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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Sat: The Overnighter

Good morning, y'all!! Thanks for letting me sleep in this morning and being patient as I had to do some adulting this morning, had to take my car into the shop. Okay, so let's dive right on into the Overnighter!! :D

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

HOH Natalie and Co-HOH (via America's Care Package) Michelle made the decision of putting up Paul/Victor on the block. Actually, it was Nat/James, and then Nat got Michelle on-board for the noms. The target was supposed to be Paul. (I say "was" because the target has switched. Read on for details.)

7:19pm BBT:
Paul & Michelle are going at it in a heated argument. Michelle's nom speech said something about how Paul says he's an atheist but "swears to god" a lot. Paul said he never said he was an atheist. He said he doesn't believe in a Heaven or Hell, but doesn't mean he doesn't believe in a God.  Paul is offended by Michelle's comments. Natalie then says she's upset at Paul/Paulie calling her "FT" (fake t*ts).

By 7:35pm BBT...
..Michelle is regretting the noms and said she wants to gun after Nicole/Corey.
Natalie/James agree.

7:45pm BBT:
Paul/Nat talk in the HOH room.
Paul said he was committed to the 5 of them. Nat said she trusted him until she heard (from Nicorey) that Paul was throwing James under the bus but even with that said, Paul is a threat in the game and that's why he's up. Nat said if the noms are a mistake, they can backdoor Corey. Paul said if he ends up going to jury this week, for Nat/James to stick with Victor and not to trust Nicorey.

Nat starts crying. She regrets being HOH and making Paul/Victor the noms. Paul implied to Nat that Nicole/Corey thinks Natalie is using James in the game. (*They've said that many times, so this is very true.)

By 8:20pm BBT, both Nat/Meech regret their noms and start thinking about backdooring Corey instead.

Paul is aware of this and tells Victor that the girls now wanna backdoor Corey. Michelle tells Nat she wanted Nicorey on the block but didn't wanna mess up Nat's HOH. Michelle calls Nicole a snake and said she wants her up & out this week.

By 8:52pm BBT, Big Meech is doing damage control for her own game by telling Paul that she felt her hands were tied with noms because of what Natalie wanted.

Victor then went to James to try to work on him to agree to backdoor Corey this week instead. Victor tells him that him/Paul are true to their Final 5. James said the veto odds are good that they can pull off a backdoor Corey plan.

By 11:30pm BBT, Michelle/Nat tell Victor that they're gonna try to get one of them off the block so that they can put the backdoor Corey plan in motion. Natalie admits to Victor/Paul that she messed up with the initial noms this week and is sorry and thinks America might be mad at her for the noms this week. (*Pretty much. lol)

And cue the Paul/Nicole fight!
12:12am BBT
Paul said it's because of them two (Nicorey) that he's on the block. They both deny it.

By 12:25am BBT, Victor is in on the arguement, calling Corey out about the Victor/Nicole 'go on a date' thing.

"All I'm saying is, you said I was a manipulator and a liar. Those are very strong accusations that you are not backing up right now. So the liar and manipulator is sitting right in front of me. Because you manipulated 3 people to put me up on the block for no reason. And I got sh*t on for no reason. Because when I asked what I lied about.."sympathy vote"..WOW! Something that happened week 2!"

Nicole: "They told me that, Paauuuuul!"

Paul: "I get it, you (two) were trying to save your own a**. But if you're gonna try to save your own a**, do it in an honest way. Don't play a low-blow game. Because I can go up there (to the HOH room) and make sh*t up about you, too. But I don't. Because that's not the game I play. So if you're gonna play this game, play it with integrity..."

This is ongoing and soooo worth the flashback!

12:41am BBT:
"Red Alert" (*Really, BB?! During this?! Come on! lol)

Most awkward pat down yet. haha!
Paul leaves after his pat downs.

Nicole: "Are you (Nat/James) guys trying to get (Paul) mad at me for some reason?"
James: "No."

At 1:30am BBT, Natalie is again saying that she made a mistake this week with her noms.
The F5 are there. (Victor/Paul/James/Natalie/Big Meech)

Victor: "Just gotta use the veto to get Corey up."
Paul: "Natalie, if you f*ck me again..! You f*cked me once, and it didn't feel good. Don't f*ck me again."

1:35am BBT, "Storm Watch" comes on the BB tv.
It's gonna be a memory Veto Comp they have to study all the storm details ("raining cats and well groomed dogs", "super storm Jozea", etc)

The Veto Players were already picked this morning..

Playing for Veto are:
Nicole is hosting.

**So that's it for The Overnighter! Looks like the plan is to backdoor Corey as long as Corey doesn't win veto. So we'll see how today plays out! I'll update the blog once the Veto Comp has been played.


Carlos said...

Dear Lord please don't let Corey win. I want him gone to jury with the other douchecanoe. Nat!!!!what we're u thinking. I don't think Paul ever made fun of ur boobs. Infact, it was bc douchecanoe1 did that, Paul turned on him. That's not friendship Nat. So disappointed.

Unknown said...

I think that Nat and James should be worried if they leave both Victor and Paul in the house. Vic and Paul have a good chance of winning the next HOH, and if Corey is gone then Vic or Paul will definitely win the next care package giving them double the power next week.

Dianne said...

Vic & Paul are the strongest duo in the house, based on that alone they were a good choice to be nominated. Paul has his finger in every pie and Vic is a comp beast. All Nicorey does is cuddle, they deserve to go based on that, but are they a threat? Not unless Paulie comes back. Game wise I would like to see Nicorey gone as only people who have actually competed should remain as we get down to finals, IMO.

Unknown said...

I thought she made a good choice. That's a huge move but it's gonna be hard to get Paul and victor out so she should do it while she has the chance. She's letting Paul run it

Angelface said...

Paul was Paulies side kick on many things, he is the biggest target in that house. To keep taking little stupid convos from way back to bad mouth or back stab is a douchbag move.
Hopefully Natalie is as smart as some of you claim she is and does everything in her power to keep moms the same, if Vic or Paul win the veto Natali knows they are a beast duo and have to be split up.
Do you think she has forgotten the guys evictions of the girls and how they planed to keep doing it.
If Natalie wanted Nic or Cory up there she would have done it. Let's not be stupid here there are only 7 people in the house, you cannot trust any set duo. But Vic and Paul are the strongest and have to be split.
I do have a question? Why are they trying to toss Nicol under the bus so hard? She does not smack talk people, the only time I've seen her say anything of it was how she didn't like Nats flirting with Cory. Is it that they have nothing bad on Cory?
I still find Natali and Nicole whinny squeaky and highly annoying in there voices, and sorry but their time with their showmances is just blah to watch, I know some find Nat and James playing around fun, but sorry as an adult nah.
Right now I simply do not respect the lack of actual game of the Girls, so I'd like to see Cory/Victor/James as final 3. Not sure who I'd like to see win yet. For some reason I am not respecting James enough at this point, Cory I'd like to see more out of him, Victor let Paul run him, so I'm not sure how I feel about his game right now. Victor likes to think he was the big reason Paulie was taken out, but he wasn't, Paul was 100% behind the feeding of information about Paulie to Bridget. Meech figured nothing out on her own, nothing! I'm also thinking Nat got a lot of info from Bridge, then Meech, but not James he has still kept everything he knows to himself.
However I wonder what Cory knows, and when or if is he going to go to say anything.
I will say I did not like the threat stance Victor showed on the Friday show with James. That was in my view a threat and James knew it was one, which leaves me to believe he is hiding how tuff he really is, as in I have a brother who I'd run from if he did that warning to me. Not even kidding thug type mean switch.
Actually could end up with 2 girls in the Final.
Notice that Natali said to James someone has to go, I don't care what Paul and Vic said Last night nobody is going to take them off the block.
Since Meech has HOH perks does that mean she is not allowed to play in the next HOH? I would think Not, as she does have all the HOH Perks.
I'm voting for Cory to win the next ACP. I do want to see what he is willing to do. I only know he stayed loyal to what he thought was his alliance, and I believe he is more like James
Anyway Thanks to Pauls moving to soon it could very well be a Female winner..
Way more interesting to watch, which is a nice change, I do hate when 3 or 4 ran the whole game, right now nobody trust anyone, this may be a great finale 6 to watch. Victor or Paul, hoping the norms remain the same.

rigs said...

If Natalie was half as smart as many of you think she is, she would do all she can to make sure Paul gets booted out of the house. She is a poor game player except for the way she is playing James. James should be smart enough to make sure Paul goes this week. I know Nicole's voice is a bit annoying but it is sooo much easier on the ears than is Natalie's voice. That screeching voice would drive me up the wall. Michelle should have gone a long time ago.

Dianne said...
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Unknown said...

Nat, please leave the Noms the same. Paul is such a strong social & physical player, he is on track to win it all. Vic, is a competition beast and he as voted out once already so shouldn't have the opportunity to win it. Nat & James (Meech), you can take out Nicole later as she sucks at challenges. And I think Corey will be loyal if he stays in. Get rid of Paul & Vic now while you have the chance or they will win it all!

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