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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Sat: The Overnighter

Happy Saturday, BB addicts! :D I've been sitting here staring at the overnight happenings, scratching my head..wondering how on earth I'm gonna be able to put the Overnighter together without it taking me several hours. lol So much happened last night after Paulie/Corey were nominated by HOH Victor yesterday. I think I'll do a combo of cliffnotes and some quickly detailed convos with pics. Mix it up a bit, but still allow me to be done before supper time. lol :P It was one of those "you have to have had the feeds to catch everything" kind of nights.

Okay, here we go!

EDIT: I just turned the feeds on (9:41am BBT) and they're STILL going at it! OMG. Paul/Paulie are semi-yelling at each other. Ahh geez. *head desk*

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

6:50pm BBT:
Paulie is grilling Paul and asked if he knew he was going up. Paul said he already told him no and that him still asking him, is him saying he doesn't trust him. (*lol)

7:00pm BBT:
Paulie claims he threw HOH to see something like this would happen. (*Okay, Paulie.)


Okay, back to the Overnighter.

7:09pm BBT:
Going through the 5 stages of grief, Paulie is now crying to Corey and saying if he wins veto, he'll pull Corey off.
Corey: "You better not do that. Don't do that, Paulie."

8:05pm BBT:
Victor tells Corey he's on the block next to Paulie because he's his closest ally in the house.

8:15pm BBT:
Victor busts Paulie, telling him he knows about the Final 3 Paulie had. (*This morning, Michelle/James/Paul called him out on all his side alliances and deals, too.) He tells Paulie that Michelle would be the renom if need be this week. (*This is correct, as Michelle has volunteered to go up if need be.)

9:02pm BBT:
Natalie asks Paulie if he's okay and they go into the lounge room to talk. Paulie was his typical arrogance, condescending, blame-everyone-else douchebaggy self. Natalie made me giggle when she told him that she's not the smartest tool in the shed..she's been downplaying her intelligence all season long up until about a week ago. She's very smart. Seemed to me that she was placating him. lol During this convo, Paulie reveals that they had a nickname for her..."F.T." (for Fake Tits) and said at times it would be said when she was nearby.

9:40pm BBT:
Smart-cookie Natalie was talking with James and then talked to us live feedsters for a second..
Natalie: "America, the conversation I just had with Paulie was all B.S. He lied to my face, well you already know, America...I was being very nice, because that's what I'm gonna do. Play my cards right. He's full of poop." (*How can you not love this girl!?)

9:42pm BBT:
Paulie tells Nicole that he's not gonna campaign against Corey and that if one of them comes off the block, they gotta work on getting Michelle out (since he knows she'd be the renom).

9:48pm BBT:
Paul is trying to deflect any negative attention from the noms off of him. He talks to Nicole and said he had nothing to do with the noms.

9:50pm BBT:
Paulie worked on James, saying that if him/Corey stay, they'd be down for sticking with the 5 guy alliance (and get Michelle out). He said he's always been loyal to James/Corey.

Fast-forward to...

12:03am BBT:
Michelle/Corey have a talk in the lounge room. She tells him he's not the target this week, Paulie is. She wants him gone.
Michelle: "I'm gonna try to get under his skin before the veto.." (*and she did this morning already.)

1:10am BBT:
Michelle/Douchecanoe have a talk in the bathroom.
Michelle asked if the alliance deal they made was fake, Paulie admits it was. He said all the alliances/deals he made kinda just fell in his lap. Michelle tells him that's what sunk his game...too many deals, playing too hard, hoping nobody would ever compare notes on his deals. She tells him he's playing Derrick's game. (*This morning during the house VS Paulie fight, Michelle told him that he'll never be Cody or Derrick and that he's obviously playing Derrick's game. lol)

Fast-forward to...

2:10am BBT:
Paulie/Michelle are still talking. Paulie is talking about his ex. He claims he wanted to BB, she didn't want him to because of "all the attention" that he'd get, he said he "gave her" the summer off from the relationship and didn't plan to meet Zakiyah, wants to see what happens after the show with him/Z. Thinks maybe his ex met someone else by now.

2:40am BBT:
Paulie asked Paul if he can sleep with him in his bed. (*I retweeted the clip this morning over on Twitter.) Paulie said he just sleeps better being next to someone. It's rather odd to watch, even Paul chuckles a couple of times at Paulie asking. 

9:06am BBT:
Veto players were picked.
Victor/Paulie/Corey/Paul/James/Nicole are playing.

9:34am BBT:
Paul/Michelle/Victor/Natalie/James VS Paulie in the kitchen for awhile until around 10:20am BBT. I cannot even begin to cover it. lol It's basically Paulie getting called out on all his bullcrap, as Paulie lies/manipulates/downplays all his actions during the game this season.

Line of the morning:
Paul to Paulie: "I will commend you that you had 5 ride or dies. But it caught up to you."

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! It truly was one of those nights that if you had the live feeds, then you definitley got your $6 bucks worth of entertainment for the month because it was non-stop action. Today is the Veto Comp and if Paulie doesn't win it, he's as good as gone. If he does win it, Michelle will be the renom and Corey will go off to jury. I fully expect more random chaos from Paulie either way. Good stuff!! :D I'll be back with the Veto Comp post once the feeds switch off. Or if there's another fight. Whichever comes first. lol :P


2thDoc said...

Karma is a bitch Paulie. What I don't get is no one cared (Paulie, Nicole, Corey) when Michelle on the block even tho she was crying. It was all ok for them. NOW they're on the block and all hell breaks loose?!?? Like James said "it's a game!" It's not like it's your life that's on the line. Funny thing already Paulie is scheming saying to Nic/Cor to get Michelle back up on block and flip the house. That's ok though ?? Smh. Sore loser to the fullest!!!!!

Cyn B said...

Pauline now knows how Z felt, not only being nominated because of your man, but your so called romance having the power to pull you down but refuses I pray he gets sent packing and not have the return ticket...his brother must be cringing about how he played the game....Natalie please step up and win HOH and put Nicole up for eviction...that will make my season...

FEMily! said...

James' face when Paulie asks to share the bed with Paul! I can't figure out if he was uncomfortable or wanted a show!

r's mommy said...

Is Paulie bisexual or gay? Just wondering because he definitely seems like he likes Paul in THAT way. It kind of seems like Z was just a cover, which could possibly explain why Paulie was so comfortable being so disrespectful to her. Just curious?

FEMily! said...

So you think Paulie traded one beard for another?

I"m sorry. I had to!

Unknown said...

I find it interesting that Paulie mentioned he doesn't know why Derrick and Codys names keep being brought up when it pertains to him when as he says they aren't playing BB 18 but when Tiffany had to go it was because of Vanessa who also wasn't playing BB 18

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