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Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday Night Update: ACP + Noms

Good evening, ladies & gents! Earlier today, America's Care Package was delivered and the lucky houseguest was...

ACP Winner:

Michelle will be Co-HOH this week, alongside HOH Natalie to do nominations. In addition, she is also safe this week from being nominated/evicted.

Speaking of noms...
The girls made their Nominations this evening. And without further delay..

Nominated for Eviction:

**I will be back in the morning with a full Overnighter report. I simply don't have the energy after a very long day at work. But I'll give y'all the deets in the morning on what's shaking. Plus tomorrow we have the Veto Comp which will better determine how this week is gonna play out. G'dnight!! :D


Anonymous said...

I just read the next season of big brother in cbs all access will be another all Stars with the winners of every big brother. "This will be the first season not to air on CBS, which has aired the program since the first season; instead, it will be shown exclusively on CBS All Access, which has been the home of the live Internet feeds since 2013. This season included all winners with the exception of Adam Jasinski due to his criminal record due to his absence the runner up returned."

Sophia said...

@Robert- If that's true, I'm excited. Should be interesting!

slnc said...

Those are the stupidest nominations there a plan to bk door corey or nicole? I don't get it...

Unknown said...

I haven't heard it's gonna be all Stars. Would be dumb to do in the fall because it's not on TV & cbs would lose $. In addition, Dr will & evel dick are retired from bb.

Jezabelle said...

I don't think Rachel would do it with her newborn. An article I read said its a smaller cast of 12. Two returners, possibly Day and Frank, and 10 newbies. Julie Chen is set to continue hosting. They wouldn't waste the star power of "All Stars" on an Internet only season.

The thing I loved the most in the article is it seems that there will be a new casting director for BB19. Maybe they'll get people who have actually watched and studied the game.

Dianne said...

I think it's all rumors. re the All Access cast. Personally I don't know if I will watch, on the fence. I have no desire to watch hamsters 24/7.

Razldazlrr said...

Yea - that all stars thing wouldn't make any sense - a lot of the winners would never come back again. and they definitely would not come back for internet.

ok - Friday night show was so lame! They are all really bad actors when being told what to say. The only part that got a little interesting was the HOH for 2 minutes! ha ha

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