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Monday, August 15, 2016

Monday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Monday, y'all!! Today the HG's will have their Veto Ceremony, where veto winner Victor will most definitely keep the noms the same. He made too big of a move this week and fought too hard for the veto to just change the noms this week. He even told Paulie yesterday to just chill out & enjoy his last few days in the house, have fun.

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

Around 12pm BBT yesterday, Paulie tried to get Victor to pull Corey off the block "because he won't campaign against his boy" and to put "a pawn like Natalie up", but really Paulie just wants him to renom Natalie and get her up & out this week. Paulie said he's "checked out" of the game and doesn't wanna stay in the jury house.

Paulie: "Pawns are there for a reason..because nobody is gonna send'em out." (*Pawns go home, Paulie. BB 101. lol)
12:14pm BBT: Victor shut him down at every turn and even got defensive (rightfully so) as Paulie kept saying that Victor winning the veto was a crapshoot.

Victor: "And stop saying my veto win was a crapshoot, there was strategy involved."

Victor said he gave up $5,000 and a vacation to win the veto, he's not gonna change the noms. In addition, he said it doesn't make sense to put Natalie up at all, so he's not gonna do it.

12:50pm BBT:
Paulie is claiming he won't make any of pies per his veto punishment, then says he'll only make 1 pie.

1:15pm BBT:
Previous BB winner Derrick coached both James and Paulie on how to win BB. He gave them both the advice to throw comps. Paulie said he didn't listen, as James said he did and that's why he's been throwing comps.

2:02pm BBT:
Paulie/James are sitting on the backyard couch when a butterfly comes near Paulie and he starts to cry. He said that butterflies are spirits of loved ones. Paulie said his emotions "run deep" and it doesn't make him any less of a man to let his emotions out.
James: "The butterfly is gone, man."

Paulie then talks about his ex (that he's been rambling on and on about for days now), saying it sucks when you're not good enough for someone and you gave your everything, etc.

6:38pm BBT:
Natalie/Paul talk outside about Paulie. Earlier in the day (post-butterfly), Paule tried to get into the D.R. and they wouldn't let him. Then later on, they called him to the D.R. and he refused to get out of bed and go.
Paul: "Is Paulie still in the D.R.??"
Natalie: "What do you mean?"
Paul: "He's been in the D.R. for like 4 hrs. I think he's having psychiatric talks."
Natalie: "Maybe!"

(*Paulie was sleeping though, not in the D.R.)

BB: "Paulie, please go to the Diary Room."
Paul: "Wow, again?!"

Paul goes inside to check on Paulie and let him know that production is calling for him.
6:42pm BBT:
Paulie still hasn't gotten up to go to the D.R.

BB: "Paulie, please go to the Diary Room."
He finally gets up and goes.
They gave him his punishment stuff to make pies.

7:24pm BBT:
Paulie is in the middle of baking his 1st pie.

8:18pm BBT:
BB calls for Paulie to make a 2nd pie. He says he's gonna run with Victor instead.
8:20pm BBT:
BB, again, calls for Paulie make his 2nd pie.
Paulie: "I'm literally gonna start breaking sh*t in this house."
Paul: "(Your first) pie is really good!"

8:24pm BBT:
BB: "Paulie, please go to the Diary Room." (*Uh oh.)
Paulie continues doing his run in the backyard.

Paulie (to production): "CAN'T A MAN WORKOUT?! TOLD YA I NEEDED IT!"

By 8:27pm BBT, BB has had enough and cuts to fishies.

When the feeds come back on, Corey is having a "Come to Jesus" talk with Paulie, telling him to knock off the crap, be happy, he signed up for all this, his ticking off production and probably BB fans, etc etc.
8:51pm BBT:
BB calls for Paulie to make another pie. He obeys this time. He has to wave a flag as the pie is baking.
9:10pm BBT:
Paul said that a producer came over the intercom in the house and told Paulie to go to the Diary Room immediately. (*Eeek!)

9:31pm BBT:
Paulie is telling Michelle/Nicole that he's thinking of trying to get Victor to put up James.
Paulie: "...trying to go to Victor, let's make a deal, put James up, if he was quick to betray me, he'll betray you..I'll protect you next week if I win HOH.." (*Never gonna happen.)

He tells Nicole he's only doing his pie punishment so that BB can get footage.

9:54pm BBT:
Natalie is crying because of how many people have made fun of her breast implants, she's been holding it in, and feels insecure.

10:14pm BBT:
Paulie is pitching to Victor.
Paulie: "I just need another f*cking week.."
His plea falls on deaf ears, though.

**The funniest few mins of this season happened at 10:24pm BBT**
If you need a good laugh, then you NEED to flashback to this on the live feeds! lol It's HILARIOUS!!!

Paul has a "Red Alert" and fully commits to his character by running after HG's, tackling them, sliding across the kitchen table, hurdling over the living room's the best thing I've seen all season! lol Here's a few screenshots (though they don't do it justice at all).

 Paul is running after Meech, as Paulie tries stop Paul and Paul slaps him with a pool float. lol

11:15pm BBT:
Victor tells James about Paulie pitching to him earlier, trying to get James up on the block now and swearing on his aunt that has cancer to swear on for his loyalty to Victor..which made Victor upset that he'd use a sick family member for his game. 

Line of the night: 
10:26pm BBT:
Paul: "Does he not understand that we all communicate? He doesn't get it still?!" (re: Paulie)

 **And that's it for the Overnighter! Victor/Paul agree that Corey will be the next target after Paulie goes this week. Today is the Veto Ceremony where the noms will stay the same, but I'll be back with the official results later on regardless. Paulie's having a rough time admitting defeat in the game, but today will be the final nail in his BB game coffin. Excited to see what the rest of the week holds!! 


Monica said...

Wow, Paulie. Sore loser much?

JChism said...

This is so awesome. Paulie can sure dish it out but the boy just can't take it. He is a real piece of work.

Unknown said...

I hope BB doesn't let him come back

Unknown said...

Watching bbad, what conversation is Natalie upset with James about???

Jamie said...

she was feeling insecure about all the boob comments and about how corey/james wanna hang out after the show. not sure why she got upset at that. i try to steer clear of showmance non-game related crap. lol

FEMily! said...

Ronald, apparently Corey and James were talking about going out partying, possibly meeting women, when the show is over. Natalie has been feeling insecure about her body and James being part of that conversation upset her. She had a hard week. It's all coming to a head.

Chikis said...

I can't believe he is being such a baby! He's been such a jerk with everyone else...I guess it's different when the shoe is on the other foot --right Paulie!! :-D

Callejera said...

OMG! Paulie is being such a sore freaking loser! He's dished some serious attitude all season and now he is being a total freakin baby! See how it feels budddy! Karma is a biiiatch! :) lol

Cyn B said...

Paulie can certainly dish it but can't take it...he talks about everyone else when they are on the block, but being a sore loser...I can't stand people like him...please production don't let him return...

Dawn M. said...

I just want to say that I can't express enough how much I love your blog and your take on events. I watch the live feeds sporadically but love to read your take everyday! I know how time consuming it must be so wanting to send my appreciation!!
I also agree that Paul was hilarious last night...funniest thing yet this season and boy did we need some humor!

GMAGS said...

I can’t remember what Paulie’s exact words were but remember when Frank kept trying to make deals when he was the one going home? They called the house meeting and it went back and forth till Paulie finally put an end to it and said something to Frank about the votes not being in his favor and he needs to stop campaigning. BB needs to cue that up and play it for Paulie so he can hear his own words Only this time, HIS words are directed towards himself. Grow up, you played a game and played it well at times. BUT, you’re an A-hole, you got exposed and you’re getting voted out. Hope you have the round trip ticket like everyone else did and MAN up!

Dianne said...

Paulie has been saying over and over he will leave the jury house. If he does production will have a problem as an even number of jurors, as opposed to an odd number, could possibly result in a tie.

Steve Robbins Art said...

If CBS is smart, they'd ensure that Paulie doesn't have a round trip. Sure, him back after a week of hogwash would make for some genuinely entertaining television, but he has shown by his actions that he can't handle the house, and that it would be better to let him cry back to Jersey, and not in a situation where he could hurt another woman emotionally or physically.

pgh fan said...

Maybe he doesn't want to go to just because of z? All the talk about his ex all of the sudden....he may feel trapped due to his lies and deceit

LilyPearl0560 said...

I love James's comment "The butterfly is gone, man" That really cracked me up. I will be a nervous wreck until Thursday. I am praying Paulie does not have the RT ticket.

Razldazlrr said...

Looks like Paulie might be coming unglued - maybe he was advised not to go in the house - his emotions and craziness seem to be all over the map. Now, he's being a bully and saying he won't go to jury - definitely a sore loser.

Natalie - the fact is that if you get boobs that big on such a small body, there are going to be people that make comments. However, you have to figure a female may have some "emotional" times in the house, when you are there for that long. Our bodies are crazy sometimes!

These all seem like such strange punishments - they must be related to something the network is doing for fall or something - making pies?

Carrie* said...

I know I'm a bit late... but, it's not that Paulie is a sore loser - it's that he's a classic Narcissist. (I speak with some experience since I grew up with a mom who was/is a total Narcissist. It wasn't fun - to say the least!)

Basically, Paulie can't accept the fact that ANYONE will see him as a "loser" (which is also why he couldn't take Derrick's advice about laying low. It's just not a concept he can fathom.) And, when he can't get his way and "be the boss", he tries to manipulate the situation by using either pity (aunt's cancer) or anger (which is also connected to his passive-aggressive behavior by ignoring DR's requests, threatening to leave the Jury House & refusing to make the pies). Classic Narcissist!

EVERY WORD OUT OF HIS MOUTH is self-serving. Period. And, he's absolutely campaigning against Corey by using his aunt's cancer & the b.s. about his claustrophobia.

As a side question: is it even possible to be claustrophobic in a whole house?? I thought it was small spaces only? Anyone have experience with this (or know someone who's dealing with this?) However, it's still a slap in the face for people who are legitimately dealing with this phobia! He's such a disgrace.

~ Rant Over*

Sammie said...

Razldazlrr, I kinda figured they were all related to America. Apple pie in an American flag apron, Captain America, and secret service. The hats they wore in the veto comp say Zingbot for president, so I think it's all related to the upcoming presidential elections.

GMAGS said...

@ Carrie - Like most phobias, I'm sure there are different levels of claustrophobia. Some people are probably impacted and affected by it more then others with the same phobia. However, if he is claustrophobic, why is this an issue now? Um, isn't being in the BB house (especially when they are on lock down and can't go outside) MUCH worse then being in a jury house that is huge and full of windows and doors?

Unknown said...

I really hate what's going on in this house right now. James is a coward and didn't even defend his so called girl. Natalie is so playing everyone in this house. She is a girl that plays the not like her or James at all. I have watched this show from the very beginning many many years now. You can usually tell what kind of people are going to betray each other.....but these people are really good liars. Hate to see how they are in their real lives. I was rooting for Paul, but now not so much.....never cared as he would say

Dnev said...

As I was reading this, all I could think was that Paulie's meltdown is only a mic throw away from being on the level of Chima.

Unknown said...

Lol!! @ Daniel.. Yassss

Unknown said...

@carrie absolutely he's a narcissist! I said that a few posts ago in the comments section of the veto comp post. A couple others agreed with me. I've also mentioned this a few times on the blogs Facebook page. So agree.

Unknown said...

I'm honestly so done with Paulie. First being totally out of line treating Nat that way, playing Z, and now refusing to go to the D.R? Michelle was so right, he is so blowing up his own game. Refusing to take advice from Derrick is one of the worst moves. Playing Derricks game is even worse. I honestly can't wait to see him gone this week.

Unknown said...

So with the claustrophobia in the BB house vs claustrophobia in the jury house, it's extremely different. Paulie can put his mind to playing the game in the BB house, so he has something to take his mind off of being trapped. In the jury house, he has nothing to play for so therefore he is trapped with no escape in his mind. Not trying to be on his side, just wanted to give another perspective on claustrophobia. I have a similar claustrophobic reaction that Paulie is having so I understand him and what he's saying.

Prows1 said...

Why does Paulie keep trying to work this "guy's alliance?" It hasn't worked for him. If he made real friends with some of the girls he may have had a shot.

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