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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday: The Overnighter

Good morning, everybody! Yesterday the HG's had the Veto Ceremony where Veto Winner, Paulie, did NOT use the veto as we all expected, so no shockers there. (Much like this whole season. lol) Michelle's veto speech included lil jabs about Paulie running the house, so that's awesome for us fans, but that was a bad idea of her game. Afterwards, Paul/Michelle had a talk where she told him that she'd gun after Paulie if she stayed. Not good. Paul then went and told Paulie this. *face palm* Annnnd Michelle's fate is now sealed. Y'all know if you even MENTION Paulie's name, you're toast. Victor/Paul both hope Michelle has the roundtrip ticket and comes back in (they wanted Z out this week, while Paulie pushed and pushed for Michelle. And as we all know..what Paulie wants, Paulie gets)..though Paulie mentioned all night that he'd just send Michelle back out the door anyway.

Paulie:" force me to win HOH..force me to HOH, just so I can send you (Michelle) back out."
Z is giggling like a school girl at her boy crush during his high and mighty rant.

Speaking of the great and powerful Oz..
Paulie wants Victor out next week. (*Day tried to warn you, Vic!) He wants Paul to be loyal to him..not Victor.

If you're wondering where James' head is at as far as canceling out votes, seems that he's no longer gonna cancel out Paulie's vote. (*Can we seriously just write Paulie the check for BB18 and wait until next month for BB19??! lol)

At 8:20pm BBT last night, Corey/Nicole/James talked about not saving Michelle this week..she'll go on Thursday.
They also talked about getting Paul out in the Double Eviction.

Nicole then went and told Z how Paul wanted her out this week but "they saved her" this week. James later on went to Z and said she's safe this week and he'll cancel any votes against her. So now you can expect Z to put up Victor/Paul if she wins HOH, thanks to Nicole.

1:50am BBT:
Z asked Paulie if he knew she was going up on the block this week. He lies and said no. Z keeps asking, as Paulie keeps going on and on..and on..about Michelle. (*Sounds like Michelle really bruised his ego earlier and it's sticking in his craw.)

*And that's it for The Overnighter! Michelle will leave on Thursday, Paulie still has Z under his spell, as everyone is gunning for everyone and talking sh*t about each other. Double Eviction is this Thursday and I can't wait to get this game on a fast-forward. I'm hoping Michelle does have the roundtrip ticket, wins HOH, and sends Pauile's pompous ass out the door. Oh what a glorious night that'd be!! lol I'm so thirsty for some actual game moves and things to shake up, and that scenario tickles me pink! :P Today is Tuesday, which means HOH Victor will get the HOH camera to take pics and then do his HOH blog as well.


FEMily! said...

James is such a wimp. I can't believe he was in the Army. He's acting like Paulie is his drill sergeant. He got this golden opportunity to return to this game and he's letting punk ass Paulie run his life.

And Zakiyah needs a self-concept makeover. She's a beautiful, educated woman -- with no self-confidence. Paulie is a dog, and she knows it. And yet she continues to let him disrespect her. I hope she gets a burst of confidence when she's saved and wins HoH. And with that, I hope she back doors Paulie so he feels what she felt when he dragged her around like a rag doll. I know that's a long shot, but I can dream, right? What's more likely to happen is that she continues to be put up on the block until she gets to the jury house, where Momma Day will slap some sense into her. Obviously that's not good for Z's game, but it's good for her life, and that's more important.

I personally think that the round trip ticket twist is rigged, and whoever gets evicted first on Thursday (I.e., either Meech or Z) has it and will return. Paul handled the round trip information so badly, and he's not as dumb as he was that day he found the Paris room. It had to have been rigged. So if one of them returns, Paul will be the next target, especially if it's Meech that returns, because it will be all his fault. Because I would have made sure I found that room secretly, and I would have opened every one of those tickets to void them. Sure, I wouldn't have had the chance to return, but neither would anyone else.

TonyaB1027 said...

OMG....watching Natalie and James talk yesterday afternoon by the pool was terrible! I had no idea she was sooo insecure. She went from complaining about putting on a lot of weight (15lbs in her eyes) to saying she is smart and then complained when James didn't agree with her. He said, "I think you are smart but you shouldn't need me to tell you that." I really like her because she seems like such a sweet girl but good luck to him having to deal with all that insecurity.

UnionGrl said...

I've said all along that Nat-nat is a smart cookie. Every once in a while you get a glimpse of a no-nonsense girl who is only giggling and ditzy as her cover. I think she's getting tired of being James pawed but not ready to jump off - she still needs the protection.

I'm DELIGHTED that Michelle is going - could not be happier with that twist of fate. Never could warm to that person with her never-ending eating and complaints. Paulie summed her up best - she is motivated and driven by jealousy and the need for attention - any attention. How she treated Bridgette was sucky and down right hateful. Bye, bye, bye.

Unless Z get hit by a thunderbolt I fear she won't wake up to Paulie until it's too late. Nicole needs to pay attention to that one as well. Paulie will cut anyone who wrinkles his plans so he needs to get got or, like it's been said, just give him the check and let's all move on.

Anonymous said...

I just can't anymore....

r's mommy said...

I love James! I don't think he's a wimp at all, he's playing the game! Paulie is such an ass! I think the r/t is rigged also. If Paulie gets the r/t ticket and comes back, I am done for this season! Production needs to change their screening process for their candidates! The last few years the BB cast has been terrible! Get The Bachelor casting director! Get a less violent version of Chad in there to stir things up he's an ASS but, he would be more appropriate on BB than The Bachelorette and unstable people like Chad make for good drama on TV! Get it together Big Brother!

fostervicki33 said...

Paulie peed in the hot tub (on purpose!). Ugh gross. This guy needs to go. Don't think any of the HGs will target him during the DE. They will probably want to wait until the round trip ticket thing is over, don't want to risk him coming back into the house.

Unknown said...

@FEMily, I love your idea on the round-trip tickets, and Paul. I would never have thought to open every one. Genius!! I think it's crazy how Paulie has become so nasty and selfish over the weeks they have been in the house. He started off so nice!! Kinda reminds me of Jack Nicholson's decline in "The Shining"

GB said...

Ugh, I knew this would happen! No one can keep their mouth shut and keep anything to themselves. Michelle, you couldn't hold your tongue could you, you just had to run Paulie down and now your going to be evicted. So how'd that work out for you? Sure you could have the round-trip ticket, but that is a long shot. I really hope you do. Then Paul tells Paulie that Michelle will gun after him if she stays? Paul didn't you WANT Michelle to stay? Didn't you want "Z" to go? Well then by all means tell Paulie everything Michelle said.....STUPID! James really? You want Michelle to go? Why? Stick with the plan to cancel Paulie and Nicole's/Corey's votes. Ugh, where is Natalie to talk some sense into James? I'm just done with these fools!

Unknown said...

I would like to officially co-sign what FEMily! said, lol!

Andy Tatnall said...

So what's up with this show? Why have we had like four or five consecutive seasons (Derrick being the only exception) without any of the backstabbing, house flips, game-mastering, or puppeteering that used to make BB so exciting?

Why are we getting houseguests without any hunger to win the game? Without any sense of urgency about that half a million dollars? Is the prize too small? It doesn't go as far as it did when the show started.

Where are the dynamic personalities? The people not afraid to piss others off and shake things up, but who are also smart about strategy? The people whose DR sessions you can't wait to see? Everyone who has aspired to be a puppetmaster in recent seasons has either been too stone dumb to know when to keep secrets (Frank) or too emotional/annoying (Vanessa).

Come on, BB. What's ailing you?

kwood said...

You just can't fix stupid! Everyone in BB history knows that you have to get the strong players out while you have the numbers. You lead them on and blindside them with a backdoor! I honestly can't believe that there are two players in the game that have played before and aren't doing a darn thing! You would think that none of these people have ever seen a single episode! This crap with I want to take you to the end because of "friendship" is BS! This game is supposed to be ruthless, cutthroat and backstabbing! Paulie has this game locked! He has controlled almost every HOH (BB Vanessa, comes to mind). The only player left in the house that would possibly do anything is James. If he's going to do it, it's best to get Paulie out in the DE or game over!

Unknown said...

I agree ... I'm so sick of this "voting the way the house wants". Come on people ... vote the way YOU want. The "house" can't win the money and, don't YOU want it??

Unknown said...

Watching BBAD... Paulie, Paul, Vic playing around in shower. Got a glimpse of the shower floor...OMG!!!! Ewwwww, honestly there is no way. Seriously! So nasty.

Petra said...

I actually stopped watching this season about 3 weeks ago and started watching season 4 of BB Canada. Much more fun and I love the twists and missions way better than on BB US as well as the entertaining cast! Tha ks for the blog updates though... must be tough this year to watch this boring stuff :-(

Unknown said...

I'm seriously thinking of not watching the rest of this season. I did that last season when James was voted out. I was done after that. No one has balls anymore..

Unknown said...

I remember a couple of weeks ago when Michelle was sobbing and saying how she "just wanted to get to jury" with Frank. This is very telling. Most of these people don't care about the money. They want a fun, chill summer and if they get voted out, oh well, at least they have jury to continue the fun and that's even better cos there isn't cameras 24/7. I hate that these contestants aren't hungry for the prize anymore. There are more cut throat contestants on The Bachelor than this!!! When those girls say "I'm not here to make friends, I'm here for 'Chad'" for example. Those are the people who don't give a crap. Those are the people that make BB great. WHERE ARE THEY?????

Mikomama said...

Is it just me or is anyone else annoyed by Paulie clearing his throat at least 40 times in a conversation with anyone? I know I'm petty but ughhhh give this dude some Mucinex...please!!!

FEMily! said...

Thanks, Emma Boyle and Erika C!

I came up with that veto all the tickets plan within like 15 minutes of finding out about the Paris room while watching the show. If anyone who's reading this ever wants to be on this show, take this piece of advice: Keep the secret room a secret, and stay in there for a long time, like hours. In that time, come up with a plan for what to do with the information and come up with a good lie about what happened there. Mix the lie with some truths. After destroying all the envelopes and hiding all the evidence, if anyone found out about the room or that I was in there, I would have described the room in great detail (in case anyone else managed to get into the room) and said I had to eat filet mignon and profiteroles with a mime. I'd make a bouquet out of the fake flowers and show them to people as evidence that I was there and just say the mime gave it to me. I mean, who wouldn't believe that story? If Paul stayed in the room and kept it a secret, he would have come up with that, or something even better (but probably not because I'm smarter than he is). But of course the whole thing was rigged, so he came out of that room not even knowing how to answer the other HGs' questions.

Another reason I thought it was rigged is because everyone found out about the clues at the same time, which I thought was strange. I've seen the last several seasons of BB and they usually give these clues to one person or give the HoH a surprise power, if they choose to accept it. It probably said "Call Paris" on that plane for three days before BB told these dumbos to look for clues.

And as for the screening process, they must be screening out all the racists to avoid what happened a few seasons back, which is good. But when are they going to do that to weed out the misogynists? Because there are way too many asshole guys on this show who just want to belittle women. I mean, Paulie calls any time a woman talks about her feelings and experiences "an emotional breakdown."

JoyNSoul said...

Even though I'm not rooting for Michelle, I'd kind of like to see her get the round trip ticket just so it's out of the way, as well as its small potential for drama. However, if I could orchestrate exactly how everything goes this Thursday, I would actually have Paulie win HOH and evict Victor. Then see Victor get the round trip ticket and come back knowing Paul and Paulie were against him. Now that would have some serious drama potential and clearly drawn lines in the house!! Especially if it would be Paulie as HOH both times Victor gets evicted. Of course, I have no control over all that, but that would be beautiful!!! I just really want Victor to get a clue before it's too late!

JoyNSoul said...

Okay, so seeing Paulie go on DE and only have a one-way ticket would be even more beautiful!

Unknown said...

Oh yes, the throat clearing!!! Aaaaaarghhhh!!!!!

Cyn B said...

Everyone is so right...Paulie is nothing like his brother....he started off so good and now his true self has been revealed...Z needs some self confidence...if this is how she acts in all her relationships, no wonder she's single...Victor, you've been voted out once and got the chance to come back...for're not doing anything...I thought the idea was to target strong players, leaving the others behind so that you can beat them and win...I'm ready to just let this season go...don't even watch it now while airing...I f/f through the taped copy and read this blog...I'm so done with this show...

Anonymous said...

If James decides to use the ACP in order to get the votes for Michelle to stay, thus taking away Paulie's biggest puppet, he would deserve to win this game. If he doesn't he is being very foolish in not taking the best opportunity that may be available to him. Him & Nat could work with the singles and have the numbers to finally turn the table. Otherwise, Paulie will be picking them off one by one.
Everyone is afraid to cross Paulie, rightfully so up until now because he had too much control. Now is the time for them to reduce his odds.
He is so not like Derrick. He TELLS everyone what he WANTS and WILL be done. He doesn't subliminally suggest to people so that they think it is their own idea like Derrick did. He is a bulldozer who has too tight shorts on so that he keeps having to play around to adjust them.

Anonymous said...

OMG, with Paul in on the convo with Brig, Nat, James, & Mich, will Paul go back and repeat all to Paulie, like always, or is he genuinely ready for this blindside? Paul always has to run his mouth. And, keep Nicole/Corey out of the loop. With the DE coming up, they & Paulie will be at a loss as to what to do. Sure, on of the above five will be going but they still will have the numbers when Victor is added in after his own HOH. Yippee, some excitement coming up if someone doesn't get cold feet.
Either way, James is in big trouble for even being involved with going against Paulie.

Unknown said...

I absolutely HATE Paulie. He is in it only for himself, he is terrible to ALL of the women including and especially the one he is bedding! Did you see his face and body posture as he was outed as being in control of the house? He was obviously quite angry and not a good sport at all! His fists were clenched, so was his jaw, and he didn't look anyone in the eyes. I loved his brother, but Cody remained a much lower profile so now I wonder if Cody had some of the same qualities of his brother but just contained them better. If Paulie is rewarded for his "steam roller", bad sport tactics I just may never watch BB again!

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