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Friday, August 12, 2016

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy TGI-Friday to y'all!! :D The HOH Comp was played last night after the show ended (it was a very short HOH Comp, less than an hour)...

The New HOH is:

So, what will Victor do? Well, it appears that he will gun after Paulie this week from what I've seen so far this morning. But let's dive into the Overnighter and see what happened last night.

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

7:08pm BBT:
The feeds came back on after the live double eviction and there was James/Paulie/Paul/Victor/Nicole in the lounge room talking about the show. Paulie took Michelle's speech hard and mentioned how his family got to see what she said on the air and what Bridgette had to say, too. 

Paulie: "My brother and his boys, are gonna literally tear that girl (Nat) apart."
Victor: "Beat her up?"
Paulie: "No, socially."

But then Paulie says this a few seconds later...
Paulie: "Oh, my cousins?..will beat the sh*t out of both those girls. My sister will beat the sh*t out of both those girls." (Meech/Bridge)

7:20pm BBT:
Paulie tells Victor that noms this week should be James/Nat because of James getting Z out.

7:38pm BBT:
Douchecanoe is up to his old ways.
Paulie calls Natalie out for "doing what she did". Natalie says she doesn't wanna fight and tells him it sounds like he's reprimanding her. He said he's voicing his opinion and she doesn't have to say a word. Natalie said the things "he was saying" about Z, were wrong and that's why she told Z about everything..because she cares about Z as a person.

"But wait, there's more!"...

7:57pm BBT:
Meech/Paulie are talking. (Victor/Paul is there.)
Meech is doing a little damage to Paulie's ego by saying that Z only cuddled with him last night "for strategy".
Paulie: "Really? Because last night we boned." (*What a classy guy.)

Paulie then goes on about how he has feelings for Z, though he didn't like seeing her jealous and territorial side and how that wouldn't fly in the real world with him, especially with "all the attention" he's gonna get after the show.

Paulie mentions that he wouldn't kiss Z on camera "out of respect", but apparently boning in multiple rooms in the BB house..including in a bumper car...without a condom every time (as he confessed to Vic/Paulie) is okay. Whatever.

9pm BBT-10pm BBT:
Feeds off for HOH Comp.
Victor won HOH.

Paulie immediately goes on his "put two girls up" suggestion to Vic and mentions Michelle/Nat, with Meech as the target. Paulie/Corey/Nicole feel safe this week with Victor as HOH. But they probably shouldn't, because...

10:26pm BBT:
Paul tells Victor they need to gun after Paulie/Corey this week.
Paul: "If you put up Paulie or Corey, one of them will go home..if one of them doesn't go home, we are f*cked! And you don't get to compete (for HOH) next week. Do you think they wanna take (us) two guys that are matching their competition (level) to the end with them? No."

Victor: "Big moves. Big moves."
Victor said he didn't forget that Paulie got him evicted once already. Paul warns him to not let Paulie get in his head.

At 10:40pm BBT, Paul tells James/Nat that Victor will be gunning for Paulie this week and putting up Paulie/Corey. They're excited to hear this. Paul then goes and tells Victor that James/Nat are on-board with the Paulie/Corey noms and that they all have his back this week to make a big move.

11:20pm BBT:
Lounge Room
Victor tells Nicole she's safe this week and that he already "has information" about who wanted him up during the Double Eviction but wants to hear it from her. She asks him not to tell anyone because she's "not a snake" and is "very loyal". (*lol) He promises.

Nicole: "Promise me you won't throw me under the bus?"
Victor: "I already have the information, just want you to confirm it."

She said that it was James.
Victor: "Who else agreed with said plan?"
Nicole: "Me, Day..."
Victor: "Paulie and Corey.."
Nicole doesn't confirm those 2, however. (He knows it was P/C but she's not confirming, though she knows it's true.)
Victor: "All I need to know. I'm not stupid."

Nicole said if Corey wanted him (V) out, he would've tried to get him out last night during the D.E.

At 11:40pm BBT, Nicole goes and blabs all this to Corey, saying she thinks she just blew up her game. She tells Corey that she covered for him during her convo with Vic. 

11:52pm BBT:
Michelle said she can go up as a pawn, but Paul said no to's gotta be Paulie/Corey up on the block. No pawns. Victor said it won't be hard to justify Paulie being up on the block because he sent him home with a 9-1 vote.

11:56pm BBT:
Paul/James tell Meech to continue to get under Paulie's skin because it messes with his mind for comps like it did last night. Meech mentions how furious Paulie was right before the live show and thought he was gonna hit her.

12:20am BBT:
Paulie, for the millionth time, makes fun of Natalie's fake breasts and mentions that he doesn't like how she got a care package from America. (*Jealousy is a b*tch.)

2:26am BBT:
Paul/Victor just left the HOH room, leaving Paulie/James alone to talk.
Paulie: "Did Paul know what the plan was before the vote?"
James covers for Paul..
James: "I don't think he did.."
Paulie said he walked in on Paul and said "What, we're voting out Z now?"

A few mins later, James goes and tells Paul/Natalie/Meech how Paulie was just asking him if Paul knew.
James: "He was just trying to find out information."
Paul: "Dude, let him."

Paul later on mentions how flustered Paulie is now because of everything that went down last night.

2:55pm BBT:
James/Nat hope Meech gets the next Care Package because she rode with them this week. (*I agree.)

3:35am BBT:
The "Sitting Ducks" duo (Paul/Vic) talk about how Paulie/Corey are going up on the block today at the Nominations Ceremony. Victor tells Paul about his convo with Nicole and how he didn't get any extra from her that he already didn't know.

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! So it looks like the unthinkable might happen today...the all mighty powerful Paulie will be nominated for eviction. If so, the live feeds are gonna be great post-nom ceremony!! :D I'll be back later on this afternoon to post the Nominations spoiler and the aftermath of it all, so stay tuned! ;)


Unknown said...

The more I am reading this, the more I am disliking Paulie. I cannot stand this guy! I wonder when and hopefully when he gets eliminated, he will be booed. When will we find out who will get ACP?

2thDoc said...

Paulie is a pig. Plain and simple. Used to like him especially when he was saying how Frank disrespects women but yet he's worse than frank ever was. Frank at least apologized sincerely to Day. It sucks that dumb Corey got HOH at DE but that's how they usually go every year with DE....never as planned. Unfortunately Bridgette got to be the collateral damage in the master plan. Glad Victor won HOH. Hope he still remembers that Paulie backdoored him!!! Glad the "no-name" alliance is staying strong. Was worried there for a bit. Used to like Nicole too but she really is a snake. She smiles when other people on block but yet wants to be off the block anychance she gets. Nicole - "I don't wanttttt to be on the blockkkkkk" (cue whining voice). Anyway can't wait to see the 3 of them (Paulie, Corey, Nicole) squirm when 2 of them on the block with the other being replacement. Hope to God Victor has another great nomination speech. Maybe Meech can smirk and smile like Corey and Paulie did when she was nominated. One word.....KARMA!!!!!

FEMily! said...

Agree with everything 2thDoc said. Paulie knows nothing about boundaries. When Day told Frank she didn't like what he was saying/doing to her, he sincerely apologized. Day didn't forgive him fully, but he didn't try anything with her again. He respected her boundaries after she explicitly stated them. Victor and Natalie worked things out after she told him she didn't like the way he treated her, and now they're friends. Victor hasn't crossed any of her boundaries since then. Natalie tells Paulie that she's uncomfortable with what he does and says to her, and he flat out lies about it and turns it on her. He says since she's flirtatious and lets certain guys compliment and touch her, that she should like his gross comments about her. That's not how things work, douchecanoe! He ignored Bridgette and James and everyone else who told him he was wrong and only listened to the people who validated him. He's a scumbag.

I really hope Z was on the pill this whole time.

Unknown said...

I hope Z gets a clue that Paulie is a douche and doesn't care about her at all!

Unknown said...

I seriously hope the douchecanoe opens his
eyes to what a fruit loop dingus he is being. I remember Caleb being creepy, and I remember all the hype over him, but I think Paulie is WAY worse. #DoucheCanoe

rigs said...

Victor is taking a BIG chance this week going after Paulie. It would just be Paulie's luck to have the round trip ticket. He would then put up Victor and Paul. Victor is a good player but he should not be listening to Paul. Let Paul do his own dirty work. As much of a jerk as Paulie is, Paul is not much better. Paul's sense of self importance surpasses Paulie's. And James is being the same "blow it up, mess up the house, backstabbing" wannabe important person that he has always been.

bbwatcher said...

I wish they could backdoor paulie and not give him a chance to compete in veto cuz that's what he did to Victor and Da'vonne. And I really really wish paulie doesn't have the round trip ticket!

R.Cazares said...

The only reason (the ONLY reason!) I'm okay with Paulie not being evicted yesterday is that thank goodness Zakiyah gets to enjoy a whole week at Jury without him. It will be a relief to her, methinks!

Unknown said...

Once Bridgette and Da get a hold of Z in jury house, she will hear a whole ton of stuff she won't want to hear. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Da finds out what went down this week. If Z goes back to Paulie after this, she is an absolute fool and they both deserve each other. As for the safety package, I really hope it's Michelle. I voted for Bridgette so I hope enough people voted for Michelle as well.

GMAGS said...

So, like most here, I am disappointed with Pailie. I liked him at first, thought he was a good player, and actually still think he is a good player. But he is not a good person. You can fake it for a while but when you’re on camera 24/7, your ugly ways will come out.

BUT, isn’t getting rid of him now stupid? Hasn’t his behavior, language and disrespect angered so many in the jury that you WANT him sitting next to you at the end? Plus, he is a comp beast and can win his way to the end. IDK…..I just feel like he has become the perfect person to ride to the end. He will win Comps, keep you safe, and will have plenty of enemies in the jury.

As a viewer, I am glad this plan is in place. It will bring some drama and excitement to the show. As a human, I am glad this plan is in place since Paulie has shown that he is not a nice person. But if I was a player, I would ride with Paulie all the way to the end and win!

Monica said...

Watching Z get interviewed by Julie was painful. She was played/used by Paulie in more ways than one, yet it is evident she has genuine feelings for him and was trying to keep it together on stage. She did stake her entire game on being faithful to Paulie, counting on him to protect her. No one to blame for that other than herself. She reminds me of those friends that are dating an a**hole, but no amount of reason can make them wake up. It's just a mistake that must be made and learned from (sadly for Z, on national TV). I'm glad the house seems to be turning against Paulie at last. I hope Victor gives another memorable speech come time for noms. If Paulie is voted out, I hope he is greeted by boos as he exits the house. With our luck, he is holding the round trip ticket.

Unknown said...

I agree GMAGS....on a personal level, I don't agree with Paulie's behavior, however from a strategic standpoint, he would be a good person to have by your side at the end. NO ONE would vote for him (or he'll get minimal votes). This game isn't about physical prowess alone...managing the relationships of those you've sent to the jury house plays a part. I understand wanting him to experience the eviction process (and the emotional roller coaster that comes with it), but as it stands now, he may help someone else in the house win $500,000.

Unknown said...

Dream scenario: Paulie nominated; for Veto comp, he pulls House Guests choice; that person wins Veto; when Paulie asks if they will use it to pull him off the block, they answer non-definitively; they do NOT remove him, he gets voted OUT. I'm just saying.....Karma

Unknown said...

Nicole just annoyed the hell out of me. I really want her gone like yesterday but before that I want to see Paulie and Corey go first so I can enjoy seeing Nicole struggle in the house with no allies..

Unknown said...

Remember, it should be Zingbot real soon. Could be interesting.

Fuzzies said...

Watching the live feeds has gotten totally worth the cumulative amount I have spent so far!!! Paulie is many (rotten) things, but he is no dummy. One of the reasons he is so rattled is because he can sense that the only 2 he has left on his side are Cory and Nicole...the two lamest players this season. He will not be suprised at all that he is on the block. And Thank Heaven above, that although he has been trying to use Dan ' s mist on these hgs, it just hasn't worked very well. Poor Z was the only one misted, and I truly hope Da'Vonne gets it all out of her system before he gets to Jury. I am actually hoping that he pulls a Hantz move and just gets himself removed from the game. Then Z will have even more time to recover, plus she may get an idea of how rotten he is. I feel bad for Cody...this has to be heartbreaking.

Anonymous said...

Haha they have a "which Big Brother 18 Contestant Would You Be?" on Buzzfeed lol I got Frank. Not sure if that is good or bad really? He did play the game.

Unknown said...

Mama B - I got Tiffany...ewww..not good

rigs said...

GMAGS, I agree 100%. If I was Victor, I would want to keep Paulie on my side to the end. Victor would have to manage to get rid of James, Paul and Corey, with Corey being a high priority to breakup the Paulie/Corey partnership. If I was Corey I would want to get rid of James, Paul and Victor and getting rid of the girls as needed. The girls had a huge advantage in the beginning of the game but once Tiffany left, they got pretty stupid. It is like an old movie when girls were made to look stupid and ruined the movey.

I would say Natalie is playing James, not that he doesn't deserve it but she is playing him. At least Megan made it clear the she and James were just friends. Megan was a good natured "party girl" but Natalie is as phony as a three dollar bill. I think Paulie called it right about her and Bridget and Melissa. He was foolish to get rid of Tiffany. As it turns out for him, Paulie, he isn't going win under any circumstances.

Paul, like James, is playing everyone.

Angelface said...

Behind all this bull is Cory who has been loyal to his group, and has done nothing to anyone really, who has been a have not so much that he is just a rag doll, he stayed loyal to his alliance which includes Victor/Paul/James & Paulie, however Nicole has been used by her alliances 100% she has no clue still. Now look at all you cheering on floaters Natali #1, Meech clueless, still these girls are being used as cover and will be evicted after this weeks truths come out. Victor is thinking for himself, James is thinking for himself, Cory will be thinking after today.
Nicole knows way more about the guys then Natali or Meech, when Victor puts Cory and Paulie up Nicole's info will come out too Nat & Meech, then James is busted, Paul is already trying to keep the girls split, but Meech feels bad she thinks Nicole has been on her side regardless of what she says to James & Paul, once the male alliance comes out the girls will not trust any of the guys.
Then again will they blast that fact. I hope Cory and Nicole figure out they need to bust James and Paul big time.
I like Cory and Victor, I think Nicole has been trying to play smart for her alliance, I think Nat is a squeaky annoying girl and she will mess up James, Meech has also tried to stay loyal to her alliances but is also very annoying to watch. Paul and Paulie both need to go.
But you people acting like Nat is so great now, OMG. And hello all the guys are a threat to each other. I hope Victor plays his own game and not Pauls.

Anonymous said...

If Paulie were to make it to the end, knowing what he has done to people and how unlikable he is now, I don't think I would want to be sitting there next to him. Knowing all this, the jury will be advised and be inclined to believe that after all this, he had to obviously been playing the game and deserves to win. JMHO

As far as Z being with Paulie after this, he has stated that he will be too busy after the show, I guess because he will be so important?

Nicole getting ACP probably is somewhat due to all the votes that may have gone to Brig prior to her eviction. I so wish the voting would start right after the HOH or better yet after noms. Although she is feeling pretty confident that America loves her now, it won't matter because the numbers are still there to evict either Corey or Paulie so long as they are both on the block initially. If not on together, the other could win POV and both be safe as well as Nicole. Bad scenario in that case. Hopefully, they won't wait to try to BD Paulie.

I have set a calendar flag for myself each day now to be sure to get my votes in for ACP this week. Huge advantage to be able to get someone on your alliance to put someone on the block.

JoyNSoul said...

I don't think taking Paulie to the end is a good idea. First, if he's hated that much by the other houseguests, then who would respect someone taking him to the end. Also, in the past, there have been maybe one or two bitter jury members, but the rest tend to be able to take the personal out of it and vote based on game play. Z would vote for him to win. Da'Vonne didn't really see all that happened, so she wasn't emotionally involved in the situation. She is one I could see putting emotions aside anyway and vote for gameplay. The guys would probably be able to look at gameplay alone when voting. I have no doubt Corey would throw him a vote. Probably Nicole as well. He would probably have to win more comps to get there as well. People would look at that when voting. I don't think sitting next to Paulie in the final 2 would be quite the slam dunk win like some people think. Just get the guy out of there! He's in for a rude awakening when he gets out of that house. Although sadly, even then, he still may not get it.

Like a lot of people, I liked Nicole but am disappointed in her gameplay (or lack there of) this season. I could have really rooted for her to win had she not gotten sidetracked by her showmance and now for her loyalty to Paulie. I kept hoping she would wake up and somehow redeem herself, but it's not looking likely. I do have to say though that she does have a whiny tone to her voice that's similar to my 4 year old's. Hearing the whiny tone in an adult has made me more determined than ever to train it out of my child so I don't have to hear him talk like that as an adult.

Nat for the win!

Anonymous said...

@Joy...I loved that, Nicole has given you purpose in training your child not to whine.

I liked Nicole her last season and started out this season rooting for her. But, with her showmance, the majority of the time she just lounges around with Corey. Once in awhile she rousts herself when it becomes apparent that she needs to go gather some gossip for Paulie. Her motto is to go and ask everyone in a non-sincere way "are you okay, you seem upset", blah, blah.

I think Nat was playing low and deliberately acting silly. She said that she is done acting that way and when it became obvious that it was now or never to make a move, she made a huge move in risking getting nommed and rallied to expose Paulie. It was do or sink with the ship. I applaud her and wish so much that she hadn't gotten the ACP the first week and it was still an option for her. She tried so hard to win that HOH and hung in there so long against Victor. Had she won it, she would have put Paulie up before this.

I am so disgusted and sick of Paulie referring to her FT. So what, it's a private matter that most people wouldn't broadcast and not something that means you are a fake person who lies. Methinks he protests too much! How petty.

Unknown said...

Paulie is just mad that a guy like James could get a girl like Natalie. He's mad that's she not all over him. That's how I think of it.

Dianne said...

The girls already know about the all guy alliance & keeping Pauie would be beyond stupid. He could possibly get back in control & could sway the jury based on that alone. Although there are no 24/7 cameras in the jury, there are handlers watching them and they are NOT allowed to talk about what went down regarding the other HG nor are they to try to campaign for or against anyone. The only exception is when they are being filmed/interviewed by BB.

James is one of the least backstabbing people in the house; he had no reason to be loyal to his original alliance, they had no plans to keep him at the end. James may not be everyone's favorite which is fine, but he is not a villain. That title belongs to Paulie, I almost feel sorry for him as he is so shallow and mean; the total opposite of what Cody appeared to be. Nicole has done absolutely nothing this season, at least she tried to play the game last season, all she has some is cuddle, period.

Those who assume Nat doesn't really like James have no way of knowing. But my opinion is that some people don't think James is hunky enough to attract a cute girl so they think it can't possibly be true. I really like Naf, she and James have helped each other, it's definitely not a one way street.

The only person I dislike is Paulie, what's up with his obsession with Nat's chest? That is so weird.

FEMily! said...

Paulie in the finale isn't good, because the jury tends to reward terrible human beings who managed to make it to the end,

FEMily! said...

I got Tiffany on the Buzz Feed quiz too. Bleh!

erm said...

I don't think Derik was a mean person. I think he played a quiet skillful game and was not gross or rude to anyone especially the females. He was a gentleman of strategy.

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