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Saturday, August 6, 2016

Veto Comp Results

Today is the Veto Comp and players have already been picked!

Playing for Veto:

Paul is hosting.

Michelle mentioned that she's basically playing for herself, and she's right. If she doesn't win, this could be the end of the line for her game. We'll have to wait and see!

At 11:23am BBT, the live feeds switched off for the Veto Comp! I'll post the spoiler below as soon as the feeds come back on.

Winner of the Power of Veto is:

(Feeds back as of 7:08pm BBT) 

When the feeds came back on, the house was trashed! It was a hide and seek veto comp.
Paul: "That took so f**cking long!" (*no kidding!! lol)

Victor told Paul that he does not want the Veto to be used. Paulie said he has no plans to use the veto. (*This can get interesting between Paulie/Z! lol) Victor still wants Z out this week. Paulie knows that Z is gonna "hate him" when he doesn't save her on Monday.

Victor/James got into some sort of disagreement. James apparently trashed the house but didn't dump out his own clothes, so Victor saw that and dumped out James' bag. They talked it out afterwards though.  

I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter! Have a great Saturday night, y'all!! :D

**Live Feeds for $6/m**


Razldazlrr said...

ok - so paulie and z are having honest to god sex in the bumper cars? good god! he will be fine because he thinks he's such a stud but z is going to be sorry later on - ugh...........

victor is a fool that he doesn't listen to day and put up p/p. it's like they all forget where they are!

UnionGrl said...

Just like a dude - use her and lose her. Z, sweetie, your Mama didn't raise no fools - pull your skirt down and get your head in the game. I want so hard to believe that she has a plan but I'm fearful that she is still living in the Paulie fog.

Victor can stay just as stupid and arrogant as he is if her goes home soon. I can't warm up to that guy no matter which way I look at it, he's just creepy.

They could all use a shot of game caffeine and start doing what needs to be done.

Unknown said...

Not sure if being in the house makes you only see life there or not but really these folks are dumb. Day played, Paulie plays, curly played, nat said a very player like things, I think James is playing but low key until he isn't may not work, and the rest are on vacations. What is wrong with this group? Don't they want to win. So many would love the chance and these folks are a joke. The last few seasons have been dumb. I wouldn't even call them floaters. Sad. Paulie is a pathetic boy. Paulie is at least interesting, vic is weird and full of himself, Michelle is mean, z is blind and shameful, Nicole is annoying, core is well nothing, nat is cute and funny, James is too low key and Bridget may make it. Friendship no play the game! Argh

Unknown said...

Looks like maybe Paulie won. Sigh!!

UnionGrl said...

Again, say what you will but that boy (Paulie)is planning ahead and has them all dancing to his tune. I think he will take Z down but that puts Nic or Nat in play which will piss off Coco and James big time. If he doesn't he is never getting any of that sweet love again - unless....

He could let it ride with James blocking the two votes of James and Paul in exchange for definitely keeping Nat-nat off the block. There are several ways to go but whatever he does he will leave bloody handprints all over.

Our 'boy' has a conundrum don't he?

UnionGrl said...

Dingo says Paulie has the POV so we are off to the races. Maybe this will shake up our starry eyed girls.

Unknown said...

I think Paulie should have thrown this. He's like winning every other comp. If he doesn't win HOH during double eviction and no one takes a shot at getting him out then they are complete idiots. Might as well hand him the 500k.

Unknown said...

Everyone is making this so easy for Paulie. I believe he deserves to win the money as he is thinking ahead and strategizing and everyone is doing his bidding. He is capable of winning everything and if anyone else is going to have a chance at the money, then they need to act quick and act now while they still have the numbers to go against P,P and Victor. Unless Paulie is backdoored, he will win veto and take himself off the block.

Razldazlrr said...

I looked at the poll for favorite houseguest on here and thought - I really don't have one! They all drive me crazy in their own way! ha ha

2thDoc said...

I used to like Victor and was glad he won his way back, BUT what a douche. Can't believe he smiles and laughs at making women cry. Natalie was right in her goodbye message that he has to learn to treat women better. I hopeeeeee whoever stays this week wins HOH and puts up Vic and Paulie or that other "friendship" scumbag. Yep that's Paul. And Corey too....laughing after the ceremony. All jerks. I'm rooting for Natalie or James. Even Bridgette is tolerable at this point. This season just went to hell.

FEMily! said...

I used to think that some of these guys were nice, but they all suck. I'm going back and forth with Paul. But now that he's in this douchebag alliance, he's starting to get on my nerves. Paulie and Victor are giant misogynists. Their mothers should be ashamed of them and I'd be denying my maternity to them if I were either of their mothers! Those two have been walking around like their mierda don't stink for way too long, and hopefully their chickens will come home to roost when neither of them have any power. Corey and James are dead weight who are so worried about looking like they're whipped by their women that they let themselves get whipped by their boys. Paulie getting evicted during the double would be my favorite thing. And even though Michelle is not a nice girl, she's still nicer than any of those boys in the house. I would be fine with her getting that round-trip ticket back in.

Mandaeff said...

Victor is so dumb.... pp gonna oush to get him out first chance they get he would totally be best to flip to the other side the house. I thought last season was frustrating this season is the worse. When is cbs gonna cast some balsy players. Pp running that house. BTW thanks so much for your blog!

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