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Monday, August 22, 2016

Veto Ceremony Results

At 11:08am BBT, the live feeds switched off for the Veto Ceremony. Paul, veto winner, took himself off the block and..

The Replacement Nom is:

Michelle picked Corey as her renom, since Paul was her original nom as co-HOH this week alongside Natalie. Victor/Corey are on the block, with Victor the target this week.

Natalie is already working on Big Meech by saying that Nicole/Corey should stay in the game and it'd be them F5 VS Paul. They're now talking about how Paul has to go after this week.


bbloverlo said...

Hi Jamie, big fan of the blog! Just wondering what happened to the BB time clock??

Unknown said...

do other HG have any idea someone is coming back? i miss seasons past when they knew nothing and the doorbell would ring and the returning person would walk in...the shock on their faces..much more exciting

Dianne said...

@teresa m

Vic thinks there may be a buyback and also Meech (Vic knows more about the game than he lets on and Meech is a super fan). But it's just an educated guess, James doesn't think so, he'll find out on Thurs & his goose may be cooked.

Missy said...

Why is it ok for james and Natalie to continually push meech to do what they want but if paul does he is being a bully and a dictator?

Jamie said...

Hi, BB! Blogger switched their script code and I had to delete it and toy around with some coding, just forgot to put it back and see if it jives with the new code.

Anonymous said...

@Missy Because Reasons.

That's just part of the game. What one person calls a good game move/strategy, the other calls betrayal. See Paul's betrayal/strategic decision to cut ties with Paulie. Half of the game of Big Brother is spinning. It's what made Derrick so good at the game. Nobody mystified the house guests like Derrick.

Dianne said...

Paul tried to keep Paulie on the string before he left in case Paulie had the return ticket. He was n board for Paulie to leave but told Paulie he knew nothing about it. I don't know if Paulie believed him.

Unknown said...

Can't decide if evicting Vic before Nicole and Corey is good or not. Vic could get them out easily, but getting out a strong competitor is good also. ????

rigs said...

James is correct to get Victor out this week. Victor may come back ... or not. Besides, James doesn't know someone is coming back. It could be anyone coming back. A lot of it depends upon the comp played to get back in the house. Paulie coming back would be great TV particularly if he won HOH. Would Paulie be a fool and stick with the guys or would he have Paul and James running around like chickens with their heads cut off? Did y'all hear the applause he got as he left the house? Victor out and Paulie back in would send James into hiding. Natalie, don't put so much mascara on your eyelashes. It looks so "false", LOL. And don't lay on your back in bed. Your boobs stick straight up as if they were filled with helium, LOL. Poor Natalie really needs some genuine self confidence and not rely on falsies. I had to laugh at Natalie and James talking about his going back to Natalie's home in Venezuela. LOL, he might never be heard from again.

Missy said...


I get that it is part of the game, just calling out jatalie on the hypocrisy. I am always curious if the people can acknowledge to themselves they are full of it or if they believe their own lies/justifications.

Victoria Stairz said...

Jeez, Rigs, it seems like you have an axe to grind. Must you grind it here?

rigs said...

Victoria, it must be your axe that I am grinding. You are welcome.

Missy, aren't James and Natalie just letting Michelle in on what is going down. Remember how she bawled, cried and wailed when she was not told how the house was voting? Now she is being informed. Even though she is being told, I suspect she might again break down and bawl because Victor was evicted.

Victoria Stairz said...

I very doubt that titties and eyelashes are *my* axe. But, okay. You be you, Rigs. Tiresome you.

Unknown said...

It is good for every ones game to get Victor or Paul out. A powerhouse like that will lead them into the final 2. So, I think it will give them an actual shot if they break them up. I mean Nicole / Corey neither are particularly strong. As Nat / James. So it is better for ALL their games to split them up. Esp since they don't know someones coming back.

Andy Tatnall said...

I love James with his "I don't think Nicole or Corey would put me up or vote me out". Has he looked around lately? There aren't that many people left. And he and Nat as a couple are taking up more and more of the threat space in the house.

Andy Tatnall said...

Also, rigs: I don't worship Natalie or anything, but your obsessive hatred of her is starting to look pretty creepy.

Carlos said...

I'm so over these stupid HGs. The fact that they believe Nicorey, the very guys that were working with Paulie last week to take them all out, is the epitamy of dumb-arseness. Really? ?? I'm out.

Unknown said...

The applause for Paulie were canned. As to James & Nat decision its a tough one.

Razldazlrr said...

The applause for Paulie was canned - ha ha - good one - probably true! The days of booing the house guests are long gone - remember how fun that was?

Unknown said...

The comments I am SO tired of hearing is:
2.I need to do what's best for my game
3.I don't want to show my hand
4.Anything that comes out of Paul's. mouth.
5. Coreyyyyyyy....why.....
6. Jamesssssss
Not everything is "literally", these are the only group of people that I can honestly say that I will glad when their season is over! All theyou do is eat and sleep.

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