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Friday, August 12, 2016

Nominations Ceremony Spoiler

Here we go, guys & gals! At 5:15pm BBT, the live feeds went to Jeffish, which means it's time for the Nomination Ceremony finally!! I'll be here when the feeds return to announce who Victor officially put up as the noms. We're expecting Victor to put up Paulie/Corey, so let's see if that's what happens!

Grab your popcorn, because if he does, the aftermath could be good! lol Paulie has no idea he's going up. His ego is gonna take a huge hit. Will he blow up? Or be calm and try to talk his way out of it? Oooo so many possibilities!! :D

Nominated for Eviction:
Awkward silence when the feeds came back on. Paulie said he understands because he put Victor up, but said he didn't know Vic would go home because he was on the outside of an 8 person alliance.

Paulie: "Vic, who did say I wanted to backdoor you?"
Victor: "Part of a meeting, way long ago."
Paulie: "When she came back in the house?
Victor: "Yea. Aside from all that, even if you were on the outs of an alliance..I didn't even get to PLAY to stay. You both get the chance to play to stay. There's a lot of strong guys in the house, so it was part of my strategy..I wasn't bitter when I was put up, and I hope you guys aren't bitter. This awkward silence.."
Nicole: "Corey didn't backdoor anybody yesterday."
Victor: "Y'all can get mad at me.."
Paulie: "I"m not mad."

Victor is calling Paulie out now on every move he's mad and how he makes things seem one way, but switches his game on a dime and then justifies it.

Oooo voices are getting raised!
James is getting involved now, too.

Turn on the live feeds!!!


DeniseG said...

OMG! Awesome!!!

Unknown said...

YES. Just, YES!!!

R.Cazares said...

You go, Victor! He's awesome! Paulie doesn't have a defense. Love it love it.

Joliechance said...

What are they saying? I can't get access here in Canada.😢

Anonymous said...

Michelle or Natalie win POV so noms stay the same. We know at least they will leave it so they don't up.

Funny how people have double standards. I can do it but you can't. It is a game and of course, you all can do it.

2thDoc said...

First of all, Christmas came early this year!! So happy the two jerks are up (Paulie and Corey). Secondly, hypocrits!!! Last week both Corey and Paulie smirked and smiled when Michelle was crying on the block. Now Paulie says "don't kick someone when they're down"? Please!!!! Karma baby karma. Face it you lost. Or as you told Frank "stop making an idiot of yourself, the numbers just aren't there" hahahahha

Unknown said...


Rip Van Winkle said...

Feeling like Rip Van Winkle here. Have to say have seen all the seasons and my spouse follows the blogs. It seems that I just woke up in some kind of a time warp. As a husband, a father and a grandfather, I am astonished with the arrogance of Paulie. It's apperent that he is so self centred that he is oblivious to the facts of his own character of disrespect to women. Did his father not raise him to respect his mother and sister? If he didn't, shame on him. If he did, it's time for Boot Camp. My condolences to his entire family.

Unknown said...

Watching the feeds and it's Paulie,Vic and Paul...Paulie is bs-ing his way around every circle and Vic standing up to him, being very logical...never cared for Vic, but I am loving him now!!!!!! Shut the hell up Paulie ! Bla!

Unknown said...

Paulie is Must See TV tonight!!😂😂😂 Love watching him self implode. Guess he didn't learn too much from Derrick and Cody. Lol lol lol.

Candle Lite Quilter said...

Paulie is just an ASS!! He is ignorant and just likes to hear himself talk...what a PIG!!!

Kmm7743 said...

OMG!!!! Is Paulie just gonna whine and bitch all freaking night??? All he has done all night is bitch and moan about being on the block and it not being fair!! He's telling everyone what they want to hear so he can get saved!!! And he really isn't that smart if he thinks Michelle blew up his game??!! It was a collaborative effort of every (except Nicole/Cory), she just had the balls to tell him about it since she was on the block and had nothing to lose. And did he forget how badly he talked about his 'girl' Zakiyia??? Saying he boned her, didn't use a comndom, told Victor to put her up on the block then didnt save her when he won veto? Paulie..deary, THESE are some of the reasons why you are on the block (in addition to you being a threat.) Btw, I could totally see him try and talk Cory into using veto on him......smdh..
And as much as I disliked Paul in the beginning, I'm starting to really like him now!!!

Unknown said...

I swear this is like Vanessa or Tiffany trapped in Paulie's body right now!! Too funny!! Let's see whose next to go whine to.

The Keeles said...

Omg I can't handle Paulie's bull crap!

Kmm7743 said...

Hahaha laughing @ Paul just shaking his head in agreement to Pauline..i mean Paulie talking about saving him with the veto....clueless Paulie.

Babybean said...

So happy Vic had the balls to actually do this!!!! Yeah!!!! Paulie on BBAD trying to talk to Nat Nat is disgusting! SHUT THE F-UP, you douche!!! I hope to god she is not believing him... For sure, she is too smart for that!!!

Babybean said...

Rip Van Winkle - I could not agree more!

Kmm7743 said...

No, she doesn't believe a freaking word he was saying. He's basically making his rounds spewing bs and sniffling his nose like starting to tear up to get sympathy. I literally cannot sit and watch him play the 'woo is me 'card for the next few days, cause Lord knows if he wins veto, he'll go right back to being the douchecanoe he is... let's hope he doesn't though!!!!

Stacia said...

No, he sniffles his nose and clears his throat as an irritating "type thing". So over him!

r's mommy said...

I agree with Rip Van Winkle. I also have to wonder about Paulie claiming various members of his family are going to physically hurt the girls for standing up to him in the house. I thought I liked Cody when he was on but, now I'm wondering if I remember correctly? I do know I liked Derrick. I wonder how he feels about being connected to such an ass? Paulie's personality is terrible! His family should be mortified but, maybe they are proud!?! Disgusting human being is all I can say. Douchecanoe is a great name for him too!

Andy Tatnall said...

Paulie crying over getting nominated has made my year.

rigs said...

I was watching the live feeds on BBAD. Paulie is right about Natalie being "fake". After he talk with Paulie she, James and Michelle were talking. Michelle said that maybe people think Natalie is fake because she compliments people and is happy and carefree etc. Michelle then says that it is too good to be true. Then Natalie revealed the truth. She said she compliments people because she likes getting compliments. She said "I like to give what I want to get". In my book that is being fake. Giving "expecting" the same in return is fake giving in my book. That is a reason to give but not a good one. That is being fake. About a minute after saying that, she is crying. I think at some level she realizes that her behavior is often fake.

IMO fake boobs reveal more than just fake boobs. Getting a boob job is just another way of being fake.

Mama B said...

Rigs, I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one bud. lol That's pretty harsh and judgemental, don't you think? Ppl have surgical procedures done for a ton of different reasons; it's their business why. Could be for a little confidence boost, could sometimes even be because they had cancer and had breasts removed. I mean, saying fake boobs must mean a fake person is like saying people who come to a conclusion like that is either bi**chy or jealous. Right? Just saying.

As for Paulie, he is being over the top and needs to collect himself. I'm happy Vic was brave enough to put them two on the block! Can't wait for Zingbot!!

Steve Robbins Art said...

I really want to hear how gorilla-dick*s family feel about how their son/brother/whatever is acting, and how he's treating women. I really do, and I haven't found anything on a light google search. Any links?

What bothers me? He's not going to face serious repercussions from this. He's a rake, and rakes are charming. Sure, there's oodles of documented footage (broadcast, feeds, twitter, blogs), but there's plenty of women and employers who won't do that basic level of research, or care if they do. He's sooooooo cute... And when he smiles... Oh oh! He's taking off his shirt! LOOK at those abs!
Excuse me- I just unleashed some of my stomach lining. I think reading his behavior on an empty stomach isn't wise.

(*Yes, gorilla-dick. Gorilla males actually have comically small genitals, even for their size, and he's acting like a really dumb ape)

JChism said...

Rigs, that comment you made about fake breasts equating to a person being fake is the most moronic thing a person can say. You sound like Paulie now. What I do know is that society places such importance on a women's appearance and while employers are not supposed to discriminate against prospective employees for a number of reasons, I can guarantee you that a 50-year old woman who has 3 kids and aging breasts from breastfeeding her three babies is less likely to be hired by a male employer over a 30-year old woman with perky big breasts. So while you sit there being all judgmental, you have no right to criticize any woman for the way she looks or the things she does to her own body to look better in her own eyes. You are just a close-minded jerk and I'm pretty sure you are a male because a female wouldn't be so harsh about something so personal to another woman. And if you are a woman, shame on you even more.

mgross_rn said...

I don't think it's fake at all to be nice to people in order for them to be nice back. You kill more bees with honey and all that .... And to make such a general statement about individuals getting breast enhancement is a very ignorant stance to take. Even those that don't have a medical reason to have it done (breast cancer, damage, etc), typically have a psychological reason: low self esteem, body image issues, etc. you cannot call a persons character into question based soley on the size of their implants.

Victoria Stairz said...

If your kind of 'fake' is trying to be nicer to people than you really are inclined to be, then I say good for you!! People can tell if you are disingenuous, of course, but just trying to be kinder in general than human nature tends to be? Um, we need more of that.

Also, if I never hear the phrase 'ride or die' again, it'll be okay by me. Lol

Joliechance said...

I'm not even going to comment on what "Rigs" said because it's not worth it. As for Paulie, I agree with everyone comments. I know that BB is a game but I would think that they have rules and if you break them you are automatically pull out. In my opinion Paulie should be pulled out of the game. He is a disgrace and he is not a man. Also I'm hoping that Z will get some help in self-esteem, I could not believe my eyes after the way he treated her and all the things that everyone told her that she told Julie on stage that she would like to date him outside the house and said " I hope he wants to". I'm so concerns for her.

rigs said...

Given the huge number of breast jobs being done, it is a sad commentary on America today. There were 280,000 breast augmentations last year and another 100,000 breast lifts done. I suspect most were done to boost self esteem. Women are being ruled by what others think about how they should look. Give me a small to medium, naturally breasted woman any day over fake boobs. Being fake has so taken over that it is no wonder we have DT dominating the airways. I think it is a time to get real.

Andy Tatnall said...

rigs said...
"She said "I like to give what I want to get". In my book that is being fake."

You mean like... the Golden Rule? That's being fake?

Sure, guy.

Sammie said...

About what rigs said, I have to disagree. I personally wouldn't get breast implants, but I won't judge people who do. Especially considering Natalie's job, it totally makes sense. She was an NFL cheerleader. It probably didn't hurt her career. I have a friend who is a bartender and got breast implants to make bigger tips. You don't know her reason or anything, so it's no one's place to judge. And I agree with Victoria. Even if you're being a little fake, it's good to be nice to people. It's like treat others how you wanna be treated. That's just what she's doing. I don't think that makes her fake.

FEMily! said...

Paulie is just as bad toward women as Aryan, Amanda, and Gina Marie were to Candace and Howard a few seasons back. Julie Chen addressed the racist bullying on The Talk, and CBS took precautions to make sure downright racist people don't become contestants. Has she said anything about Paulie's sexist behavior? Besides saying she hopes he wins? Will CBS make sure sexist men don't enter the game? Paulie deflects blame onto everyone for his behavior. Frank crossed lines too, but once Da'vonne told him how she felt, he apologized and stopped the behavior. Da'vonne was afraid to talk about how uncomfortable she was with Frank's behavior, because she didn't want to put a target on her back. She didn't want to appear emotional or angry so that she could stay in the game. Every woman knows what that's like, because we are often targets of harassment on the streets, in the workplace, pretty much anywhere. It sucks. We're expected to play nice, laugh it off, not rock any boats -- to protect our own safety and men's egos. No one should have to be subjected to that. Natalie felt the same way with Paulie as Da'vonne did with Frank. But Paulie learned nothing from watching that scenario. Paulie is expecting apologies from Natalie, Michelle, and Bridgette now. He has no respect for boundaries, and that makes him a danger to women in and out of that house.

FEMily! said...

Rigs, absolutely no one cares what your breast preferences are.

Natalie already explained why she got breast implants. She said that she didn't have any breasts and she earned her own money to pay for them, so that her body would look and feel how she wanted it to. She didn't get them for anyone but herself. So there's no reason why anyone should speculate as to why she got them. Try listening to her, mkay?

Breasts are not ornaments or toys for men's amusement. They are for the delivery of milk to infants. The sexualization of women's breasts is an invention of Western culture that simply doesn't exist in most countries. Religious missionaries have exported this warped view at the detriment of women everywhere. Women are needlessly dying from breast cancer in the Middle East, because the mostly male doctors aren't permitted to feel and observe women's breasts to detect tumors. People, even in the United States, are performing CPR and AEDs improperly on women, because instructional videos and dummies can't depict women's naked breasts during training sessions.

TL;DR the sexualization of women's breasts is causing psychological and physical damage, including premature death, in women all around the world. Breasts aren't for men. They've never been for men. They're never gonna be for men.

Joliechance said...

Bravo FEMily! You are totally right!

rigs said...

FEMily, if breasts are for the delivery of milk to infants, why put balloons full of silicon in there? If breasts are not "ornaments" for men's amusement, why make them more attractive to men? Natalie said she got them because she was a cheerleader. So don't tell me Natalie got them for herself, presumably so she could look at them in the mirror for her own pleasure, LOL. She got them so she would be attractive to men and complimented on her boobs, plain and simple. She said last night that she gives compliments because she wants compliments. So, I am listening to her and pointing out to you what she is saying but you are not listening.

Hey, if Natalie wants to continue to be ruled by what others think and say about her, that is fine by me but I don't think that it is best for her. For her own sense of self and satisfaction with herself, she needs to get real. Age is going to beat her up pretty hard unless she learns to depend less on what others think and say about her.

I do agree with you that breasts are not for men. At the same time women's responses, like breast enlargement, is causing psychological and physical damage. I like small to medium sized breast for that very reason. As I try to imagine being a woman, large breasts would the last thing I wanted hanging on my body, getting in the way or something that men would be ogling over. But that is just me. I would prefer, if I were a woman, that a man would not "judge" me by the size of my breasts. And if I were a small breasted woman, I wouldn't have to worry about men who like large breasts and would only attract men who like me for me as I am.

I recall Cody's season and they are brothers. It looks to me like Paulie's attitude towards women runs in the family.

Andy, no, it is not fake to do unto others as you would have them do unto your UNLESS you expect it from others. If you "give" to others without the expectation of receiving in kind, then you are practicing the Golden Rule. But if you give expecting to receive, then that is fake.

Aand don't forget that Natalie was a big flirt in the house and she still is but has limited most of it to James. They are such a great "fake" couple, LOL.

FEMily! said...

Rigs, absolutely no one cares what your breast preferences are.

rigs said...

FEMily, you have no idea how many women love to hear that there are a lot of men who love small breasts and find small breasted women to be more passionate, sexy, loving and attractive.

Sammie said...

So then those women are also being ruled by what others think of them. Being proud of their small breasts that men appreciate. And what of women that are naturally big breasted? Should they be ashamed and get breast reduction to be attractive to people like you, rigs? I'm happy the way I am, but maybe that made Natalie more confident or considering her job, it's a career move. But the point is, whatever her motivations, it's really none of yours or anyone's damn business. And with this, I'm done. No amount of talking is gonna convince you. But it's her body, her choice. Who are you to tell her that her choice is wrong? You're nobody.

Unknown said...

Hey Jamie, Can rigs comments be removed or monitored as I find his comments to be very hateful?!

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