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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Veto Comp Results

It's here! It's here!! It's time for the Veto Comp!!! :D At 1:17pm BBT, the live feeds switched to Jeffish for the veto comp to begin. As soon as the feeds turn back on, I'll post the spoiler below!

Winner of the Veto Comp is:

Bye bye, Paulie!

Natalie: "He's gone." (re: Paulie)

Zingbot was there.
Paulie knows he's getting evicted this Thursday. He said he won't campaign against Corey.
Victor passed up $5k to get veto, it sounds like.
James won the $5k instead.
Paul got some kind of punishment.
Nicole got a vacation.

It came down to James and Victor for the Veto. Victor told James to go ahead and take the $5k, he'll take veto.


Unknown said...

Jamie, wasn't Paulie one of your favorites at the beginning of the season? What happened lol? He had me fooled too...please do not let him win veto!!!

FeistyCat76 said...

He was one of mine too! But, man, did that change. What an a-hole. I'm sort of relieved that he does have some feelings for Z. But, I hope she dumps his but cuz he treats her like garbage. Unfortunately, if he is voted out this week, then Z and P will have time together in the jury house. Ugh!

Unknown said...

I'm more anxious about this veto than Frank's! If Paulie be insufferable.

Missy said...

I have to wonder if paulie believes his lies. I get that you lie and backstab in the house but when you believe the bs you are dosing out is an entirely different thing.

Jamie said...

I study psychology as a hobby and he sounds like a narcissists to me. False sense of ego, think you're superior, uses and discards women like trash, needs adoration and praise, threatened when others think they're worthless..can cry as part of their act to manipulate. They're soulless monsters, really.

One of the things I noticed was how much he changed and almost overnight. That's a trait of a narcissist..they can only have their fake "I'm perfect and a nice person" mask on for so long before their abusive side comes out.

just my take on it. i could be dead wrong, i'm not a psychiatrist by any means. lol just fascinating to watch his downfall.

DeniseG said...

What will happen if Paulie has the round trip ticket? Isn't this the last chance for it to work?

Jamie said...

yea i was just talking about this over on twitter..the rest (minus corey/paulie) should open their own tickets and see who might have it. last week for it anyway.

Unknown said...

Victor is coming across as a pretty stand up guy, sticking to his word. Plus he's a beast at comps. I see him making it to the final 2.

FEMily! said...

Do the house guests know that this is the last opportunity to use the round trip ticket? Maybe that's why we're having a special Friday episode. There's speculation that Nicole has the round trip ticket. She can't use it, because she has Super Safety. Paulie will be evicted on Thursday, have a one-way ticket, and become the 4th jury member. Then there will be a Jury Buyback competition on Friday, and Paulie will have another chance to return to the house.

Unknown said...

Is it for sure a jury buy back friday? That sucks.

FEMily! said...

I don't if that's for sure. We weren't told why there's a special episode on Friday.

Dianne said...

Oh crap, if Pauie comes back via RT or jury buy back, I'm gonna be so mad. Re the narcissistic personality disorder, he does seem to fit the pattern. He and Z have all the components of a toxic relationship. She is very needy and he is hot/cold and clearly loves himself & his buddies more than he could ever love a woman. Enough of that, how about that Victor! He was really miffed about Nat's goodbye message, but he obviously took heed and came back a changed man. This morning when Meech, James, Nat and Paul were arguing with Paulie in the kitchen, Victor was silently cleaning the kitchen, would have made a great Swifter commercial, lol.

Sophia said...

Like everyone else, I don't like Paulie. But I *do* love the drama in the house, and I feel like as soon as he is gone, so too is the entertainment. Honestly, I kind of want him to come back into the house just for another week or so to keep things interesting. Though I definitely do not want him hanging around longer than that.

Unknown said...

Oh I'm crossing everything I can that Paulie goes AND STAYS GONE. I live in an apartment so I'm sure all my neighbors think there's a crazy person living here when I saw that Victor won veto and I banged on my bed and kept saying yes xD

Oh thank the Lord!!

Annabelle14 said...

I'd put money down that Paulie has the RT ticket. If he leaves, what drama is left? They have to keep their viewers

JoyNSoul said...

@Jamie, I know a guy who is textbook narcissistic. He definitely sees women as merely objects to be had. He knows how to manipulate people and especially women very well. He has no ability to empathize, needs lots of attention and praise, and when there's conflict, the other person is always at fault. And he can never seem to accept criticism of any kind because he just can't see these faults. I have been thinking for a while now that Paulie reminds me a lot of this guy. I was pretty sure he had to be narcissistic as well, so it is interesting to hear you say that. And FYI, though I'm not a phychiatrist either, I was working on a masters in counseling for a while (before I changed courses), and took a DSM IV class, so I do have at least mild knowledge on the subject, so I wholeheartedly agree with you!

Jamie said...

that is really fascinating, joy! thanks for commenting and letting me i/we might be right here. they really are monsters. my ex was a narc. prince charming for a month, then boom..the mask came off and i kicked him to the curb that very instant.

Unknown said...

I really don't think production has anything to do with the RT. It is pure luck. Think about past seasons... especially most recent-- they have been boring as hell. If production was constantly controlling and tweaking things like a lot of the viewers say, they wouldn't have allowed Gina Marie and Rat Andy to be the final 2 a couple seasons back (lol).

Also, Jamie--- You are dead on. Scary and fascinating.

Kmm7743 said...

What I find fascinating... no, sad, and totally fake is that Paulie is talking about self-evictingif he goes to the jury house. He says that he can't stay in closed spaces where it feels like he can't move around for too long. is the big brother house??!! Who is he trying to fool here??!! He is a sore loser. He went right back to talking s#$% about Natalie and James (hell everyone really). Had he won veto he would be high on himself, but now knowing he is most likely getting voted out, he's on the 'poor paulie' train. I think even Corey and Nicole are getting sick of hearing him whine, and I sure as hell don't want to see it tonight on bbad..last night was more than enough. Ugh.........��

Gross said...

Paulie has classic symptoms of NPD. I worked for someone once who had it. They were mentally abusive.

It's gonna be a rough week with him.

Steve Robbins Art said...

I think you hit the nail on the head with your armchair diagnosis. I'm no psychoanalyst either, but from what I've gathered over the years, he easily could fit that mold. He's basically Trump.

Sammie said...

Oh BBAD tonight Nicorey were talking about Paulie and Nic said that Cody wasn't like that at all and was way more chill and easygoing. And that she originally wanted to work with him because his brother was really loyal, but he's clearly not the same. Since someone earlier was saying they thought they liked Cody, but now they're not so sure, I don't think Cody was ever really like Paulie on his season, and Nic seems to think so too.

Unknown said...

idk i think america wants to see paulie go...i sure do. if production was "fixing" things it wouldn't be keeping him. depending on who new hoh is, i think nicole and corey are next and i'm sure we'd get drama from nicole..she'll be a mess if she has to go on the block.

Jamie said...

thanks @Steve!

LilyPearl0560 said...

I agree with what everyone else is saying. I pray that Paulie doesn't have the round trip ticket. I can feel my blood pressure going up just thinking about it. :) I think Paulie is being a crybaby about entering the jury house because he is scared to spend time alone with Z.

FEMily! said...

They know the RT expires on Thursday.

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