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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Summer Sunday to y'all!! :D Yesterday was the veto comp where Paul won it, and it's a good thing he did! He was slated to go to jury this week, so he just saved his game this week. Unfortunately, the target has switched (yes, again). It was Paul, then Corey via a backdoor plan, now it's Victor.

Let's dive into the Overnighter and see what happened last night, shall we!?

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

7:04pm BBT:
Feeds come back from Veto. As we already know, Paul won!

7:11pm BBT:
Victor said this week is an easy week now because Paul will take himself off the block and they can move
forward with the backdoor Corey plan (that he thinks is still in motion, but it's not. Victor is now the target.)

7:16pm BBT:
Victor/Paul have a quick chat about next week.

Paul: "You and I just gotta play the 'nice card' and stick together, because if they get rid of you, I'm f*cked. I'm f*cked...and when we win HOH next week, we take that shot (at James). I don't care about beating Nicole..about beating Michelle..or Nat."

7:25pm BBT:
Michelle said she wants Nicole out this week. She told this to Nat/James/Paul. Natalie (lies) and says ok and that she supports whatever she wants to do.

7:46pm BBT:
Natalie tells James that she doesn't want Nicole out, like Michelle wants. With James being the deciding vote this week, the power is in his hands and him/Nat both want Victor gone on Thursday.

By 9:05pm BBT, Nat/James promise Nicole/Corey that they are 100% safe this week. 

9:25pm BBT:
Corey's fingers took their nightly trip to Poundtown, USA on Nicole.
Still no on-cam kissing, though. She doesn't want America to see that. Whatever.

10:00pm BBT:
Paul/Michelle/Victor are talking. While Michelle wants Nicole up & out this week, Paul wants Corey gone and reminds her that with Nicole staying, that guarantees that either Vic/Paul will get the next care package.

1:30am BBT:
Victor cam talks for over an hour as he works out and then chills in the hot tub. Victor said he's nervous that another player is returning (and he's right, but little does he know that it could be him). He states that he wants a F3 with himself/Paul/Meech. He talked about how him/Paul got closer after he got back into the game and now are the "Sitting Ducks" duo.

He goes on to say that he hopes James is true to his word to keep him safe this week. He said he'll talk to James more this week and remind him how Corey was going after James. Victor then said that him/Paul have to gun after James/Nat next week. He mentions how Nicole/Corey are "always together and kills the vibe" in the house. (*On the feeds, too. lol)

Game aside, he said he can't wait to meet his fans if he has any and see how they liked him playing the game this season.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! So the plan right now is to evict Victor this week, while Victor thinks that the plan to backdoor Corey is still on. The HG's don't know about the returning player twist and that will throw a wrench in their plans no matter how ya slice it. We have a brand new BB18 episode tonight at 8pm ET as usual, so make sure to tune into that! As always, you can watch the houseguests live on the cams 24/7 with the live feeds. Have a great Summer Sunday, y'all!! :D


2thDoc said...

As much as I want Nicole and Corey out, this REALLY is the best move for Natalie and James. I love Vic and Paul better than Nicorey but you have to admit, Vic and Paul are powerhouses. Let's just say they took out Corey this week, then you still have two beasts in the house. Nicole wins nothing. So leaving her in the house is smartest. Corey rarely wins and he's so far up Nicole's ass at least you know where he stands. Sooooo the best move (even tho us hamsters don't agree and dislike Nicorey) is to def take out Victor this week. You can't hate Natalie for this. It's a game move nothing more. AND she's not slandering his name at all. She like Vic and is genuinely upset to do this, but ITS A GAME!! If you want to win, you have to take out the competition. Look, Vic and Paul already secretly plan to take out Natalie and James next week, so N/J just beat them to the punch. Anyway this buyback is annoying tho. Enough chances on returning. If you're evicted just stay away. Lol

Obsidiandog. said...

I'm getting a little tired of all the gimmicks BB is throwing in this season. That someone who has been evicted from the house TWICE could actually win the game is ridiculous, as is the possibility that someone who has been cooling their heels in the Jury house for weeks could come in and win it. Why not just bring back Glenn? Jozea? Why not parachute Derrick, Donny and Andy the Rat back in for all the marbles? That would be fun, right, and fair?

Jamie said...

Lmao @ parachute in former hg's

Unknown said...

craig don't think it would be a little exciting to see someone evicted twice come back to win it all? i would rather see that than nicole or corey win. i think they need to do all this to spice it up and keep it different and interesting after being on for so many years. plus it helps the game from becoming so one-sided...i hate when that happens

Jen said...

Plus if they evict Victor, he can beat Bawlie in a physical comp and prevent that train wreck from re-entering the house.

Unknown said...

sorry have been on holidays for 3+ weeks, who is all in jury and is it the first 5 in jury compete to come back in ? Much thanks

Obsidiandog. said...

What's the point of being HOH? Winning comps? Evicting anybody? If Production is just going to nullify all your hard work, why bother? In this scenario, Nicole is playing the best game and deserves to win because she hasn't done a single thing, not one, all summer.

Jamie said...

Jury Members:
Da'vonne, Zakiyah, Paulie, Bridgette and this week will be Victor (as of now).

BBFan9891 said...

looks like meech is going to sail right to the final 2

Obsidiandog. said...

@teresa: I actually think it would be more exciting if someone who has been evicted three or four times came back and won the game. Even better, bring in someone new who hasn't been in the game at all, like America's BB Super Fan, give them $50k in bribes to spread around the house, and then have that fan win the $500k. That would be spicy.

Razldazlrr said...

I agree with others - what's the use of playing hard and making big moves to get people out if they can just come back in? One time was fine but that's enough!

Nicole has so gotten on my nerves this time around - please don't let her win -

Angelface said...

Where is this info on anyone returning??????

Angelface said...

So, I'm asking where is it saying there is a returning Jury member? Or a buy back?
When have they ever brought back a HG that has not been separately sequestered?
Where? Is this information, I've looked and I can't find it anywhere.
And bringing anyone back at this point is so wrong.

Jamie said...

Julie announced it on Thurs, Angel.

dallaswear said...

Poundtown, USA!!!!! Lol!!! I am going over right now to donate to the blog just for that comment alone!!! Jamie is killing it this season guys... Let's Tip, Tip, Tip$

Unknown said...

I really thought it would be hilarious if Victor got evicted 2 weeks ago, had the round-trip ticket and come back, then get evicted last week, be able to compete in this 5 person whatever coming up and win his way back in for a third time lol. That would have been crazy.

Missy said...

I get that this is a good game move for james to a point but he doesn't know about the jury buy back. If paulie comes back jame has no protection and I will laugh at his expression. I am so tired of james big man talk and constant statement, it's a game move. I don't believe he has thrown all these comps, I think he really sucks at most of them. And backstabbing vic is one thing, he was talking shit on paul and vic with nicorey this morning as well as nat. Very petty and typical of these two.

Unknown said...

Ewwwww she won't kiss on camera but she had to let Corey's stinky fingers do the walking. I can't stand Nicole. Useless and pointless and relying on showmances to keep her in the house.

Carlos said...

How does n/j align with the very ppl ie nicorey, that wanted James out? Didn't Corey join in on the nat bashing sessions with douchecanoe? I thought she was smarter than that. So mad at j, disgusted with nic, bored with all. Love Paul now.

Unknown said...

i know how we all feel about paulie...myself included so is it bad if vic gets evicted and doesnt come back that i'd kinda like to see paulie come back and work with paul and meech to take out the rest?

FEMily! said...

If Victor gets evicted, he has the best chance of returning to the game. I'd prefer Victor stay and Bridgette return, but that's a dream. So I won't be devastated if he gets evicted on Thursday. I'll be pretty sad if he's gone for good though.

Overall, I don't think it's a great idea to go after Victor and Paul right now. We all know that Nicole and Corey are full of it and don't care to work with anyone but each other. They've laid low this whole game, just coasting by, planting seeds and scheming. Even though Paul and Victor are ultimately loyal to each other, they are very committed to bringing Natalie to the final three. James is playing both sides of the house, and Nicole/Corey will gladly back door Natalie the first chance they get, and it will be too late for James to rescue her.

ME J, I read on another BB blog that Production encouraged Natalie and James to work with Nicole and Corey. That's why Victor and Paul went up on the block to begin with.

Angelface said...

Thank you Jamie, I tend to skip Julie's end talking. LOL. I still can't believe they would bring one back without split sequester.
As for production interference, they always do the reverse possibility. At least that is what a lot of HGs have said over the years. I doubt they point blank said choose anyone.
But it is a show and it is controlled, you are not allowed to talk about your Diery sessions with other house quests. Is it possible she was using it as an excuse?

Unknown said...

Jamie thank you but this had been the most boring year for live feeders.....I am not sure I even want to watch any more....why is CBS doing this to us....

Unknown said...

Jamie thank you but this had been the most boring year for live feeders.....I am not sure I even want to watch any more....why is CBS doing this to us....

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