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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Veto Comp Results

Good evening and Happy Saturday Night to everyone! The Veto Comp started at 2:23pm BBT and as I type this (at 6:13pm BBT), the live feeds are still off for the Veto Comp. Before the feeds switched off, flip-flopper Natalie and James decided that they want Paul out this week..again. So the plan to backdoor Corey is off. They haven't decided what to do if Paul wins veto, though, and if Victor is still up on the block. So that'll be interesting. Even if Paul does get evicted this week, he'll have a chance to battle it out to come back into the house, along with the other members of the jury.

As soon as the live feeds come back on, I'll post the veto comp results below!

Winner of the POV is:

This week just got interesting! I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! Have a good Saturday night!!


Dianne said...

Natalie is smart, but she's also very emotional about the guys trash talking her and Paul is astute enough to know that which is why he all of a sudden revealed that Corey said Natalie is blowing her way to the top. Paul knew this would make her lose her sh**'and cause her to want to go after Corey. However after thinking on it overnight she now wants Paul gone. Like Paulie, he went too far & took over her HOH, she is hashtag pissed. The POV will either make or break Paul's chances.

Dawn M. said...

I am happy that Paul won it. Not only is he entertaining, but he is smart and sneaky which makes for good BB. Corey is nice and cute but face it...a space cadet. I'm hoping Corey goes up and home and then Nicole. And it would be great if Bridget won the buy back over Paulie!!!

Gross said...

So happy Paul won veto!!

Praying the useless Nicole goes home. But Corey will be fine too.

Diego said...

Okay now they switched to vic being the target. Hopefully Day somehow beats him and comes back. She would have meech and nat on her side so that would be interesting.btws looking for a girl to win this season, not niccloe tho 😂😂

Angelface said...

Interesting comments from Nat & James keeping Nicole to the end and them two being the finalist. So I figure their moves are going to be depending on next weeks HOH, Paul, Meech, then Cory.
I still don't know if Meech can play for HOH next week. If not only 4 options for the next HOH.
Is it saying somewhere there is a battle back to the house for Jury?
Thought once they sequestered them in one place there would never be a return to the house. If they had been sequestered separately then yes.
And sorry, but Paul proved he was as bad as Paulie when he made up that remark to Natalie. He is a shovanist just like Paul, if any woman had wanted him in that house and vice verse he probably would have played absolutely identical to him. So sorry no respect for him ether. So he can be funny, pfft, I think he tries way to hard to be seen, he is all about the show off aspect. Most HGs get past that after a few weeks. Don't like him, never have, felt from day one that the vets came back he acted like the ruler of the universe get them out stomp! Nope can't like him.

Unknown said...

I have no idea how Nicole has been able to coast as long as she has!!! She can't win comps, her voice is like nails on a chalk board, people say she's sweet but all I've seen is her pretending to be sympathetic when people are upset, only to go behind their back and spill all their secrets to other people. I have no idea what any of the guys she has had showmance with even see in her. Mind you, Corey has lights on but no one at home most of the time. She just needs to get put up and go home.

Megan said...

It would be pretty hilarious to see Victor voted out and then win the buy back for a second time in one season. :)

Unknown said...

I like Paul but enough with the inflatable pelican. Anyone would think he had to walk around with that thing around his waist because he lost a comp. If I was there I would be stabbing the air out of it and hiding the tattered remains.

FEMily! said...

I would love to see Nicole or Corey leave that house and never come back. She's the biggest liar on the show. Never liked her.

I'm glad Paul is safe. I like that final five together.

Unknown said...

nat obviously has to put up corey or nicole now and they control votes so i think sadly victor will go. i'm with megan...i'd love to see him come back again if that happens. at the beginning of the season victor and paul were prob my two least favorites now i'd really love to see them both in finals

Razldazlrr said...

I'm with you on that inflatable whatever it is on Paul - enough already! And I agree that Nicole's voice is nails on chalkboard - I wonder if it's so horrible in person! And Corey is pretty but doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the box.

Getting out Vic is probably a good idea because he is a comp beast - Corey is an athlete but can't seem to win LOL.

Dianne said...

Now Paul/Vic want to evict James & go to the finals with Michelle & Natalie. I think there is a good chance Vic will go out and come right back, but Paulie will be rested and Vic is a have not. Having a juror return this late is BOGUS. #pissed

I don't think Paul made up the thing Corey said about Nat, people who watch the feeds say it is true. But I agree Paul = Paulie sans the showmance. I can't stand the idea of Paulie returning, he's a big oaf.

chicklet said...

James is the deciding vote. Either Corey or Nicole will go up as replacement nom. The one of them that is left will vote for Vic to leave. Paul will vote for whomever of Nicorey is left to leave. That leaves it up to James who he will vote to go. Not a good position for James or Nat for their decisions this week. Paul wants James gone now. If James votes out one of Nicorey, the other will also go for James.
Added to that, if Paulie comes back and Vic is gone, Nicorey will be strong again.
Whoever gets ACP will have to convince someone to do something they (or Production) wants them to do in order to win the $5,000 prize? Somehow I think CBS will have that person convince someone to vote, use veto, etc. in order to sway the outcome to suit CBS. Nat has said in the DR, CBS lead her to align with Nicorey so they can certainly convince the ACP winner to convince someone to do their bidding to Paulie's best advantage if he comes back.
Here's hoping either Day or Brig comes back. It isn't fair that they've all been able to converse and then have the advantage of coming back.

chicklet said...

Not only will it put an extra person back into the house, with the number of weeks left, won't it then be necessary to do another DE to get the numbers back down? Why was it necessary to let someone come back in again?

Jax said...

I like the idea of Vic leaving because he'll actually be some competition for this buyback, whatever it may be. Look at who's in the jury house with Paulie. With the exception of Bridgette and the game of chance HOH she won, those girls haven't won anything. They might as well send Paulie back in right now. At least if Vic gets the boot, he'll be some competition for Paulie.

rigs said...

I hear a lot of complaints about Nicole’s voice but let’s face reality, Natalie’s is 5 times worse, screeeech!!!! I wondered if Paul had lost a comp and that is why he is wearing that inflatable phallic symbol. He is pathetically annoying. James has no choice but to vote Victor out or else he is history. Then the two remaining couples have to go after Paul then Michelle.

Dianne said...

Production was planning all along for a 2nd juror to return, nobody got the RT ticket so on to Plan B, either way someone was coming back. Anybody but Paulie!!! Grrrrr!

Unknown said...

I agree, why is there a competition to get back into the game at this late stage? Things did go the way production wanted?? That is a huge advantage to whomever gets to come back in as they have had all the time to hear everything that is going on. I don't know why I'm still watching as they constantly change the rules to get their guy/gal to be put in a position to win. Why can't it go the way it goes?
Wish Paul hadn't won veto...but at least if Vic goes, the twosome has been split up.

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