laptop to watch the feeds around 7am this morning and I was like "what????????" FINALLY people have woken up to the D-bag that is Paulie. I so hope this plan works and that one of the new alliance wins HOH and they can get Paulie out. If Paulie, Corey or Nicole win they are toast. Can't wait to see this go down!!!!!!

Babybean said...

Why do they want to go tell everyone everything!!!!! This is a GAME ... Keep your mouth SHUT!!

Critter said...

I don't mean to be a pessimist but Paulie is a beast at comps. If he doesn't win HOH, he can win veto. He's good! Some of these other players need to step up their games and win some things! Otherwise they can just hand him the money:-(((

Unknown said...

Exactly, critter. They will be lucky to get him out as he is so good!!! Plus once they "poke the bear" and he realizes everyone is against him, it will be interesting to see how he moves forward within his alliances.

Gilbert said...

Heres hoping that big brother put some testicular fortitude in that care package james received from america...this is the perfect opportunity for him to show us what hes made of...and im sure natalie would show him her appreciation...come on james u got this!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, James spilled everything to Paulie overnight. Smh these ppl do not know how to keep their mouths shut this season and they're so afraid of Paulie.

Unknown said...

I agree about Paulie's prowess at comps, but his bro's felt comfortable and didn't go all out. I guarantee EVERYONE will be going hard at them now, lol! Won't be so easy for him to blow everyone out of the water.

Critter said...

Hope so:-)

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