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Friday, August 12, 2016

America Gives Nicole Care Package

At 11:44am BBT this morning, Nicole received this weeks America's Care Package, which includes safety this week from eviction. In addition, she has to wear a Super Safety Costume (which she is currently putting on in the Diary Room as I type this, so I'll update this post with a pic after she comes back out of the D.R.)

Though Nicole is definitely not a fan favorite this season, her care package isn't actually that big of a deal for two reasons: (1) she was safe this week anyway (Paulie is the target, with Corey as the backup..only would've been nominated as a renom if they needed it), and (2) because the Care packages get better every week, so she won't be getting a more meaningful power later on in the game (if she hadn't received one yet, that is.). Plus we get to see her in a ridiculous costume all week, so that's kinda funny. lol :P

UPDATED @ 1:04pm BBT:
Nicole got her unitard Super Safety Costume.
Paul: "You look like a highlighter and a carrot had a child." (*lol)
Paulie: "I'm sure Corey's pumped about those knee pads." (*pig.)

Nicole really likes her boots. (I am super jealous of her boots. Combat heel boots! Yasss!!!)

In other news...

This morning, Paulie was in the bathroom for a long time, blocking Natalie from using it. BB announced "Paulie, stop that!" and I was confused, as I didn't see him on the feeds anywhere. Turns out, BB was telling him to stop doing this...

Michelle showed us live feedsters the bathroom door, covered in panty liners. The top sticker says "Tampons are not toys." Paulie spelled out "Neither are pad(s)", but BB told him to stop before he could add the "s", it seems.

**I will post when Nominations start, so look for that new post! As of 4:45pm BBT, still no nom ceremony yet.


DeniseG said...

So childish.

Steve Robbins Art said...

I'm excited to see Nicole in the costume. She's not my favorite player, but I think she's really cute.

When will CBS eject Paulie for sexual harassment?

Unknown said...

Does anyone else think Cody and Derrick are embarrassed by Paulie?

Unknown said...

Yeah Nicole wasnt a target but I dont think this care package was a waste just because it was given to someone not a target. Would you guys want either of the actual targets to have safety? Hmmm? Paulie for super safety??I dont think so.

LilyPearl0560 said...

Paulie was saying how Mich made him look bad and ruined his character. He is such an idiot that he does not see he did that all on his own. I guess he forgot he was on 24/7 feeds. LOL

Unknown said...

Seriously, how old is he?!?!?! He has GOT TO GO this week. Come on house, let's get him out!

FEMily! said...

Paulie is gross. I'd bleed all over his underwear and say, "You used all the pads! What did you expect me to do?" But that would require my crotch to be where his crotch was, and I like to keep my crotch clean.

I wish Michelle got the care package, but it seems like it doesn't matter. I hope Paulie goes.

darkstone26 said...

Who would have thought we'd be rooting or Paul and Victor at the start of this season!

Rip Van Winkle said...

Feeling like Rip Van Winkle here. Have to say have seen all the seasons and my spouse follows the blogs. It seems that I just woke up in some kind of a time warp. As a husband, a father and a grandfather, I am astonished with the arrogance of Paulie. It's apperent that he is so self centred that he is oblivious to the facts of his own character of disrespect to women. Did his father not raise him to respect his mother and sister? If he didn't, shame on him. If he did, it's time for Boot Camp. My condolences to his entire family.

BB Bopper said...

Thumbs up Rip Van Winkle. Couldn't agree more.

erm said...

The best game play is to let them think they are safe and back door them. That's what Vic n Paul should have done to Paulie.

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