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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sunday: The Overnighter

Happy Sleep-In Sunday, y'all!! I'm actually up pretty early for a Sunday (which is shocking), so the Overnighter is gonna be earlier than normal on a Sunday. Yayy!! Yesterday was the Veto Comp where Victor won it. It was a prize/punishment comp. Here's the list of what the veto players received:

*Paulie has to bake pies for the rest of the season
*Paul has the secret service'ish punishment.
*Corey got the unitard.

*Victor got the Veto
*Nicole won a vacation (can be cashed in for $5k though)
*James won the $5k (thanks to Vic)

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

4:45pm BBT:

Paulie wants Natalie to sit next to him on the block this week. He told Victor he won't campaign against Corey & for him to put someone else up for he can "fight for his life" in the game. It's his only shot at staying this week and he knows it. But Victor passed up the $5k prize in yesterday's veto comp just so that he could make sure the noms stay the same, so Paulie's up sh*t creek without a paddle.

At 5:45pm BBT last night, Michelle asked us feedsters to send either her/Victor/Paul the care package next week. (*My vote is for America's Care Pacakge is for Victor to be co-HOH, since he made such a huge move this week and can't be HOH next week.)

7:00pm BBT:
Paulie threatens to self-evict from the Jury House after he knows for sure he can't return to the BB house.

Nicole: "Paulieeee. Cody would not want you to do that."

He blames it on being claustrophobic, but if he can handle the BB house for nearly 2 months, I'm sure he can handle a mansion with a pool. lol

7:44pm BBT:

Paulie said his previous therapist didn't clear him to do BB and that he lied to BB production about being in therapy before. His therapist said that Paulie would be "playing with fire" by going into the BB house.

9:40pm BBT:
Corey's punishment: an American unitard with a bald eagle and a Zingbot sign. He has to hold them both, or at least one during his shower.

10:53pm BBT:
Paul's punishment.
He has to go to checkpoints and say they're clear. (*lol he's perfect for this punishment!!)

Victor: "You have to stay serious??!"
Victor's reaction to that is priceless. lol
Victor: "So what's the pat down rules?"
Paul: (serious voice) "You'll find out." (*lol)

BB will announce "Red Alert" and that's his cue.
He frisked the HG's last night when it went off. lol

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Paulie's game is pretty much done at this point, unless he pulls a Dan's Funeral "type thing". Tonight is a new BB18 episode at 8pm ET as usual, so make sure to check that out. It's my "day off" from my 2 jobs and blogging, so I'm gonna go enjoy some sunshine. Hope y'all have a great Sunday!!! :D


Unknown said...

Hey Douchecanoe! Get in the kitchen and bake me a Pie, bitch.

FEMily! said...

I love Paul's getup! Are Secret Service people allowed to have full beards though? I think he needs to cut it :)

JoyNSoul said...

Strange turn of events this season. Victor and Paul started out on the bottom early on, and of course, Victor was even evicted. Now, later in the season, they are on top. Paul is still not "my boy," but I've strangely enough found him slightly less annoying the last week or so. I'm guessing it has something to do with not being with Paulie anymore. I actually enjoyed his diary sessions when he was pointing out that Paulie wasn't going for the "I scratch your back, you scratch mine " type of play and was being selfish about who they choose to get out next. I also loved when he basically said he wasn't going to let Paulie control him. I don't typically enjoy Paul's DR sessions, but they are improving, as is his game!

Still, Nat for the win!!!

Unknown said...

I thinks it's kinda awesome that Victor could possibly end up winning this whole thing after being evicted in week 3. I think once scheming Paulie goes home, it should be a case of either win a competition, or wind up on the block without all the bitching and moaning and crying. Natalie, Michelle and Nicole are not strong players in competitions so shouldn't have to carried through the game (although Natalie's mental game is on point). I'm trying to remember who won 5K in the very first competition, because if someone didn't out of Victor or Paul, they should be in a position to be able to accept the 5K bribe in the last care package.

Unknown said...

Me to Paulie in Cartman voice "You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some PIE"
Paulie in Cartman voice " Screw you guys, I'm going home"

Gross said...

If Paulie has the round trip ticket, you think he'll have a mental breakdown causing him to self-evict?


Incendiary said...

Keep digging your grave, Paulie. You'll get yourself expelled.

Unknown said...

I think it would be great if Paulie had the round trip ticket. Talk about excitement.

Unknown said...

Bridgette's black and white memory wall pic in the background reminded me of the DE and now I'm sad again. :'(

Julie said there is going to be a special episode on Friday. I hope it's a jury buyback. Do you any info on that Jamie?

Fuzzies said...

If Paulie had not been acting like such a big bratty baby, I would be in favor of him going back in with a rt ticket. But now, I think he totally doesn't deserve it. If production was rooting for him at all, he might have blown that. I wish they would bring back that Baby Costume...I can't remember who had to wear it, but it would be perfect for Paulie. :-p #nopieformethanks

Unknown said...

I love everything about this veto; love vic and his reaction, love paulie up the creek and love, love paul's secret service role, suit and pat downs perfect for him. Totally worth it this wk. Love you most Jamie for all your hard work,your priceless. You go girl!

Stacia said...

But isn't the stipulation with self-evicting that they have to forfeit their stipend? That 2 months would be a total waste, not to mention all the internet hate he's certainly not ready for when he gets out!

JChism said...

At the beginning of the season, Paul was one of my least favorite houseguests and Paulie was one of my faves. After watching tonight's episode and seeing was a narcissistic bully Paulie is, and seeing Paul realize and react to this, I have really grown to like Paul a lot. James is still my fave, but I wouldn't mind seeing Paul win. Corey just seems to ride Paulie's coat tails. He's one guy I cannot get a read on.

Anonymous said...

so, Victor can't play in HOH next week so wouldn't it make sense to vote him for ACP? If anyone else gets it, they could technically already be the winner of the HOH comp. I wish we didn't have to vote until after we know who the next HOH is because sometimes the first days are wasted votes on someone. Please let me know if I'm thinking is right on this.

Jamie said...

No info on Fridays episode, im curious too!

Steph said...

How do i do the flashback on feeds. Am I not seeing something. And can it be done on mobile app. I went to full site and couldn't find it either

Sammie said...

There's been speculation that the Friday episode will be a jury buyback if the r/t ticket isn't used. That would really suck because of everyone in jury, Paulie is the only one with a chance to win the competition to get right back in the house. And Frank being the only one evicted after the battle back but before jury would be the only one without a chance to come back in, which sucks :/ if that is true though, whether by r/t ticket or jury buyback, Paulie has a good chance of coming back ... Those are just rumors, though, so I kinda hope it's not true.

Unknown said...

Does it make me a terrible human being that I immediately busted out laughing seeing Paulie crying in tonight's episode??? Hahaha! Karma sucks dude. Karma sucks.

Unknown said...

Why doesn't anyone cooment on the way Natalie is playing victom. She says she is being talked to inappropriately and everyone is being mean talking about her behind her back. Wasn't it her who continually was coming on to the boys (she settled on James because he actually gave her return attention) and wasn't it her (with Bronte and Bridgette) who at the start of the season was calling Nicole & Michelle "bitches" and last night was making fun of Paulie. She sure dishes it out but absolutely cannot take it. I refuse to think she is standing up for women. She went behind the Paulie's back to say he was sexually coming on to her only because it it is her new game move and not because she was offended by Paulie's attention. She is a hypocrite. That is slander. I am female by the way and I totally disapprove on what she did by going to James an Z. I think she us self-absorbed and very fake and she craves attention and when she doesn't get it she hides under the covers.

FEMily! said...

You're entitled to your opinion, Pam, but explain to me how Natalie is slandering Paulie. Slander by definition is false information. There is video evidence of Paulie saying these rude things to her. Just because you don't like what she's saying doesn't make it slander. Paulie was playing a great social game, and Natalie knew his true colors so she called him out. The timing was integral in orchestrating this plan to get him out, which makes her an excellent player. But Paulie's reaction was his downfall, not the behavior itself. Paulie might have been able to prevent the backlash if he used the veto on Zakiyah, or if he apologized for his behavior instead of launching personal attacks and passing blame on others, Paulie was not the only one to be called out for inappropriate behavior. Frank and Victor apologized for their behavior and made genuine turn-arounds. Paulie? Not so much. Natalie handed Paulie a shovel, and he dug his own grave. That's 100% his fault, not Natalie's.

Sammie said...

Also, Pam about what Natalie said about Nicole and Meech, idk if she did say that, but if she did, that's also true. They are bitches hahah. They're better now that they don't feel so safe, but in the beginning, they were very mean girls. Along with Z and Da' they were truly horrible to Bridge for pretty much no reason.

Abrakadabra said...

You do a better job on BB than others. They always say they're going to post something and then don't do it, so it sort of leaves us hanging. Im glad you don't do that.

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