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Monday, August 8, 2016

Monday: The Overnighter

Good morning, BB addicts and Happy Monday to y'all!! Nothing much has been happening game wise since Saturday. Paulie won Veto on Saturday and he won't be using it to save either nom this week (Michelle/Zakiyah). As I posted the other day, Paulie wanted Z out at first, but then switched his mind because she's a great player to have in his back matter how annoying she is to him on a showmance level. I thought that maybe because of that, he'd pull her off the block to protect her but nope..not gonna happen. (If you're sitting there thinking 'that doesn't make sense', then join the club..because you're right, it doesn't. But then again, these HG's this season have yet to make many moves that actually do. lol)

Let me go gather up the Overnighter and I'll start posting it below!

Sidenote: Both Victor/Paul want Z gone this week. Paul told Nicole this and he said that Michelle would be easy to beat later on in the game. He later on tells both Nicole/Corey that Z is stronger than Michelle and needs to go.

4:15pm BBT:
Paulie told Corey that he's hoping Paul's getting to close to leaning towards getting Michelle out this week instead of Z. Corey says that by Paul not wanting Michelle out, is putting a target on his back. Paulie asks who's targeting Paul, Corey mentions James because he doesn't understand why Paul would be on-board to keep Michelle.

6:05pm BBT:
James/Corey have a quick meeting of the minds. James said he wants Michelle out this week. Corey agrees. Corey tells James that Paulie will "100%" keep Z this week and he thinks Paulie is trying to make it so that the blame is on them (Cor/Jam) so that Vic/Paul aren't mad at Paulie. Corey thinks it's for jury votes. Corey then pitches the idea to cancel out his (Corey's) and Paul's vote, instead of Paulie's this week. James has a better idea: to cancel out Natalie/Nicole's votes instead so that Victor wouldn't get mad at them.

James mentions that he's over Michelle's crying the whole game, thinks Z is more "level-headed" than Meech.

James then goes and talks to Natalie around 7pm BBT. Natalie mentioned about how Nicole's a rat and is playing everyone in the house, as Paulie is the puppet master and running the house. (*Pretty much.)

9:55pm BBT:
James playing pranks by putting sea salt in water. Nicole spit her drink out when she took a drink.

Fast forward to...

4:40am BBT:
Natalie/James talk in the Storage Room. James mentions that Michelle would never nom them (James/Nat) and wants to keep her. He said if Z is gone, then Paulie wouldn't have Z in his ear trying to get them up (J/N) up and out. James said he could use the America's Care Package to cancel out the other votes, as him/Nat/Paul's votes would still count and them 3 could get Z out. He'd cancel out Paulie's and Nicole or Corey's vote.

At 5am BBT, Bridge/Nat talked about how Paulie is running the house. Bridgette asks Natalie to not tell James about their convo. They shake on it.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Veto Ceremony where Paulie is not expected to use it to save either nom. Then we have the next few days to see what James will do with the canceling votes ACP thing. I'm really itching for this week to go fast so we can see what happens with this weeks eviction and the double eviction. Should be a good week!! :D


Unknown said...

Yeah for James! Has he really figured out that Paulie is running the show? He wants to block Paulie & Corey or Nic votes so Z goes. The only reason Paulie is running the show is because no one wants to cross him. I think they're ALL finally starting to realize that everyone is trusting/following Paulie and maybe will BD him?

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think Paul is trying very hard to get people on his side so he can BD Paulie. So far, people are walking on eggshells so as to keep the majority votes to their liking. Paul is testing the water to see if he can rule instead of Paulie.

GB said...

Yes! James and Natalie, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE turn this game upside down!

FEMily! said...

Paul is definitely the power in the duo of PP. Paul is the only person Paulie doesn't run in this game. Paulie is obsessed with Paul (not in a good way; more like a weird stalkerish, latent homosexual way), and Paul will drop him when the time is right. Paulie can be blindsided by Paul and probably learn to forgive him and still give him a vote in the finale. Paulie is very much like Zakiyah in that way, in that they will both be obsessed with someone and still forgive them after being totally betrayed by them. If I were Paul, I would bring Paulie to final four and then drop him. He'd be stupid to bring Paulie to final two.

I'm glad that James is considering cancelling out Paulie's vote. James needs to grow a backbone and shake things up. And someone -- anyone! -- needs to get Paulie out of his comfort zone. Someone needs to seriously put this boy on the block to remind him that this isn't Big Paulie. I really want Paulie gone, but watching him squirm would be nice too.

Sammie said...

I kinda want Michelle to stay because I wanna see zingbot rip her a new one. And Z is an extension of Paulie, so her leaving would be good for everyone. Both of them are big bullies that I'll be happy to see leave. And if Paulie leaves in the double eviction, even better. This week is shaping up to be a really good one. I knew Nat Nat was secretly smarter than she let on, and she's proved she's actually pretty good at comps too. I hope she wins HOH soon and shakes things up a bit. I'd be really happy if she ended up winning. She's playing a low key game, but at least she's playing. If she shakes the house up once or better yet gets Paulie put, that would be enough of a case for her to win.

Anonymous said...

When does Zingbot typically appear in the season? I want to see what he says about this crazy household!!

FEMily! said...

The only way they'll get Paulie out is to back door him. And if Natalie is behind that plan, I will vote for her for fan favorite as many times as possible!

Unknown said...

With today only being Monday, that gives these HG 3 days to flip flop, only to go "with the house".

JChism said...

It's a shame Natalie didn't hang on a little longer. I think Victor was hurting more than he wanted her to know. There is something to be said for "the bigger they are, the harder they fall". She was so close and just seemed to give up. I want one of these girls to be HOH....hopefully with the double eviction one will get it. So over these chauvinistic pigs running the house. I cannot tell if James is scared to make a move, or just waiting for the right time to make a move. I thought it was suspicious that he was the first one to drop. Do you think he threw it?

Babybean said...

All the boys in the house are disgusting, expect maybe Corey. I can't stand PP- girls get a GLUE!!! Get these loser boys out!!!!

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