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Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning and happy TGI-Friday!! I am soooo glad the weekend is finally here, it's been the longest work week for me, I swear! Okay, so last night we didn't see the HG's battle for HOH at the end of the live eviction show as we normally do, that's because it was played much later in the night last night.

At 8:15pm BBT, the feeds switched off for the HOH Comp and came back on over 5 hrs later at 1:50am BBT.

The New HOH is:

Nicole told Corey she thinks they're safe after she had a talk earlier with Natalie and how they're gonna act like they're not working together (James/Nat/Nic/Corey) by keeping their distance. Meanwhile, the other HG's think that Nicole/Corey are going up on the block. Natalie told James she's not putting a girl up on the block this week. 2 guys will be going up.

So who will go up? Well, as of 5:54am BBT this morning, she's putting Paul/Victor up, with Paul as her target. Wow! So things are gonna be really interesting this week.

But we still have the America's Care Package for Co-HOH this week, in which the winner of it will decide the 2nd Nom this week. So hold on there Natalie, because it very well could be Victor that wins it, which would means he'd be safe this week (or whoever wins it, that is). Nominations will be today at some point, so I'll be back later with the official noms.


Unknown said...

how will it work with the co-hoh care pkg? will it be given before noms? i hope paul wins that...i loves james but paul has really grown on me

Carlos said...

Dang it. I like Paul now. I sat her to go after Corey. He's the next douchecanoe.

Stevie said...

Ummm.... What? I'm so confused. They worked so hard to flip the house and now Nat is going to turn on the people that actually made it happen? So dumb. Making any deal with Nicole is also dumb. Hasn't she proved herself as a snake? Hopefully the care package is dropped ASAP so she can get a reality check.

Nicole Chenault said...

I've come to like Paul too - he cracks me up. So maybe him or Victor will get the care package and make the nom's a good split to further divide the house and give us more drama! :)

Razldazlrr said...

Good to see Natalie win - too bad she doesn't put up Nicole - I am so very tired of her screechy and winey voice. How she keeps sliding through is beyond me! You know Corey is very handsome and tall - I don't really get the hair do he wears but still a really great looking guy and seems nice.

The shows really have not shown Paulie to be the true ass he is - they really gave him a pass!

I'm not sure what I think of the people battling to get back in to the show - they already did it once and I think that's enough!

Unknown said...

I sure hope they give the care package before noms, I know I've been voting for Paul and if he wins after being out up, thT could destroy Natalie and James game. I want nicorey out! Hoping Paul wins and puts up Nicole and may puts up Corey.

Unknown said...

Day for buyback! Otherwise I could care less!

Stevie said...

Same, Lauren!

Jon said...

I'm impressed with Natalie. She had me fooled too. For a while I thought she wasn't the brightest and was floating along. But wow, was I wrong! The way she handled the Paulie situation was great and now going after Paul would be the perfect move for her game. I'm a fan of Paul so I'd be a little disappointed if she is able to get him out but I am impressed that she is on to his game. From what I can tell, it seemed as though Paul has been playing a great game. He's works well with both sides of the house and flies under the radar with Victor doing his dirty work. Kudos to Natalie for catching on to him.

I'm not a big fan of the ACP and the buyback. I think it is just an excuse for production to manipulate the game in a way that gives the show better ratings. Not that I blame them but as a fan of the game I don't like it. It should be entertaining though!

Anonymous said...

Jon, I agree 100% on the ACP. I am strongly against America having any say in who receives power. These players make strategy decisions only to have good game moves completely undermined by whoever America likes the best. Its also a huge disadvantage (generally) for players who have no connection to the BB house prior to entering the game. As evidenced by the fact that Rachel's sister won America's Favorite Player every week.

Personally, I don't think it got worse than when Jeff was awarded the Coup D'Etat solely because he and Jordan were America's sweethearts. Even tho I could not stand her I actually wound up rooting for Natalie the rest of the season because I thought she and Jesse got screwed.

If you are going to have a secret power, the house guests had better earn it. (Like Paul and the secret room or Mike Boogie and the first coup d'etat). Anything else cheapens the game.

BB Bopper said...

I watch Big Brother in other countries too and of course they do it differently than we do. In the UK the hg's each vote for two people to go on the block secretly. By secretly I mean they are not allowed to talk strategy amongst each other or tell each other who they are voting for. Usually the 2 or 3 people with the most votes goes on the block and the fans call in to vote who to evict. I know it sounds pretty strange but I really enjoy their version.

Unknown said...

Season one of the USA BB was the same as the UK version. I actually like the game talk and strategy. They aren't allowed to talk game in the UK and BB reprimands them. I would love Mama Da to come back but I can't see it happening. It will probably be Paulie, maybe Bridgette but Da and Z couldn't win a comp to save their lives.

Alisha said...

Boooo I love Natalie but I don't like this idea.. Get rid of Corey so Nicole is alone!

Unknown said...

As of 1154am bbt, still no care package.

Unknown said...

Meech won care pkg. Her and Natalie want Paul gone.

Razldazlrr said...

As much as I would like to see Nicole go because she is just so annoying, it makes sense for Natalie to go after two guys - getting Paul out would be a big feather in her hat!

Ali said...

I actually really like Paul now (which is funny because I couldn't stand him the first part of this season) BUT I think Natalie is onto something with targeting him - he is GOING to win this game if people don't start catching on.
I personally would love if she got Corey out (and I pray meech puts him up) but I don't think its the worst game move of all time to target Paul just because he is a huge threat and Corey + Nicole don't really have anyone. Its like they said about Paulie last week, get a big player out while you have the numbers.

JoyNSoul said...

I have come to like Victor and Paul as well, but splitting them up is a smart game move. They are the 2 strongest competitors in the house. They shown to be good at both mental and physical comps. And one of those guys would probably be the best competition to go up against Paulie to return to the house. I hate to see Natalie make herself a big target if she gets one of them out and they come back, but she doesn't know one of the jury is coming back, so she has to keep playing the game! I would absolutely love to see Da'Vonne or Bridgette come back from jury though. Maybe Bridgette a little more so because she has a much better chance of winning comps and going further in the game than Da'Vonne. Da'Vonne would offer more entertainment value though, plus she is smart and very observant. However, her going back in the house leaves Z and Paulie in the jury house together without Da'Vonne keeping her in check. Even if Paulie doesn't want to date Z, I have no doubt he'll still want to continue to get a little action from her for as long as he can. And his interview with Julie last night was nauseating!!! He's such a tool!!! Paulie: I wasn't really a cry baby. It was strategy! Nothing like trying to save face and keep his macho image! I loved when Julie interpreted his answer about dating Z as a NO though! Get a clue please Zakiyah! Stay as far away as possible from this guy!!!

I really hope the competition to return isn't a physical comp where a guy (Paulie) would have a clear advantage. A competition where a lower center of gravity is an advantage might be nice! :)

I also really hope the care package comes before the nominations for Natalie's sake!!!

Jon said...

Getting Paul out is a good move but I'm not sure it's the best. The numbers are getting to the point where you need to get rid of the best competition players or you may not get another chance. Victor is a competition beast and it may be impossible to get him out later. I'd take the shot now I were in Natalie's or Meech's shoes.

Unknown said...

I hope Corey gets the care package and Paul and Victor go up and which ever one don't win veto goes out the door! That's my hopes for this week.

Unknown said...

Once you are out, you should be out for good. Too many chances to come back in! I didn't like it on Survivor, and I definitely don't like it here!!

Leyna said...

Michelle got the care package

FEMily! said...

i don't think Natalie will win if she takes out her allies too soon. Neither Victor nor Paul will vote for her to win, even if she's sitting next to Nicole or Corey on finale night. I think putting both of them up is a bad idea right now.

Unknown said...

She can't play next week, and I wouldn't be surprised if both Paul and Victor both wind up staying as one is bound to win HOH and the other may be able to guarantee safety. Nicole is pointless at comps. James has only won one. This week will be interesting.

Gross said...

I have loved watching Natalie play....and I also like Paul a lot.

It is smart to target him (impressed she has caught on to his game)!! But I don't want her to target him cuz I like him! LOL!

Personally, I'd love to see Nicole get evicted. She's useless. So is Corey.

Neither girls can play HOH next week, and I wouldn't trust stupid Nicole.

JChism said...

I hope Natalie wakes up because at this stage of the game it is most important to evict the person who is the most physical threat which is Victor. There will be more endurance comps and Victor stands the best chance of winning those at this point more so than Paul.

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