Watch BB18!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday: The Overnighter

Good morning, BB addicts!! Happy Thursday!! :D I was gonna do an afternoon post yesterday but the HG's didn't even start to get up until 4pm my time (2pm BBT), and I had to go to jujitsu class by the time they  actually got up and moving for the day. So that's why there was no afternoon post.

A ton of ishh went down last night, so let me go make my coffee and I'll start posting the chaos below!! (There's a lot! So bear with me this morning. lol)

*Sidenote: I fixed the Donation link yesterday, so it no longer incorrectly says "BB17" (was a typo before the season began that I forgot to fix weeks ago).

2:45pm BBT:
Paulie tells Z about the "lie" that Natalie is spreading (about him wanting to bite Natalie's ass.)

4:01pm BBT:
Bridgette fills Victor in on last nights happenings.

Bridgette: "Me, Paul, Nat, James, Meech. You need to have a talk with Paul today, don't tell him I told you about all this, he will tell you."
Victor: "Is James gonna block Paulie's (vote)?"
Bridgette says no and continues to rehash what they worked out.

At 4:45pm BBT, Paul/Victor have that talk. Paul tells Vic that they've been getting screwed and that Paulie wants to take Corey to the end because he (Paulie) can win VS Corey in a F2 scenario. He goes on to tell Victor what Bridgette pretty much already did..that they're all aligned now (Bridge/Nat/James/Paul/Meech and now bringing in Victor).

5:15pm BBT:
Paul tells Michelle she should blow up Paulie's game. (*And she does just that later on. I'll cover that later.)

7:00pm BBT:
Natalie wakes Z up to the fact that Paulie's been playing her this whole season, using her for his game play, and feeding her bullsh*t like he's gonna take her out on dates..when he's offered Natalie the same thing. Natalie tells Z to start playing her own game now. Z cries and claims she's "over it".

(Because of Nat telling Z this, Paulie said that Nat is on his "hit list".)

8:00pm BBT:
Paulie tells Z that Natalie is a "typical Jersey girl type thing". Whatever, Paulie. He starts talking crap on Natalie (they have mutual friends outside the house that overlap, so he was sharing stories with Z that he knows about but the feeds would cut to fishies). Paulie even brought up Natalie's boob job (for the millionth time. Not sure why he's so fixated on the fact she had surgery.)

9:13pm BBT:
James tells Corey about the things that have been said about Paulie last night. By 9:40pm BBT, James is still spilling tons of info to Cory. (*Stop it, James!!) Corey tells James that Paulie likes them both (J/C) the most and wouldn't mess with their games. (At 10:45pm BBT, this is confirmed by Paulie that he wants a F3 of him/James/Corey.)

9:36pm BBT:
Douchecanoe Paulie made a comment about how he wonders if Natalie ever "made up" stories (like the 'biting my ass' comment that he told Nat and is claiming is a lie) at a job before, to build a sexual harassment case. Wow.

10:28pm BBT:
Natalie asks Z if she believes all the stuff she told her about (during their convo @ 7pm BBT) and Z said she does, but she's gonna act like everything is okay so that she doesn't get sent home tonight.

12:10am BBT:
James is freaking out a little bit and having 2nd thoughts about making such a big move this week (keeping Michelle against Paulie's wishes and then targeting him), saying that he's worried his (floating) game/throwing comps is gonna be outted. He's gonna actually have to start playing. Bridge/Meech tell him it's 6 vs 3, though. It's not that bad.

By 12:55am BBT, James claims he's still on board and will cancel out Paul's/Corey's vote, pin James' vote on Nicole as planned.

12:55am BBT:
(I retweeted the clip of this on Twitter this morning)
Paulie is being an a**hole as usual and tells Natalie that she's as fake "as the things on her chest".
Head over to twitter to watch it.

1:00am BBT:
Vic/Paul say that if they win HOH, they're putting up Nicole/Corey and backdooring Paulie.

1:30am BBT:
Paulie is retelling his comment about Natalie's "fake chest" to Corey/Victor and how he hopes he made her cry. (*This guy is such a f**cking tool.) Meanwhile, Natalie was laughing downstairs about it. Atta girl.

1:58am BBT:
House meeting in the HOH room. 

Paulie is being king douche, insinuating that Natalie is slutty (though never saying that word..he's dancing around it though, saying her flirty actions and bouncing between Vic/Corey/James, etc)..Natalie is asking Paulie why he's attacking her. This is a must-see on the Flashback Feeds.
Natalie calls Paulie out for not respecting Zakiyah and saying certain things about her. Natalie said she's a woman who respects other women, so she told Zakiyah to know how he's treating her/talking about her. (*I love you, Natalie. I really do.)

3:10am BBT:
James tells Natalie that everything they said (in the house meeting), he already knew. He's sticking with Natalie and Paulie will be dealt with. Paul walks in and asked how they feel about what just happened upstairs. Paul said his eyes are even more wide open now and mentions how Paulie said he "plays with no emotions".

Paul then warned Nat/James to not tell Z anything anymore because she just keeps running back to Paulie with it.

4:00am BBT:
James thinks Paulie's gonna go nuts when Z is voted out tonight because he was so headstrong about getting Michelle out this week. Paul warns James that Corey is with Paulie, so steer clear of him too.

James then says something that is music to my ears...that the house vote crap is over with. (*we'll see.)

4:14am BBT:
Michelle walks through the kitchen towards the bathroom and tells Paulie that she was gonna blow up his game on the live show but that he did it to himself instead.
Paulie: "If you think I blew up my game, you're outta your mind."
Michelle laughs.
Michelle: "No, it's toast." (*lol)

Paulie then talks to Bridgette.

Paulie/Victor/Bridgette are in the kitchen. Paulie starts up his "did I ever make you feel uncomfortable" crap again (as Natalie was saying that he's made her "feel uncomfortable" with the remarks he's made to her). Bridgette shuts him down immediately and tells him she's a feminist at heart and will defend women when they're being attacked.

Bridgette: "Paulie, you have a perspective, and you have a right have your perspective, and she's allowed to have hers. I just felt that she needed an extra voice because she couldn't get a word in."

4:18am BBT:
Michelle VS Paulie

Michelle walks by Paulie before heading to bed, slamming him..

Michelle: "I'm glad America doesn't have to see someone win $500,000 that's gonna pick up random girls at a bar and spend $800 on them in Vegas."
Paulie: "You're right, they just saw a super fan that sucks at playing the game."
Michelle: "I blew up your game, all that matters."
Paulie: "You blew nothing up. You did nothing."
Michelle: "You're not winning, so that's all that matters."
Paulie: "You can think that Michelle."
Michelle: "You're not going to. I'd bet money it."
Paulie: "Ok, how much? $500,000?"
Michelle: "Sure!"
Paulie: "You won't have it to know."
Michelle: "You won't, either."

Paulie walks towards the bedrooms and flips on the lights in the Tokyo Room where Corey/Nicole were laying rude. He feels the need to retell his minion, Corey, what just happened 3 seconds ago.
Paulie: "She is trash. Unbelievable. That is unreal to me."
Paulie thinks he hears Michelle crying, but she's really laughing.

They start shouting at each other from the bedrooms.

Paulie: "I'm sorry, are you crying??"
Michelle: "I'm literally laughing!"
Paulie: "You'll be laughing straight to the jury house. Following your homegirl, Da'vonne. Like her, then you."
Michelle: "Yea it's funny, you manipulated everyone for freakin'.."
Michelle: (inaudible at times)...this is your HOH..."
Paulie: "If you come back with the Roundtrip Ticket, I'll just send you back out the door."
Michelle: "I can't hear youuu..."
Paulie: "I know, because you don't like to hear the truth." 
Michelle: "You have a girl voice!" (*lol)

This is ongoing and I'm not gonna transcribe all this but it's TRULY a must-see on the live feeds, Cams 1 & 3 are the best.

Line of the night:
Michelle: "At least Im not like a Paul wannabe, cut my hair like Paul, use all of Paul's words, talk like Paul, but he can't grow a beard like Paul" (*Haha!)

*And that's FINALLY it for The Overnighter!! Geez! I covered nearly 13 hrs of feed happenings. I need a nap! haha Tonight is the live Double Eviction and I can't freaking WAIT! OMG, I'm so excited! It's gonna be ahhh-mazing! :D It starts at 9pm ET and I expect one heck of a show, so meet me back here tonight with your snackies ready to go. I'll see y'all then!! 


Unknown said...


UnionGrl said...

These are kids - of course they are going to blame someone else. I'm sorry that Z got tangled up in this but so it goes.

No one's run last forever - tonight should be interesting.

FEMily! said...

Paulie's an ass. I want to see Natalie get praised in front of Paulie at a club in NJ one day. -- if Paulie will even be allowed back here! Where's the best hospital to cure blue balls? Better reserve a bed for Paulie :) At this point, Nat will get more attention from women than Paulie.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone so scared of Paulie!?? He is like, what? 5 years old? He is the mean kid with the magnifying glass on the ant hill. And I am disappointed in the vets. Nicole is doing the SAME exact thing she did last season. This was her chance to get back in there, forget the boys, and play the game! and James is just a wimp. Again, listening to what Clay and Shelli wanted to do all the time. LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES PEOPLE! I just don't get it?

BB Bopper said...

I hope they are successful in blowing up Paulie's game. I wouldn't ordinarily say that about anyone who is actually "playing" the game. Especially this season where there are so few of them that are. But I have a problem with the way he treats and feels about women. It's not just the derogatory statements he makes but the apparent pleasure he takes in saying them and bragging about it afterwards. I personally find it offensive.

Also what's the deal with him peeing in the Jacuzzi?? The one everyone uses!! Pure, unadulterated arrogance imo. What time do you guys think?

Man I'm would love, love, love a revolt and an overthrow of power. If for nothing else but to watch Paulie pee himself instead of the Jacuzzi :-)

BB Bopper said...

** darn autocorrect, it was suppose to say

What do you guys think?

Jay said...

This has a chance to be a gloriously entertaining night as long as Paulie doesn't win the HOH in the Double Eviction...

Jay said...

You nailed it, Paulie is definitely a douchecanoe in the HOH room meeting. I don't know where this guy gets off, thinking he has the right to dictate how people feel? Natalie says that Paulie does or says things that make her feel uncomfortable. Paulie's response is "oh yeah, who tickles you on your upper thigh?" Guess what, Paulie? You don't get to decide what should or shouldn't make Natalie uncomfortable. You know who does get to decide? NATALIE! That whole scene is very hard to get through...

Razldazlrr said...

If Nat is a Jersey girl - she probably won't take any shit from Paulie - she is probably the one female he can't bully. She is growing on me too. (It's like a sign I have on my desk - "Bitch - please - I'm from Chicago" ha ha ha

UnionGrl said...

There are so many scenarios that may or may not happen it give me a headache. I'm simple - I like Nicole and Nat, don't like Michelle (at all), good with Bridgette an will miss Z big time. On the boy side I like Corey (though he is a little dull),am amused by Paul, wonder about James (though I think him an honest guy), dislike Victor, and am rapidly losing interest in Paulie (though he is a pleasure to look at).

My only hesitation on Nat-nat is that I fear she's been using James (even gently)and once he does her bidding she will cut him loose. But I'm all for Girl-Power so let it rock on!!!

D and C weekly said...

I'm ready for Paulie to be gone for obvious reasons but who else is sick of hearing "at the end of the day?" Maybe it just reminds me too much of Caleb from season 16. Ahh makes me cringe

Crzy4Max said...

So annoying how they are calling Paulie/Z a "flirtmance". They're trying to downplay the betrayal so America doesn't hate Paulie because it would be way worse if everyone knew what their relationship actually was.

Dianne said...

I don't even think Paulie is attractive and his personality is horrible.

EileenG said...

How in the world will CBS ever be able to show any clips of Paulie self-imploding since every word out of his mouth is f*€k? I wouldn't want to have to edit the show. Go Natalie! James needs to finally make a move with his power!

Atlanta said...

Paulie is so full of himself! In DR sessions he does that thing where he points his fingers and turns his head! So annoying! He luvs to hear himself talk. His confidence and mouth are getting him in trouble.

I cannot wait until tonight! I am worried James may wuss out but it's looking pretty good!

Razldazlrr said...

I loved "douchecanoe" too! ha ha - good one

well, well maybe we will finally have a show. Paulie is just awful and I hope he is gone - spoiled brat Jersey frat boy. (at least that's what he reminds me of)

James - let's hope he has some nerve tonite and doesn't wuss out. (ok, so as someone that is a recruiter I had to look it up - it appears that James recruited for much less than a year and quit a while back - the titles they give some of these people are funny)

FEMily! said...

I used to find Paulie attractive, but his ugly personality came out fast and furious. Now I can't stand his face.

If Paul tamed the beard, he'd be cute as hell ;) We'll see what I say if he gets on my bad side (again)!

Unknown said...

Just watched the fight. Wtf!! Paulie wouldn't even let Nat talk! And that clap... It was hilarious that Corey started to join in then stopped when no one else joined in. I'm glad his game is getting blown up. He certainly is a douchecanoe indeed!

Unknown said...

Word of the day "douchecanoe". That made me laugh. Watched some of the feeds on youtube. Can't wait to see the double eviction tonight. I have always been routing for Natalie and I am glad she outed Paulie. It's time for him to go!

Unknown said...

James seemed pretty upset about the comment Paulie made regarding Natalie being "as fake as the things on her chest". Therefor I think he'll go through with it. However it's hard to tell if he's 100% on board because earlier on before that occurred it seemed like he was starting to change his mind on flipping. It's difficult to tell since we can't see the DR's till the show.

It's funny that these people basically just started playing the game. Hello were have you all been? Oh wait I forgot half the people in the house thought they were on the Bachelor not BB this season lol. To be honest I'm not a Michelle fan bc of her personality, or a Z fan mainly because I don't really know why she was interesested to be in this show to begin with. I'm over Paulie and his BS so I'm left hoping and praying this flip happens and Michelle stays! I hope this DE is fun and exciting for us fans this year since this season and the cast have all been a little dull.

Unknown said...

Also what's up with Nicole being such a mean girl this season!! I was so excited when she came back to play but for me she's been the biggest disappointment of the returners thus far. I've been watching BB since I can remember so like season 7 and I swear she wasn't like that in her original season. So I'm left wondering which one is her real personality this one or the one she had on BB16?

I can't believe she thinks it's okay to bash and make fun of people now because when it was done to her she didn't feel to good about it. Once Paulie leaves they need to get her out next along with all of her negativity. I hope the fact that she isn't getting a care package lets her know America doesn't really like her much anymore.

LilyPearl0560 said...

Great job Jamie! You covered it. I think one of the best things about last night was the look of fear on Paulie's and Natalie's faces. It was clear to see how scared they are.I feel like I am being a mean girl but it truly makes me happy to see that fear. LOL

LilyPearl0560 said...

I dont mean Natalie, I mean Nicole. LOL

BBfanOh said...

On weds nights episode, when Z and Paulie were talking in the bathroom (and he was cling her in the he wasn't going to use the veto...) was he peeing in the shower? It sure looked like it - need to go back to flashback and see if I can find it. He is sooo gross!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! Omg, Jamie - I nearly choked on my lunch while reading your blog - especially DOUCHECANOE - literally LOL'd!! You go girl!

Jay said...

If you would've told me 3 or 4 weeks ago that Natalie would change the game I would've laughed at you. Regardless of what happens tonight, she's responsible for saving this season. There was absolutely nothing to watch and nobody was playing, now it's finally getting good. I can't believe I've reached the point where I think I'll vote Natalie for America's Favorite as a thank you...

Unknown said...

I had a theory about the round trip ticket envelope that Julie opens for the houseguests. I think she pulled out a card last week that had the "one way trip" or whatever printed on it. I wonder if each envelope has 2 cards in, color coded for either one way or round trip, and the producers will tell her which one to pull out. That way they can decide who goes back in, depending on if it will make for a more interesting game. Just an idea.

UnionGrl said...

I know everybody's on the 'get out Paulie' bandwagon but give a think to what happens if he wins HOH or even cooler - comes back in after eviction. That would be some trippy, action-filled stuff.

Yeah, Paulie went too far and it seems it's the ego that what always trips 'em up. Yup, tonight should be epic on several fronts.

Unknown said...

Can't stomach Nicole this season, I call her "slink" for sneaky and lurking. She slinks around always snooping ( which is part of the game) but she does it to her supposed "girls". And runs to Paulie and Corey. When Z was upset (no surprise) after Nat talked to her... Nicole was slinking all around her. I was hoping Z wouldn't tell her crap or Paulie... again, NO SURPRISE! I am glad Nat is playing, I am glad they are teaming up against Paulie! Woohoo go team Nat!!!!

Unknown said...

@Emma, I thought the same thing!

Razldazlrr said...

Emma - good point - if it's paulie tonite and he comes back in - hmmmmmm

Lee said...

It sucks there is a football game on CBS tonight. Probably got to wait for the west coast feed

pgh fan said...

How can Paulie think his game is not done? He abuses girls. His brother flirted but was nice. This one douchecannoe without a paddle lol. I have watched Natalie and rooting for her since beginning. Sweet nice and smart just hid it in cute cheerleader. She stated a non profit. That takes communication and strength not to give up. I think she likes James. Not sure where it goes but she is a good egg. Rest :p I would rather keep giving James and Natalie the gifts but finally game play!

Jezabelle said...

I am on the West Coast, anyone know how I can watch tonight's episode live when it airs on the East Coast? I have CBS All Access, but it knows I'm based in so cal. I really want to see tonight play out live!

FEMily! said...

I figured the round trip twist was rigged from the get go. But hopefully Paulie will get out and stay out. Paulie getting back in the house will just make the entire country angry. I would love for Paulie to be voted out and get that one-way ticket to the jury house. You know the crowd will cheer.

Jezabelle, is there a CBS affiliate in your area? It might be airing on a different channel at the regular time.

Unknown said...

I'm on the East coast. BB is showing on another channel for me at 9pm. I suggest scrubbing your TV guide thing and looking for BB on another channel.

Good luck, and go James! We want blood...

R.Cazares said...

Emma Boyle, your theory makes absolute sense! That would be why no one is allowed to look inside their own envelope! Must be opened by Julie... hmmm...!!

Lea said...

There's football on tonight instead of Big Brother!!!! I"m so upset! BB won't be on until 1:37 AM :(!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Yup. I'm being pre-empted tonight too. Hopefully it won't be too lang past 10 pm when I get home from work. At least I have all access!

Unknown said...

You go Natalie! I never disliked her, but I was rooting for others. Now that my favorite is out, I think I might have to get onboard with Natalie. What kills me is that James seems so weak. Natalie is the one with the cojones (hope I spelled it right) to do something about Paulie. Last night's feeds have given me a small glimmer of hope about this season.

Christina said...

What amazed me, as I was watching it live (no sleep for me last night!) is that it never occurred to Paulie that James would use the votes. Not one worried moment the whole night? Z said to him " I think I am going home" and he said "Absolutely not! NO ONE would go against me". I was just so amazed, lol. The other classic moment was at the end of the night, Paulie told Corey, "Bridgette said she is a feminist!" Corey replied "She admitted that?!?!"
This whole season is so strange to me. I have watched since season 1 and I have always had someone I am rooting for... but I don't think I like anyone at this point. I can't stand Paulie, but I can't stand Michelle or Bridgette either. It was kind of pathetic watching them egg on James last night. Bridgette was right in the middle of it. If James didn't get instantly heated, she would say "James! Thats your girl dude!" It was just all kinds of bad as far as I am concerned. Nat was ALL over James in bed last night, finally kissing him. Then Z ends up with Paulie in bed at the end of the night... lots of activity going on under the blankets. What is wrong with these girls?!? I just don't know.... sigh. At least there will be some action tonight!! I don't know if anyone will be able to beat Paulie though? But as someone else said, that with make for drama as well... everybody scrambling, lol!

Unknown said...

Omg does Paulie have to use the "f" all the time to make himself look good? Wow i think that boy needs some soap in his mouth. I used to like him but now i think he is a punk. He must think he is cool. I hope he goes soon!!

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