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Monday, August 15, 2016

Veto Ceremony Results

At 10:34am BBT, the live feeds switched off for the Veto Ceremony! Victor will keep the noms the same, as he's told Paulie multiple times, so I don't expect anything to change (noms wise). What we don't know is how Paulie will react post-ceremony. Will he finally accept his fate? Or try to campaign against "his boy" Corey (though he's said multiple times he never would)? We shall see!!

As soon as the live feeds come back on, I'll post the Veto Ceremony spoiler below.

Victor did NOT use the Veto.
Paulie/Corey remain on the block.

Paul/Victor/James are talking about going after Corey next and if they can't, they'll gun after Nicole because she's vulnerable without a care package next week. 
James said if the next HOH comp is endurance, he's gonna get inside Nicorey's head, saying stuff like "I can stay up here alllll day. I have 3 (endurance comp wins) under my belt already."

They're now wondering why the backyard is on lockdown. 

*So Paulie's fate has now been sealed. Put a fork in this week, it's done. Now it's just a waiting game until Thursday. We could have some drama from Paulie if he hasn't totally accepted his fate just yet, or he could have the Roundtrip Ticket on Thursday, which would create so much chaos. Luckily, this is the last week for the RT ticket twist either way. Enjoy the live feeds!!!

**$6/m live feeds**


Jon said...

Jamie, just wondering, how do we know for sure that this is the last week for the RT? And have the house guests been told it's the last week? If so, shouldn't everyone but Paulie/Corey open their RT to see who may have it?

GMAGS said...

@Jon - Julie announced it on the show when she explained the rules to the RT twist. She mentioned there was a cut off as to when the RT twist would be in play.

Andy Tatnall said...

Watching Paulie crumble like a stale cookie as everything has gone against him has been my oxygen this week. Maybe it's just schadenfreude, but I take such delight in watching a Fake Tough Guy fold so dramatically.

Unknown said...

I think I liked James in his other season until about this time. He get cocky and I just don't like that. I whould love for Coey or Nicole to win HOH the next two weeks. Put up Ja men's and Natalie.

rigs said...

After seeing Sunday night’s show, Natalie is running in first place as the queen of snakes. I know the show was edited but Natalie did not come off as being offended by Paulie, she loved the attention and compliments she got from Paulie. First she showed off her real butt and then her fake boobs. Wow, my money is on her playing James for all he is worth. James is such an idiot. I didn’t know Paulie was in therapy. There are some who need it a lot more than Paulie. Natalie comes to mind, as does Melissa, Bridget and Paul the king of snakes. I can see why Paul's girlfriend left him. She made a good move getting rid of that loud mouthed, vulgar, fake “friends” persona. God he is annoying. Natalie makes Nicole look like a very sweet princess and Paul makes Paulie look like “gentle” man. I see a future for Natalie and Paul as a couple in the future, outside of Big Brother, LOL, they are made for each other. I hope Paulie gets the return ticket and puts up James and Paul.

Unknown said...

rigs: what show are you watching?

I think people don't like that Natalie is smart, but playing the dumb girl. I hope her or James win it all!

Watching Paulie cry like a little girl just makes me smile after all the mean and misogynistic things he has said & done, especially the way he treated Zakiyah.

Kmm7743 said...

Agree 1000% Leslie!! I was waiting for someone else to comment on rigs post, cause I can't with him. He was the saying the same crap about James last season and thinks Natalie is fake because she has fake boobs. Neither have anything to do with each other!!

As for Paulie, using the 'aunt has cancer card' is seriously so wrong!! And now I hear he is trying to throw Corey under the bus after he balled like a damn baby saying he would NEVER do that!?! He is a pos and just needs to accept he played hard too fast and got caught in his own bs. And the ONLY reason he doesn't want to go to the juryhouse is cause he will have to face the repercussions from how he treated Z.

Obsidiandog. said...

Paulie is just pathetic. I have watched BB since the beginning and I haven't ever seen any more embarrassing display than what Paulie is serving up right now. All the filibustering and arguing with Vic as if he's actually going to take Paulie down or give him another chance to take the house back over. The guy needs to shut up already. His plan is he's going to annoy everybody so much that they will vote to keep him in the house? He reminds me of the scorpion and the frog, and he's just begging all these little froggies to swim him across but he'll cut them even if it sinks his game because that's his nature. CBS better not be giving him that golden ticket.

Obsidiandog. said...

Nicole is telling Corey that she will be so sick and angry if Michelle gets the America's Care Package, so go over and vote for Meech. Wouldn't it be fun if Nicole And Meech were Co HOH's?

Kmm7743 said...

Lol Craig!! I will be so mad if he manages to get back in the house. I don't know how they all can deal with listening to him whine.

Unknown said...

I hope Corey gets the care package so America vote for Corey!

2thDoc said...

Someone should go up to Paulie and say what he said to Frank...."bro stop making an idiot of yourself. The numbers just aren't there." I wish Paulie would just except his fate. It's a game for God's sake!! It's not the end of the world. Plus he was so smug to Natalie saying "sweetheart" and "you are leaving next after Michele." You don't run the game jerkoff. And you had zero compassion when Frank and his best friend Bridgette were on the block together. So why is it any different that Paulie amd that bonehead, Corey, are on the block together?! Too bad so sad. FYI I used to like Corey until I saw Sunday's episode that he chimed in with Paulie's immature slow clapping. Corey is a follower and I'm glad Victor said what he said at nomination to Corey. That he would do whatever Paulie dictated. Loving Paulie's demise. Later douche bag.!!! Major de-hay

Dianne said...

Paulie keeps saying he's gonna punch someone in the face. His family must be mortified.

Kaibelf said...

All I can say is Paulie went from being a decent player to, frankly, an embarrassment to his family. He's obviously got issues and I'm astounded that a man his age acts so juvenile. I wouldn't want to hang out with him on my worst day, and I'm a dude.

Jeff said...

I know Corey was in an alliance w Paulie but why has everyone turned on him. He hasn't been a dick to anyone and stayed true to his alliance on double eviction. Personally I can't stand Paul. A little rich kid that tries to look like a biker and then acts like an idiot for attention all the time. Please let anyone win but him. I'm hoping James and nat turn on him after a couple more weeks

2thDoc said...

@Jeff while I agree with you that Corey for the most part minds his business and chills with Nicole. He def talks about the other HGs especially when Paulie or Nicole say "I HATE" this one or that one. Who hates people?! It's a game! And Corey of you remember on Sunday's episode Corey clapped slowly WITH Pauie being disrespectful. Corey wasn't even in the convo!!! So yea he's a dick

mgross_rn said...

I think, if Victor can hang in, he is poised to win this. It's still early BUT .... He was evicted once and fought his way back. His comp wins are amazing, he managed to win HOH and take out both Z and Paulie, thus ending Paulies game (unless he gets a RT tricket), plus he's pretty like able.
I'm voting Vic for this week's Care Package so he can possibly break up Corey and Nicole, plus he can't play for HOH, so I want him kept safe.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Katie BQ said...

mgross_rn-- I actually agree, though I have disliked Victor up until this week, his game play lately has been impressive. And getting Paulie out gets huge points in my book. So considering he was evicted and came back to do all of this, I'm now starting to think he deserves to win. At this point, at least.

Angelface said...

I see a lot of double standards in many of your comments..
Paul played a huge part in all the evictions, he pushed for everyone of them. Paul is also responsible for the Information leaks.
Granted Paulie may have pushed to hard at times, did not know how to handle Z at all, and he felt she was effecting his game, and she was! With her clingy I own you jealous crap. To claim he didn't like her or used her may not be true, I saw him trying to protect his alliance while she was wanting his attention, and he tried to protect her. Had he known his alliance was going to back stab him, he would have used the Veto on her. Paul got so mad at Paulie for wanting to keep Z, because Paul knew she wanted him out.
Natalie and James are worse talking crap about Cory and Nicole. frankly they have not set out to hurt anyone, they only protected their alliance when they heard things. Natalie however is plan out flat talking nasty hateful crap. James back stabbed two of his besties one to the man group and the other for the house. Let's not forget giving Paul what he wanted buy busting up the male group so he could get his competition out, running Victor not once but twice, just because Paulie did not want Z to go yet. Blowing up Paulies game was Paul using Bridg to mess with Nat & Meech, and they are trusting him. Pfft
And you would be mad to if your trusted buddy back stabbed you in a major way.
Right now I'm still hoping the girls wake up and talk, those guys have put a big distrust between them.

I'm voting for Cory to co hoh, this will be the best most exciting turn of events to see how they handle this week.
And still Cory has done nothing to anyone, and way less then everyone else in that house.
Victor has no clue Paul is playing him like a fiddle and I believe he will vote Victor out if he goes on that block.
Another thing ya'll should consider who has who's back right now. Do you think James trust Paul? I don't, I believe over all he and Cory are closer then most think, they have spent a lot of time together.
So I hope Cory gets co-HoH, and if he wins hoh I hope Meech gets Co.
So everyone talks shit, I do hate when people say this one keeps talking crap about that one, when they all do it, no one is innocent in this game.
The person running the house is Paul, it was Paul & Paulie equal lies and miss information.
I hope Paulie tells Victor Paul said he was. Running your hohs. He said it to all the guys, James can confirm.
I've watched BB for 18 years, I really don't like tit for tat playing, they never learn to check all info before they go off or accuse people of things. But I also never fault a person that is playing the game with everything in them. I do fault back stabbing 100%

Sammie said...

Angelface, how can you fault backstabbing? That's part of the game. You just don't like it because it happened to someone you like, maybe, but if nobody back stabbed each other, the game would be awfully boring, and they'd just be letting one person win it. You can't stay loyal til the end in this game. So I gotta say, I can't fault anyone for backstabbing; if they don't, they're definitely not gonna win. But Paulie was running the house, and his treatment towards women in general is just really rude and disrespectful, which turned a lot of people against him. And people turned on Corey just because Corey is a follower. It's not that he's done anything wrong, but he would vote however Paulie told him to. It's just strategy, not personal or anything. I agree, though, that I don't like all this personal talk against each other. But the people that you like are just as guilty of that as the people on the other side lol. Everyone is doing it in this house. I wouldn't vote for Corey as co-HOH, though, because he'll just do as he's told to do by Nicole or James or Paulie if he's still there.

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