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Friday, August 26, 2016

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy TGI-Friday!! w00t w00t for the weekend!! :D Speaking of the weekend, after the Veto Comp tomorrow afternoon, I'm gonna take the weekend off until Monday morning's Overnighter, as I need a break to refresh my mind and go enjoy one of the last few weekends of this summer. So there will be no Overnighter on Sunday morning as usual. With BB coming up in the Fall (just mere days after this season ends), I need to pace myself and keep my sanity. lol :P

Okay, so moving on to The Overnighter...

I thought for sure I'd wake up and ho-hum my way to my laptop, thinking this week was already done...'Nicole as HOH, Paul/Vic as noms, one will go.'

Or so I thought.

One thing that is for sure, is that Paul is safe this week no matter what because Nicole said she's not putting him up since Paul was the one encouraging her during last nights wall comp. Speaking of the wall comp, Nicole promised James safety this week (he dropped for her), which she now regrets but she knows she can make & break's Big Brother, after all. If you're wondering where James' head is at, well..he regrets dropping from the comp last night as he doesn't trust Nicole to keep him & Natalie safe this week.  (Michelle was pissed at James last night for not including her in the safety talks but James said he can only make so many deals.)

Victor/Paul will continue to put on the facade of being at war with each other to keep fooling Natalie/James/Meech (this happened yesterday before the feeds cut off, as a last attempt to save Victor. It was all an act.) Last night, Meech caught Paul/Victor studying together and reported it back to James. He said he knew P/V would end up working together again.

Nicole actually surprised me with a conversation at 3:20am BBT this morning with Corey.

She wants her/Corey/Paul/Victor all to work together. The reason? Because they're a strong duo and as Corey said "Why not work with them" because of that. Knowing that the Care Package will be delivered today and that only Paul/Victor/Corey can win (since they're the only ones who haven't yet won it), Nicole wants to wait and see what happens there before making her final decision on noms but it looks like it'll be Michelle VS James on the block this week, with Michelle as the target.

Nicole: "I don't wanna put Natalie up. I wanna put Michelle and James up."
Corey: "Yea, that's fine."
Nicole: "And I wanna tell them that I'm putting one of them up because it's the only way to get my target to go home because if I put up Paul or Victor, (Nat/James) are gonna vote them out and I need one of (them) to be a pawn.."

In surprising news, Nicole said that she'd be okay with James leaving this week if Michelle happens to win veto. Victor/Paul got in Nicole's ear last night and told her that they want revenge for James targeting Victor last week and that James/Nat were considering putting them (Nicorey) up last week.

If you're wondering where Paul's heads at, he cam-talked to us live feedsters this morning and said he truly wants to work with Nicole/Corey (and his boy Victor, of course) and he will be loyal to them.
Paul said that James/Natalie/Meech are "shi**ing themselves" now that Victor is back in the house because they blamed Victor leaving on Nicole/Corey and now Vic is back. Paul assures us that him/Victor are truly with Nicole/Corey now and he hopes Nicorey isn't gonna screw them over because everything P/V trust people, they "get boned" in the process. He asks us BB fans to give him or Vic the care package to help them out this week. He said Corey is safe no matter what this week, so him/Vic need it this week.

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! Today we will see either Paul, Victor or Corey get the care package and then Nicole will make her nominations later on today. I'll be back with the Noms Ceremony results this afternoon. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!


Jay said...

I'm starting to have a fantasy where Nicole follows through and puts James and Meech on the block, Paul gets the care package and bribes Natalie with the 5k to vote James out. That would be insanely fun, one of the few things I have left to look forward to. Lol

Also, I really enjoy the blog and I just got the live feeds through here. Not so much for the remainder of this craptastic season but more for this fall's online BB19. Thanks for all your work, Jamie!

Razldazlrr said...

well, james deserves to go up if he fell believing Nicole. After all, he's the person that made the deal (I can't even remember with who) and then went back on it. Either one of the couples should have known that if they didn't win HOH one of them would probably go up and Meech was foolish not to partner with Vic/Paul a long time ago!

2thDoc said...

They're all lying and manipulators. So hypocritical of Paul to side with Nicorey this week after his feud with Nicole last week and blaming her for being on the block. He and Vic sway with the power. I cannot wait for Vic and Paul to take out Nicorey bc they will. I'm going to laugh when they see what a stupid care package this week is. Anyway the LAST good thing of this season was seeing Paulie get bitch slapped at the jury house and then NOT winning the jury back comp. SEE YA WOULDNT WANT TO BE YA! As Z said to Paulie "he's a bitch". Now that Vic is back (which I am actually happy about), it's going to be boring with lies and deceit and mich, James and Nat being picked off because James is a freaking idiot for trusting Nicole and dropping off the wall. He deserves to get nominated

Anonymous said...

Very stupid of James to let Nic win. I personally don't car who wins this year but I was so irritated with Nic whining and saying all she wanted was the letter from her Mom because she's the only one who hasn't gotten one. Well, why haven't you gotten one? Because you weren't trying to get HOH before! She said if James let her have it, he would have the title and he could pick the noms, etc. Well, that was silly to trust her on that one also. Now all he remembers is that she wasn't going to put him or Nat up. Well, that isn't the case either now. It is BB and you have to lie.
Corey doesn't want ACP because he "doesn't want to get blood on his hands"? What a class act he is.
Nic gets down and says, did I really win it? No, it was given to you, you didn't actually win HOH, you whined and whined. I would have drowned myself to get away from the whining if I had been James. Both were cold and shivering and in alot of pain so hard to say who would have actually won.
Nic needs to remember also that James could have put her and Corey up as targets last week.

Anonymous said...

Actually I AM rooting for Vic to win out of these crazy HG's. Paul is playing the game the best, once Paulie left, but he is so obnoxious I find it hard to want to listen to him. I don't even know who to vote for ACP. It's not really based on fan favorite and whoever they convince will probably be opposite of what we are hoping for. I'm thinking of voting for Corey just so he does get blood on his hands...since he doesn't want it. :-)

Unknown said...

And this is why you don't hand people comps!

Fuzzies said...

I was so disappointed in James dropping. On the one hand, maybe he knew he was not going to beat her and therefore tried to make as good a deal as he could. But my guess is he was hoping he could trust her, and too sure of being able to win pov. Sad though that he didn't fight for his 4th wall win. He should have been like way, if you want that letter, you have to win! Sighhh.

Unknown said...

i would love love love to see this week go as its looking right now but we all know with BB the target could change 100 times and we could end up seeing vic or paul leave thurs.

funny how nicole and corey all of a sudden become more likeable to us all as soon as
we hear she wants to keep paul and work with

is there going to be another double eviction?

Unknown said...

Firstly, thanks for your blog Jamie. I look forward to it every morning and skipping Sunday with just make Monday that bit sweeter and more enjoyable. I really hope Vic winds up winning this whole thing or at least second place or AFP. That guy is a cat with 9 lives. Im not surprised Nicory want to align themselves with V/P. They are a strong duo and both able to play in HOH next week. James and Natalie are a fluke and Meech only won by default. I'm ready for another house flip and fast!!!

Andy Tatnall said...

James made the same stupid mistake that everyone made last summer, carrying on the "throwing a comp" strategy past the point in the game where it's wise. You're down to 7 people, four of whom are in showmances with each other and two others of whom are closely aligned. Somebody almost HAS to take a shot at you if you don't win. And he could have stayed up there longer. He is just not a smart man.

Jon said...

James is about to get a taste of his own medicine! It was James that always quotes Mike Boogie with the saying "In Big Brother you can write blank checks." It would be funny if Nicole used that line on him. And as Victor said, "payback is a bitch!" I'm sure he also thought if he falls, he can play in HOH next week but it's too late in the game to take that kind of chance. I like James and I hope he wins veto or doesn't get voted out but he should have known better on this one.

Gross said...

I don't think James "gave up" the comp to Nicole. I think he legit was physically incapable of outlasting Nicole.

I'm glad Nicole isn't turning out to be the useless disappointment I thought she was, but it's a long way to Thursday.

What is the ACP perk this week?

Unknown said...

It's a bad game move for Nicole to nominate James and meech. Paul and Vic are stronger competitors and will win in the final two. She won't have many more (if any) chances to get them on the block. If this was earlier in the game it would make more sense. Paul and Vic going after James makes sense! He's their only threat left.

Also, her logic that she needs James or Natalie to be a pawn doesn't work...if it was meech vs Vic the vote would be 2-2 and Nicole would be the tie break (right??)

Even if Natalie wind pov and saves James, meech is still going home -- which is a waste of hoh, imo.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

hi to your blog this it and thank you for doing it. i've been a fan of BB since day one but no one i know watches it so its nice to have someplace to vent and talk about the show :)

i have a few questions about new season i keep hearing about and i wonder if you could explain in a little more detail...i apolgize if you already have and i missed it. if its not on cbs where will i be able to watch? is it for sure going to be all all-stars and will they be using the same house? lastly will there be anything different about the game?

Joliechance said...

I think Nicole (which I hate) will be making a huge mistake if she is not taking a shot at Victor(which I love) and Paul. They don't know how to play BB or they don't want the money. They seem to have forget about the goal of BB which is to last to the final two to have a shot at the money, therefore you take the strong competitor out. I hope Victor wins! He is totally the only one in my opinion that deserves to win and play the game respectfully. He is sweet and respectful and a beast in comp. Go definitely earned the title BB 18 winner.

Anonymous said...

Nic seems to think aligning with P/V is good strategy "because" they are strong competitors? That's why they need to be gone in order for her to win. Everyone is wanting strong competitors for the DE so she's probably aligning with them until then at least? It doesn't appear she will put up James tho.
Nic will be the deciding vote no matter what so long as Mich and either of P/V is on the block as there will be a tie. James & Nat will vote P/V and Corey & whoever of P/V is not OTB will vote Mich.

Unknown said...

Can't stand Paul. He is just obnoxious. Why wouldn't Nicole want him out after the way he treated her this week? So stupid!

Unknown said...

Corey won the care package... Am I not seeing something that America sees different? *head whack*

Unknown said...

Paul and Michelle are on the block - FYI

Anonymous said...

Had anyone realized when we were voting that the ACP this week was going to carry into the next HOH? Production told Corey in DR that he can use it to bribe someone for the upcoming HOH comp.

Unknown said...

Yeah the ACP is valid until the next HOH is crowned. So he could bribe someone to throw the HOH comp.

Unknown said...

The snake aka Nicole won, or should I say whined her way to a win...blah! Who thinks she is going to stab James in the back?

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