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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Eviction + Endurance Comp

Ack!!! I totally just deleted the Thursday Night Live Eviction post by accident!! lol Sorry about that! Okay, so anyway...VICTOR was evicted but is competing with the other 4 jurors to get back into the house tonight. All HG's minus Nat/Meech are competing in the Live Endurance Comp on the live feeds.

I will be covering the Endurance Comp up until a certain point, so this will give y'all plenty of time to grab your feeds and get them set up!


As soon as the feeds come back, I'll start live coverage.

7:05pm BBT:

Live feeds are back! James is super pumped for this comp. Paulie is acting if they can swear. Paul said now would be a good time to pee because nobody would know (since they're getting soaked with water).

7:09pm BBT:
Day whispered to Paulie/Victor to take James out..then...

7:13pm BBT:

Victor the comp beast is holding on strong! Paul is also in great spirits, as James is doing his squatting thing he does in every wall comp (which makes it easier for him to hold on because, as he said, he has short legs).

7:17pm BBT:

7:25pm BBT:


Paulie almost fell.
Nicole is struggling. James is encouraging her to stay on and said that bigger guys always fall first.
7:36pm BBT:
Current shot at the remaining HG's.

HG: Paul/Nicole/James
Jurors: Paulie/Victor

7:41pm BBT:



VICTOR just fell!
7:49pm BBT:
Paul/Nicole/James are still hanging on. Nicole is hurtin' pretty bad.
8:03pm BBT:
Paul/Nicole/James are still standing!

8:24pm BBT:
All 3 still standing!
Victor: "Good job, guys! Come on!"

8:28pm BBT:

Either Nicole or James will win HOH, and since they're working together, doesn't matter which one. I'm gonna stay up for another 30 mins before going to bed. Gotta work tomorrow.

(James dropped)


KathyC said...

LOL!!! Thought I was losing my mind!!! Welcome baaaaaaaack! And thank you!! LOL

Jamie said...

lmao! in 10 seasons, I don't think I've ever done that! Guess it was bound to happen! haha

Unknown said...

I think the website said the feeds won't be up until 10pm PT so it'll 1 in the morning here before I get to see the live feed right now it's playing jeff stuff

KathyC said...

Haha - yeah - I sure don't remember that ever happening! You do such great work - much appreciated! And I think I've followed you all ten years! (I'll admit that I DID go into panic mode there for a few minutes!)

Unknown said...

Nvm it's up lol

Unknown said...

What chat group are y'all in?

Unknown said...

Looks like Day and Z are already out! SMH!!

Unknown said...

Went back and watched Z and Day jump and they went together on purpose. Wonder what that was about.

Sammie said...

Da' and Z are just done with this game, I guess. They didn't even try in that comp.

Unknown said...

Why does Da' want James taken out???

Unknown said...

Why fishies??? Just got the feeds... Tried to use your link but wouldn't let me enter payment info for some reason, so had to download the app. Let me know if there is something I can do so you get credit!

Unknown said...

Victor for the win, please Lord!!!!!!!! (Or else not Nicole or James. Put them both up on the damn block)

Amy said...

I am hoping Victor gets back in! Vic and Paul final two!

Gross said...

I am soooooo happy victor is back!!!!!!!!

Now I just need Paul to win HOH!!!!

Michelle said...

Yay no Paulie!

Lea said...

I can't believe Day didn't try. I'm so disappointed. After watching that episode I'm disgusted with Paul.

Lea said...


Unknown said...

Please God, Paul for the win!!!!

Unknown said...

Please god paul needs to go home! Can't stand him.

Stevie said...

James for the win!!!!!! Plzzz

Unknown said...

I can't stand Paul either!!! So annoying... Let's go James & Nicole!!

Dianne said...

Everyone complaining about the show being boring: All hell broke loose in the BB house today before tonight's show & how about the girls in the jury house ganging up on Paule? Boo-yah!

James for the win!

FEMily! said...

Yes! I'm hoping for a celebratory puppet show from Victor tonight! And maybe some delicious fries prepared by Paul the master chef.

I need Paul to win this HoH. James is a garbage person. Nicole sleeps more than my cat.

Unknown said...

I'm waiting for tonight's episode (yay west coast) but watched last night's. Paul had grown on me ... Until last night. I understand that editing is a thing but seriously ... His behavior was totally "Douchecanoe-esque" - fan no more.

Victoria Stairz said...

I wish this episode was titled "Douchecanoe Gets What's Coming to Him"

Dianne said...

YAY Paul fell #sorrynotsorry

Side note: if Vic hadn't been evicted Paulie would have come back.

Danielle Lum, APR said...

Can Victor get put on the block again this week now that he's returning? (srsly did he even bother to pack?)

It'll look like a repeat of last week if Victor can get put on the block.

Victoria Stairz said...

Actually, I think CBS is missing a ratings bonanza opportunity in a spin-off show that just involves two African-American women and a feminist reading a Douchecanoe for filth. I'd watch.

deejay58 said...

Paul's value was in what his HoH would mean for Victor's safety. Personally I never warmed up to Paul. He's always been the obnoxious HG from my perspective. Victor, on the other hand, I have grown to like. And, since a James HoH will mean safety for my two targets, Correy and Nicole, no choice but to root for a Paul victory.

Alas, that is not to be. So, my vote for this week's ACP will go to Victor. He needs it above anyone else in the house right now.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I like Victor. Never really disliked him, but have definitely come to appreciate him lately. He seems to understand the difference btwn game life and personal feelings.

Angelface said...

What a waste now we will get a full repeat of last week, this care package is pointless nobody will save Victor or Paul.

Unknown said...

Nicole won hoh

Sammie said...

This care package sucks compared to last week's. Looks like groundhog day this week... even with a veto situation, I don't see this going well. Only hope is that Vic wins veto instead of Paul and Paul gets sent home. Then Vic wins next week and possibly teams up with Meech and puts up James and Nicole.

FEMily! said...

Ugh. This is disappointing. Paul will have to fight for his life once again.

JoyNSoul said...

Yup, so clearly, Victor and Paul will be in the block. I'm guessing Michelle will be the renom if one of them wins POV. Either Paul or Victor will be going home. Not much to blog about I guess, Jamie (although, I'll still be checking in daily)! 😄

And sad the live eviction blog got deleted. I was curious to see your commentary on the Paulie jury house arrival! Oh well. You do a great job though!!

Unknown said...

So upset with James, I hate people throwing comps almost as much as I hate people whining to win them!

Jeff said...

Please let Paul go home. He's just as bad as Paulie was

Dianne said...

Don't count on Nicole being loyal to James.

Paul acted horribly today, if he and Vic make it to the end I hope Vic wins.

My prediction: Nicole will put up Michelle and AnybodyButJames and if one of them comes off she will backdoor James. ,

IMHO this week's ACP care package isn't worth a crap.

Gross said...

Wonder what drama happened just prior to eviction?

Unknown said...

I'm not a big fan of Nicole's but I hope this week winds up more interesting than last week. So glad Vic is still here. Another 7 days of that cute smile!!

Nicole said...

Super excited we get to listen to Nicole's annoying voice all week long as the new HOH !! Jaime please don't hurt yourself banging your head against your desk while watching the feeds and blogging.

rigs said...

Good for Nicole. Once again she proves she is a Big Brother player. I hope she puts up Victor and Paul and one of them goes home, preferably Victor first and Paul second. I feel bad for Paulie having to endure the feminist, Bridget (ugh), and two African American women, Da (eww) and Z. I've noticed that Paulie is way to affectionate to males for my taste. It seems he has women in his life for "show" and doesn't really like them but I don't know. Given his present female company, there's not much to like. So glad Paul got rid of the blow up phallic symbol, LOL, he should be next after Victor into the jury house and he should wear that around the house. But I doubt the women in there would get it.

Unknown said...

so glad vic is back but unfortunately i dont think him and paul will both make it through the week...unless paul wins care pkg and pulls something huge out of his ass. if he wins, i think he should go straight to nicole with it. as annoying as she maybe i think she has a heart and could be manipulated...especially if money is involved. if he can at least ensure his safety he could be an asset to her and corey. if they have a F4 with james and nat they will have to turn on eachother at some point at F3 and might not make it together. with paul though who would be alone without vic they have a better chance.

BB Bopper said...

@Rigs...You feel bad for Paulie??? Wow Rigs. It must be different on the planet you live on because here on Earth we don't don't feel bad for men who treat women the way Paulie does.

Unknown said...


So you're sexist, racist, homophobic and stupid? Nice.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me why the jury house was sucking down fake coffee?? lol Go Victor!! That's who I am rooting for. He deserves it!

Missy said...

I hated paul when he was working with paulie. He was loud, obnoxious, and played the rat role perfectly. After he jumped on board the get paulie out train and played for himself I started gaining respect for the fact that he started this game, recruited by producers and not familiar with past seasons, and has become a great player. He reads people very well and last night when discussing possible care packages he threw out it could be a 5k incentive. He is constantly thinking, looking at all possibilities. He has played the game 100% of the time as nicorey, jatalie, and meech haven't. James throwing comps and being a sheep. He is more motivated by jealousy than anything else. Nicorey has slept the season away. Both vets complaining they had to actually play the game this year. Paul is the smartest guy in the room, he is passionate about the game, and he and Victor did not act like paulie, they came up with a really good plan to try to save vic and although it didn't work exactly as planned, it has set them up pretty good with vic returning. Nicole is not going to put up paul this week, james side jumped the gun going after the sitting ducks. It will be their downfall. Very glad, it couldn't happen to a more deserving group.

Carlos said...

Go Vote for Paul for ACP. Right now Corey is leading! !!

Razldazlrr said...

Oh gag - Nicole - now Nicory can lay in the HOH bed all week and they will put up Victor/Paul - boring. I have come to like Victor and hoped he would win HOH to keep it interesting. That competition is not made for large men - their feet are too big and more body weight - I'm surprised Victor could hold on. I'm guessing Day and Z knew they couldn't win it and so just dropped out.

For being an "athlete" Corey sure does suck at comps.

Anonymous said...

@ME J, how can you tell who is winning?

Unknown said...

why would true fans of the game want to see corey win care pkg??? he is sooooo boring!!! with nicole as hoh he's golden anyway.

Unknown said...

@missy...did nicole say she's not putting paul up?

Unknown said...

I'm really glad stupid Nichole is actually thinking of changing things up and nominating James. I like James, but this season needs to go in a different direction. I'm glad she doesn't want to nominate Nat. I still love that girl.
Thanks for all your hard work Jamie! You make BB fun even when the house is super lame. I plan to sing up for the live feeds through your blog for season 19 also.

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