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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Good evening, BB addicts! It's time for the Thursday Night Live Eviction episode! I'll be live blogging tonight's eviction and HOH comp. So go grab your snackies and get comfortable for the next hour as we watch Paulie get evicted, see if he has the Roundtrip Ticket or not, and then see which HG will be crowned this weeks new HOH! :D

9:00pm ET:
Here we goooo!!!

9:15pm ET:
Up next, we get to see the first BB baby! (Branden & Rachel's baby.)

9:25pm ET:
Jury House footage yayyy!!! :D
Day woke Z up to the fact that Paulie won veto and didn't save her. lol
Bridgette/Z/Day wanna see Paulie in the JH next.

9:31pm ET:

9:37pm ET:
Meech votes to evict...Paulie
Paul votes to evict...Paulie
James votes to evict...Paulie
Natalie votes to evict..Paulie
Nicole votes to evict..Paulie

Evicted from the BB18 House is:

Paulie DOES NOT have the Roundtrip Ticket!

Julie asked Paulie if he would date Z outside the house. He basically said no.

9:50pm ET:
The HG's open up their tickets to see who had the RT was PAUL!!! lol

America's Care Package this week contains:
Safe for the week and nominates 1 of the 2 noms for the week. 

**Tomorrow's special Friday night episode.
**Sunday's episode will show the HOH comp (which will be played tonight I'm guessing.)
**New Twist: first 5 members of jury will battle it out to come back into the house. (*Oh gawd please no. NOOOOO!!) 

(End of Show)


Unknown said...

They are showing the butterfly!!! James' reaction!!

Jamie said...

LOL "the butterfly's gone, man."

2thDoc said...

Please please please NO ROUND TRIP TICKET!!! Send Paulie to jury!! N

Unknown said...

Yes!!! One way ticket!!!

Dawn M. said...

Omgosh on a plane getting ready to take off!! THANK YOU for the quick update I had to know that Paulie is gone!!! Yay

Unknown said...

Wow you know the house is boring when they put out Rachel and her husband.

Jamie said...

You're welcome, Dawn! <3

Annabelle14 said...

So rumors were true....Paul had it bc of a deal with production. I wonder if he will win bc that is rumored too

Unknown said...

Please let Pauline win his way back! Eff the haters!!!

Kaibelf said...

I hope Z has learned a lesson about taking her time with a man and perhaps using protection. She needs self respect and fast.

KathyC said...

Three chances for a houseguest to return?! I don't like it! One time is too many!! It really changes the way this game is played, IMO.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Does anyone else think BB manufactured this jury comeback to get Paulie back in the game? I know they knew Paul had the return ticket. I think production told Paulie he was coming back and that's why he calmed down. I'm not buying his "crying as strategy" explanation. He should have been sent home when he refused to make the pies. I hope BB realizes how much the viewers don't want Paulie back.

Anonymous said...

So basically everyone got a chance to earn their way back into the game except Frank... Not that I'm a Frank fan but that kinda sucks.

Dianne said...

I enjoyed seeing #Brenchel and baby. Not excited about a 2nd buyback, but oh well. The show has it ups ups & downs, but personally, I find it to be good summer filler and a distraction from our noxious 24/7 real world US political campaign.

So it was rumored to be rigged for Paulie, but he got sent packing. Now it's rigged for Paul? Nah, but he might win because he has skill. According to hints given by the HG, DR/production did NOT want Paulie to be evicted. He is a comp beast so he may return, but ultimately he will still be dead man walking unless a whole lotta things swing his way. The HG control the votes, not production.

Dianne said...

adam: You forgot about Glenn, Tiffany & Bronte so Frank wasn't the only one not eligible fir the buy back. It's only for Jury.

Nicole Chenault said...

@Dianne, I feel the same way about this being a nice distraction from the political b.s. all over the tv and internet. I actually started to read the news the other day and got so irritated so quick that I spent all remaining time on the net on BB news, lol.

I don't want another battle back. Seriously, let them go already! The HG's did, we did, so should production. Ugh!

Unknown said...

Did you forget the battle back with the first 5 evicted houseguests?

Dianne said...

I think Corey has a good chance of winning ACP becsuse the anti Nicorey people may be splitting their votes between Vic, Paul & Meech and Nicole still has a lot of fans, A vote for Corey is a vote for Nicorey. This is not want I want, but it could happen

Dianne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Wouldn't it be cool if Nicole gets evicted this week, wins the buy back, and gets evicted AGAIN?

Unknown said...

Seriously ya'll. If Paulie comes back I quit. No joke. Refuse to see his abusive tail on TV ANY LONGER! Unless it's in Jury. And Day and Z are tearing into that ass about how stupid, crazy, mean, etc he is.

:) I'll be back next season tho.. hehe

Sophia said...

@Dianne, Glenn, Tiffany, and Bronte *did* get a chance to fight to get back into the house with the Battle Back competition. Victor came back, Frank was evicted, and then jury started the next week. Now everyone in jury gets a second chance. So basically that just leaves Frank evicted with no chance at returning- he got a bum deal. It's pretty lame :(

Anonymous said...

Dianne: Yeah that's what I meant. The first five this season got to compete to come back in. Now the last 5 get to compete to come back in. The only person who did not get a chance was Frank. If your gonna have all of these battle back comps you should make it fair.

I guess in theory if one of the last 4 got voted out, you wouldn't need the battle back but I'd rather they just have the Round Trip twist last longer. That would have been far more interesting.

FEMily! said...

I'm not excited about a jury buy back, because it's another chance for Paulie to get back in the game. He shouldn't be in jury. He should be home. But CBS loves Paulie for some reason that I'll never come to understand. He got another sympathetic edit today -- no talk of his "aunt dying of cancer." He even got to talk for hours during his pre-eviction speech! And the fact that Frank did not get a chance to come back into the house makes me wonder. I'm not a Frank fan at all, but I am a fan of fairness.

Dianne said...

Sophia & Ronald, yes I did forget the details! oops! The heat fried my brain 🌴☀️🌴 Thx!

FEMily! said...

Looks like tonight's HOH competition is set to be a long one. After Dark isn't scheduled to come on until 1 AM EST.

Jax said...

I guess that's why everyone has been yapping about a "jury buyback"......because production was telling certain houseguests about it and they were talking about it on the feeds. Lame.

Anonymous said...

When I tune into big brother I want entertainment. Paulie was a magnet for hot topic discussion (pouting, being a sore loser, using Z to further his game, throwing dirt at Natalie like she did to him). Would he lose it this week, would he have the round trip ticket and come back in as public enemy #1 to some of the house guests, would he get his swag and arrogance back and wreak havoc all while winning an HOH and shaking things up, that’s entertainment to me.

Many did not like the legendary Evel Dick during his season (vulgarity to the max, banging pots and pans in the middle of the night) but what a game player. As much as Rachel annoyed with her dramatics (floaters better get a life vest itches), she was entertainment in her two seasons of nobody comes between me and my man.

What is the alternative, watching Nicole and Corey go on back to back weeks? Watching James continue to take shots to his manhood by being so obviously friend zoned by Natalie. Putting Meech on the block so she can just cry her way to the Jury house (Bridgette isn’t there to scheme anymore). Which by default leaves Victor and Paul to basically work together, who else can they final 2 with?

Public enemy #1’s, house guests who are arrogant, defiant, and yet can win at comps, who are not afraid to shake the game up often to ensure what they want, who are so blinded and one-sided by what they want allows us to root for or against them. For me Paulie is this year’s controversial entertainment and I need him back in the game asap!

DeniseG said...

Frank had a chance with the return ticket twist.

But I agree no more return trips! Oh well.

And I'm voting Meech for the care package!!

Sammie said...

I agree that Paulie is entertainment, but if he's back in the house now knowing people turned on him, there's a pretty good chance he could end up back in control and winning the game. And he frankly just doesn't deserve to win. He also wasn't the only entertaining house guest this season because Da' and Meech with their big mouths and Frank winning comps left and right was also entertaining imo. Paulie feels like it's his right to win or something. I don't like that kinda attitude. Like he was being a baby and having a crying fit because he was going home. I hope he doesn't come back. I think it would've been SO much more interesting if Frank were there to compete against him too. With the people who are currently in the jury house, they don't stand much of a chance against Paulie, and I'm willing to bet it's gonna be some kind of comp that Paulie stands a good chance of winning.

For me, his entertainment factor is gone though. I didn't like arrogant, annoying, women-hating Paulie. I liked seeing him have a meltdown, yelling at people and stuff. If he comes back into the house, he's gonna be back to arrogant Paulie.

I TOTALLY agree that it doesn't seem fair to Frank, though. I totally knew they were gonna do a jury buyback, but this just sucks for Frank. I mean, Glen, Josea, Vic, Bronte, and Tiff all got to compete in the Battle Back. Then Frank went out, and he had the round trip ticket thing, but that was a 1:12 chance. He didn't get to compete to come back in because if he did, he probably would've won. Now Da', Z, Brig, and Paulie all get to compete to come back. It's like they rigged it to make sure Frank stayed gone. Seems kinda bogus to me.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Cory gets evicted this week, at least Paulie will have some competition in the buy back? Not only does Paulie get a chance to come back, he will have a week off to get himself back together emotionally. One would hope that the HG will "clip" him again, so long as Paulie doesn't win the first HOH and sway Michelle. By then, it will only be four voting and he would be the tie breaker. Here's rooting for Day to be the winner of the buy back.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait, Paulie would put Paul and Victor up per his latest thoughts. That would mean that James and Natalie would vote with the house so the vote would be unanimnous, whoever Paulie wants them to vote.

Unknown said...

Natalie has won the HOH.

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