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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thursday Live Eviction

Good evening, BB addicts!! Tonight we have the live Double Eviction. Will Z or Michelle go home tonight? Who will be the 2nd HG to get evicted? Will either of them have the roundtrip ticket? We shall see!! :D

Here we goooo!!!!

9:00pm ET:
Show has begun...

9:09pm ET:
BB is doing a recap of what's been going on the past few days.

Julie: "Tensions have been high, right up until we went live tonight." (*Ooo!)

Time for the 1st live eviction!

James has blocked PAUL and COREY's votes!

The Votes:
Paulie votes to evict...Michelle
Natalie votes to evict...Zakiyah
Nicole votes to evict...Michelle
James votes to evict...Zakiyah
Bridgette votes to evict...Zakiyah

Evicted from the BB house is:
Time to open up Z's ticket...

Zakiyah DOES NOT have the roundtrip ticket. 
Off to jury she goes.

The New HOH is:

Nominated for Eviction are:

9:36pm ET:
Time for the Veto Comp!!

Winner of the POV is:

9:45pm ET:

Corey did NOT use the Veto. 
Noms stay the same. 

9:50pm ET:

Meech just blew up Nicole's game pre-votes. lol

The Votes:
Natalie votes to evict...MICHELLE
Paulie votes to evict...BRIDGETTE
Nicole votes to evict...BRIDGETTE
Victor votes to evict...BRIDGETTE
James votes to evict...BRIDGETTE
Paul votes to evict...BRIDGETTE

Evicted from the BB house is:

Bridgette does NOT have the roundtrip ticket. 
Off to jury she goes.

America's Care Package this week is:
Super Safety
Safe from Eviction and wear a Super Safety costume all week long. 

HOH will be shown on Sunday (but played tonight).
Weds is veto as usual.
Live eviction on Thursday as usual and last chance for the roundtrip ticket.
Then a special Friday episode again.

**End of show. Back to the live feeds I go!!


Lea said...

thanks again for doing this!!!!!

Unknown said...

Here we go!! It's so real that Julie can't even talk tonight!! LOL!!!

Unknown said...

I love that keeping Bridgette over day came back to bite Paulie in the a$$!!!

Jamie said...

lol yea, julie was fumbling for words a bit

Unknown said...

"I wish he would have pulled me off [the block]..."

That just says it all, doesn't it? Z honey, that man did not have your back. Forget him and good luck outside the house.

Unknown said...

Lol!! Jamie, the drama must have been real!! I wish we could have seen what happened when the cameras were off. Too bad tonight is double eviction because those who don't watch the live feeds didn't get to see Paulie's true colors. I feel a little bad for Z. She still seems oblivious. Hopefully her time away from Paulie in the jury house will let her get some real perspective. I doubt it though.

Unknown said...

What was Paulie's face????

Unknown said...

Damn!!!!! Corey! Seriously!!

Unknown said...

Pure luck Corey winning:(((

Lchurch98 said...

Craptastic!! Corey!

Steve Robbins Art said...

He's asking questions about what he should be doing, because he hasn't been playing the game. HASN'T. BEEN. PLAYING. THE. GAME.

"You don't get it bro."

LoriGB said...

I'm having a hard time focusing o.j. anything except how filthy that house is getting! *gag*

Jmac51286 said...

what a waste of a double evict with corey winning

Lea said...


Anonymous said...

I don't want to say anything, I don't want to seem forceful. Priceless, Paulie quiet for a little while at least?

Unknown said...

Here is to hoping whichever one stays or Natalie wins the next HOH.

Sophia said...

What a disappointing outcome of double eviction night. Seriously, ANYONE but Corey would have been okay.

Oh well, at least with the douche canoe in the house for another week we can at least count on some more drama before another snooze fest and kumbaya after he leaves.

Anonymous said...

@Steve..Exactly, Corey has been in la la land staring into space usually. Next will probably be Paulie as HOH.

Unknown said...

Will the next HOH comp occur tonight?

Unknown said...

What a waste of double eviction night, and what a bunch of slobs!!! The house is a disgusting mess, lol!

Rebecca said...

Was that Paulie saying don't vote me out?!

Anonymous said...

Yes, probably won't finish live tonight.

Unknown said...

They will have it, but we won't see it all. It might even start after the show.

Unknown said...

Corey is the dumbest player in bb history! Not one single hair on his scrotum, NOT ONE!

Unknown said...

LOL!!! Everyone's reaction to this double eviction is freaking hilarious!!

Unknown said...

Dang!! Michelle did a wardrobe change during the break!!! OMG!! Michelle's speech!!

Anonymous said...

Nicole, surprisingly, I vote to evict Brig? Not surprising, because you were told to do so.

Unknown said...

I bet they fix the door so people leaving can't let the HGs see outside. Bet me.

What sucks? Two women left tonight. Nobody wanted to tell Corey what to do, and this is the result. James is disappointing, but AT THE END OF THE DAY (ugh) he's looking out for his game.

Anonymous said...

Michelle for the care package!!

Dianne said...

James had no chance to do anything after Corey won HOH; earlier James x'd out 2 votes and voted to keep Michelle thereby carrying out the plan that James, Vic, Nat, Paul & Bridge agreed on and sending Z home. I don't get how James had any power when Corey won HOH.

Also, who cares if they peek out the door, I woild too if I were cooped up all summer. I am very disappointed Corey won HOH, but it is what it is, can't blame anyone as it was probably just dumb luck.

Frankly the best thing for Z is to get away from Paulie, he is toxic. Ice Cube's son tweeted out his admiration for her beauty, I am sure she has caught the eye of others as well who would gladly woo her away from Paulie. She needs help tho because for whatever reason she doesn't value her self worth.

Unknown said...

As Bridgette was walking out the door, she said to Paulie, "I like you as a person, but (???) what you said to Natalie is messed up. It's really messed up, dude." You go, Bridgette, stand up to that douchecanoe Paulie!!

Unknown said...

Well said Dianne!!

Anonymous said...

Most likely, Natalie will go up as replacement if Michelle gets the ACP.

So Paulie is now saying his sister and his cousins will beat the s*** out of Brig and Michelle?? He seems to have alot of hate.

Mandaeff said...

What a waste of HOH from Corey. He's an idiot and blind as a moose !

JoyNSoul said...

Well, I was going to vote for Bridgette for the next care package, but that's out the door now! Not sure who to give it to. Michelle is one of the only ones left against Paulie that can still get it, right? Unless Paul would put Paulie up? Or where does Victor stand? Michelle needs it more than Paul or Victor do this week, but would almost rather see Michelle get the next care package after this one if she can last that long and if she would use it against Paulie. It stinks that the better liked houseguests aren't eligible now for the better care packages!

Hope Natalie or Michelle win next HOH!! Get Paulie up and out. If you can't get Paulie, Corey might be the next best option. Definitely needs to be a guy other than James out this week for the girls to survive! Hoping, praying for Victor, Paul and James to all turn on Paulie!!!

FEMily! said...

Not watching anymore. I'm so disappointed.

Unknown said...

As much as I hate the sound of her crying......I'm giving my care package votes to Michelle! Was praying Corey would have an epiphany that he could have made the biggest move of the season and put Pauley up as the replacement nom! But.....of course not! Ugh! Praying Michelle or Natalie win HOH!!!!

Nicole said...

Just write Paulie the check and let's start BB19

Andy Tatnall said...

How much are we betting that Paulie has the R/T?


Unknown said...

MICHELLE This is my favorite show!!! I know how big brother works but REALLY MICHELLE!!! You haven't played the game at all!!! You go where the wind takes you! You HAVE ALLOWED JEALOUSY OVER BRIDGETTE & FRANK, NOT ONLY BECOMING FRIENDS but them playing the game With them could've been very useful for your game!!! You are the most petty & caty player I have seen on this show and THAT SAYS A LOT. it's like you have no morals at all. You let a person vendetta towards two very loyal players cause you to make the dumbest decision on BIG BROTHER THUS FAR!!! Those two would've helped you make it much farther. You said multiple times you liked the way Frank played in the past. In stead of acting like you are still in high school; making friends and deals with them could've finally gotten the females to be more successful! That is why a woman has not one this game in years!!!! Girls seem to play the game with personal immature feelings and decisions (SUCH AS YOURSELF). You had no reasons to get rid of the two people that could've sat you in the final two spots. Men win the game because they use their logical and rational maturity along with keeping it cool and pretending to listen & care about others. You treated Bridgette like crap ALL OVER A HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH ON FRANK!!! Frank was quite a threat to the others because his game is strong! HE CAME TO YOU AND INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME WITH SMARTS & MAKING THE BEST DEAL PRESENTED this season! You allowed your immature ego to send him home because that's what everyone else wanted. GUESS WHAT?!?!?!? That is not how you win the game, that's how you float yourself right to the eviction seat!!! The dumbest move I've ever seen in the 10 years I've watched the show. In my opinion; someone who has a set of brains, guts & understand to play smart not emotionally, should've had a shot at the game and replaced your waisted spot. You are literally a shame to the game and someone deserved to take your useless spot. #Michelleisajoke #Michellesux

Anonymous said...

WOOOW what a night! I literally just signed on to vote for Michelle to win America's Care package. James and Nat already won so we cant vote for them and I think that by her getting the package, it will just send Nic, Corey, and Paulie into a frenzy and stir the pot more (heh heh heh).

Babybean said...

Can Paulie say "f***ing" any more on after dark? Please, pick another curse word! It is crazy that Paulie is offended- his Mother should be horrified by his behavior towards women! I don't remember Cody being like that. I hope others will understand how awful he really is, not BBAD and Feed watchers.

Unknown said...

Do we know what the special episode on Friday is for? Is it another buyback for jurors?

DH said...

Why is everyone downing Paulie and his mouth? Did we all forget about, "Evil Dick" and his mouth? And ED won that season. It's a game physically and mentally which Paulie has been the only one to make his own moves in the game. Paulie took those chances of highlights that we have seem on the show. Some I've like and some not! But we can't deny Paulie has been playing the BB18 game.

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