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Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday: The Overnighter

Good morning and Happy Monday!! Hope your week is getting off to a great start! :D Today is the Veto Cermeony where Big Meech will have to name a replacement nom, now that Paul won veto and will take himself off of the block. Who will it be? Read on.

**You can watch everything posted below on the Flashback Feeds, which comes with your live feeds $5.99/month all access pass!!

Funniest line of Sunday:
...came from Nicole, as she said she thought BB would be "summer camp" this season and she's had to "work really hard" (*lolllll) I'm not sure if you count laying in bed with Corey 23 hrs a day for 2 months is "hard work" but, ok. :P James added to it saying he thought the same thing and he's had to work hard as well.

1:45pm BBT:
James talked to us live feedsters. He said Victor's going out this week and Paul next week (James prefers Corey take out Paul, then James will take Corey out after the dirty work is done), so he hopes America doesn't send Paul the care package. (**Please vote for Paul!) James wants the 2 showmances in Final 4.

7:00pm BBT:
James/Nat talk about how Michelle wants Nicole out but James is voting out Victor. James said he won't tell Paul/Victor that Nat knew Victor was going.

7:15pm BBT:
James/Nat plan to try to get Michelle to renom Nicole, this way they have a better excuse of voting Victor out (as opposed to if it was Corey vs Victor).

Paul is telling Victor he thinks something is up because everyone is acting weird. He said that if Nicole is up VS Victor, then that tells them that Vic is a dead-man walking. They need Corey up as the renom. They know James would never evict Nicole. Victor mentions that he wonders if he'll get a chance to fight to come back. (*Yes you will, my dear.)

7:25pm BBT:
James wants America to send Corey the care package this week. (*NOOO!!!)

7:36pm BBT:
Victor talks with Michelle and reminds her that if Nicole is up there, he's a goner and to put up Corey.

10:15pm BBT:
James lies to Michelle and tells her he would never vote Victor out. This is after she told him that she'd feel horrible if Victor ended up going home. Michelle starts to feel like something is up this week, though Nat/Jaems deny it and say they want a F3 with her (which we know is a lie, since they have a F4 with Summer Camp Nicole and Poundtown Corey).

During this convo, Big Meech tells James that if there's a returning jury member and Victor gets voted out & then comes back in the game, it could be damaging to his game. (*More like game-ending for James.) But James doesn't think that'll happen. In addition, Michelle reminds James that Paul would gun for him if Vic gets voted out. (*Plus Big Meech, once she realizes James turned on a possiblitly of Vic coming back, and James is gonna have Nat who can't win HOH this week, plus Corey and Nicole as his allys. Good luck with that, James.)

12:30am BBT:
Michelle tells Nicole/Corey that one of them is going up and asked if they cared which one. Michelle joked that maybe she'd put up James as the renom. (*Pretty sure you'd win AFP this season if you did that, Meech!)

Michelle will put up Corey as the renom, however.
EDIT: I think she's putting up Nicole. I dunno. I don't even care anymore. lol They've flip-flopped on this all night/morning and it doesn't even matter because Victor is getting voted out regardless. 

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! Paul's chances of survival next week are actually pretty good if you think about it. Between ACP, the HOH comp and veto, he'll have 3 chances to save his BB life next week...and that's without any help from Victor or Paulie (which those 2, in my opinion, have the best shots at coming back especially if it's a physical or endurance comp.) The Veto Ceremony will be later on today and I'll post those results in a new post.


JoyNSoul said...

I kind of doubt the care package will be effective. They all know how big of a threat Paul is, so I really doubt anyone would take a bribe and leave him in the house. I'd be really surprised!! I suppose it depends on who comes back in the house, but whoever does come back will probably have tread carefully with the majority of the house if they want to stay a while. I think Paul's only hope is to win HOH or POV. And if by chance Bridgette comes back, a lot of votes for the care package may go her way. Still praying for a comp that doesn't cater to Paulie or Victor so Bridgette has a chance!

Michelle said...

Do we know what the care package is next time yet?

Unknown said...

Jamie, you do a wonderful job. But I cant read this weeks blog because theres so much flip flopping going on that my head is spinning! lol

Unknown said...

Nicole ain't no "ER Nurse" if she thinks this game is "hard". I myself am an RN and I would take sleep and fun comps over my back breaking job any day of the week.
I have gone right off James. He's useless. Always saying he's "throwing comps". Yeah right, pull the other one, it's got bells on. Why him and Nat are in a final 4 with those other nasty showmance losers is beyond me. In fact I'm sick of all the showmances, just as I was sick of the damn twins and Austin last year. I'm rooting for Vic, Paul or Meech. I'd love Vic to be evicted, turn around and head right back in again. That would be awesome!!!

Unknown said...

i think michelle blew her game not sticking with paul and vic...she could have possibly made it to final 3 now if they cant get to paul or he doesnt have power next week i think shes next. i really hope its vic or even paulie that comes back and the 3 of them work together and hopefully have hoh. i'd love to see the other 4 panic, throw eachother under the bus and kiss butt of those they wanted gone.

how will care pkg work next week if its about bribing another HG? will they give it in secret in DR instead of backyard?

Dianne said...

The ACP fior next week is lame, lame, lame. I'm not even going to vote #nevercared lol.

Paul pretended to Paulie that he knew nothing about the house's plans to evict him , if Paulie comes back rhey will probwbly team up & James will ne on the block if PP or Nixoery win HOH.

Dianne said...

Typos, grrrr

Unknown said...

I feel ya, Angela! Lol

Andy Tatnall said...

What on earth makes James think he's going to take Corey in the next HOH competition?

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