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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Weds: Feeds Update

Good morning and Happy Live Eviction Show Day!! Tonight's live eviction episode starts at 8pm ET on CBS, so make sure to tune in for that. We'll also get to see Part 1 of the Final HOH Comp (Endurance) begin on the live feeds.

Last night when the live feeds came back on, we found out that HOH Paul also won the Veto. Nicole/Corey are on the block.

Paul told James that he won't use the veto (thus saving James from going up on the block), if he will vote out the HG he wants to go. James agreed. Paul decided that he wants Corey out. Paul wants Corey out instead of Nicole (this will be his downfall in the game, if he doesn't win Final HOH by himself) because he thinks he can beat Nicole in the Final HOH comps, but not Corey.

Nicole told Corey she's taking James to F2 (but we already knew that all season long). Corey thinks that's smart of her to do. Nicole said that Paul played too good of a game to go to F2 with her. I agree.

The Final 3 will be: Paul/James/Nicole

In other news, Paul told Nicole that he wants to be F2 with her. She agreed (lied) and he said if she's lying, he's cutting her hair bun off and selling it on eBay. (*lol!)

So that's it! Corey is getting evicted and he's fully aware of it (Paul told him last night). So we have the Final HOH Comps to look forward to, starting with Part 1 starting tonight (Endurance Comp on the feeds).

Speaking of the feeds:

If you...
1) wanna watch tonight's Endurance Comp
2) wanna test out this Fall's BB season that starts on Sept 28th
3) and you're broke lol

...then boy oh boy do I have the deal for you!! What if I told you that you can watch both for free? And watch the feeds for a MONTH for free?! And if this Fall season of BB is great and you wanna watch the remaining half of it, it's only $6/month (it's only a 10 week season, you do the math. lol)

Sold?? Then click the pic below & enter code FALLACCESS. But hurry up, because this deal ends in just 2 days! Eek!! 

In all seriousness, this is the best deal I've ever seen for the feeds. They're practically giving them away at this point. lol So hurry up and go sign up!

**That's it for this post! I won't be home to blog about the live eviction but I will be back around 10:30pm ET to blog the live HOH Endurance Comp all night long. (When the season started, I scheduled my jujitsu classes around BB's schedule so that I'd be home for live evictions, but BB just changed up their schedule due to football, so I'm screwed this week and I'll be missing class next week for the Finale.) But there won't be any shockers...Corey is going. F3 will be James/Nicole/Paul. Now it's all up to them to battle it out for the title of final HOH! :D


Razldazlrr said...

You are right - that is a big mistake - Paul should take out Nicole, instead of Corey - she is a much bigger threat.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Corey is the bigger threat. Corey is better at comps and has a better Wins record. Plus people generally do not like Nicole. I think Paul is making the right choice.

Also, I think Paul knows he will not make final 2 if he does not win the final HOH. So to do that he needs get rid of Corey.

Jamie said...

i actaully agree with you Adam. very valid points! touche.

GMAGS said...

Agree with Adam, especially with the final statement.....Paul's only hope of making final 2 is by wining the final HOH comp. None of the 3 house guests would take Paul to the finals so he would be smart to take out the one that is best at comps - Corey.

I also think that Paul wins if he makes final 2. He would beat Nicole or James.

Ali said...

In my opinion, Nicole can't win at this point. She really doesn't have the votes.
Paul can if he doesn't go with James,
Both of them are screwed if they go with James. Although I'm not his biggest fan this season, I think jury members like him.

Nancy M said...

Hello Jaime i just signed up for the live feeds but I can seem to find where to actually see them on the app

Jamie said...

I dont have the app, so im not familiar with it. If i remember right, go to "big brother" and it definitley should be somewhere in that section. whatcha using to watch them? ipad? phone?

UnionGrl said...

Don't count Nicole's votes before they are cast. What she has going is 1) she's a girl in the final 2, a rare creature, 2)Paul can be overwhelming even in small doses, 3)She played a very good, quite game.

I disagree that the jury loves James. He has been disconnected, uninterested, and a generally lousy player this season. He has earned final 2 nor does he deserve it. He was just the last crummy player standing. I also WILL NOT vote for him as AFP. He did nothing to earn it - nothing.

On a James note, has anyone else notice that he is a total, unrelenting slob? I could live in mess, I could live in chaos, but I couldn't live in squalor, which is what London looks like. I'll bet his trailer is a pig-sty.

UnionGrl said...

Oops, edit time. Nicole has played a quiet game and James has NOT earned final 2. I hate it when that happens -

Anonymous said...


Unfortunately, the woman in the F2 has historically gone against the female contestant when she goes against a guy. If my memory has served me, no woman has ever beaten a guy in the final 2. Now I think she would break that streak against James, but I just do not think she can beat Paul. His social game is very strong and he's genuinely well liked. Only Paulie can really say he was screwed over by Paul.

I do agree that Nicole played a good game. The week she was HOH and managed to have final 4 deals with James Nat and Paul/Victor was a brilliant move. But I think there are some bitter jury members (Victor and Meech) who will talk and talk and talk to sway the jury against her. That job is easier for Meech and Victor is Paul is sitting next to Nicole. James has literally done nothing all season so he would only get votes from people voting against his opponent (Save maybe Natalie).

Unknown said...

Boo hoo I liked Corey, but Nicole is still in so fingers crossed! On a side note, someone at CBS had the hots for Victor - on his comic book cover they made him look like an incredibly hot super hero!

Jamie said...

haha @ Brenda

Unknown said...

Sold! I'm all signed up Jamie....thanks for the heads-up! :-)

Angelface said...

Agree Uniongirl,
What people are not taking into account is Paul turned on people, attacked people, and for sure pissed Meech off, she told him while she was still there she wanted him out a long time ago. Z wanted him out and knows now I'm sure, Paul was the reason she was kicked. Don't forget Paulie had a lot of info about Paul, I doubt he respects Paul. Natalie may find more out in jury, the Big C, came out of his mouth and all the girls know. We know women do not like that, and that word alone 5 girls in jury, and Corey will vote Nicole or James, I do believe he will honor James for his loyalty, unless James acted totally stupid to Corey and Nicole, him saying I have to respect Paul for keeping me, I'm like what the heck, not even smart to kiss Pauls butt at this point. Like come on! Corey is the threat, he took Vic out. Hello!

I have to say on the whole I do not respect James, as a player at all. I do not think James has the Jury at all, Day, knows he got her kicked, and she would have been his best advocate, he turned on Bridgett and Meech was not hanging with James, she was hanging with Natalie, Paulie does not respect James, we know this by what he planned while in the house, he also blames James & Paul for his eviction.
Some maybe water under the bridge, but Paulie backs Nicole, Day spoke respect last for Nicole, Z liked Nicole, Bridge is a go go females. I think even Meech has a underlying respect for her, because they were close for a long while in the house, Meech also made herself a target to Nicole, will she catch her own bull, who knows.

Let's say Paul & Nicole sit Finals, count, James, Corey, Paulie, Day, Bridgett. 5, Natalie? Meech? Victor well here's a funny thing, will he choose Paul, while his lil heart crushes on Nicole. Don't forget Corey told him he did not see a relationship outside the house with Nicole, Now do you pick the guy who won't share, or the girl you might just catch. LOL! Nicole Vs James, I think Nicole pulls it.

Friendship lol! I am so seriously going to LMAO, if Victor votes for her over Paul.

All in all this will be interesting.
And I hope Paul does not sit in final seat. The best part of Paul was Victor, do not like him as a person. Way to high on himself, for what reason I do not know, he is not attractive in my book, sometimes funny maybe ok to party with once every 5 -10 years, but he has that mean drunk air about him, I just feel that about him, reminds me of my brother who acts the same way, in real life and uses humor to cover. The attacks on the girls was purely shovanist.

Amy said...

So if next season starts sep 28th and I sign up for the free month today that means I would only fet to watch the first 2 weeks for free?

Unknown said...

Ummm...why does it say that James is the favorite houseguest. Did I miss the opportunity to vote for AFP?

Angelface said...

Most interesting was Derrick, and what he said about Nicole, on 16, she played hard early and was a target because of it, this time staying back laying low was very smart. She has played an almost perfect strategic game, only on the block once. Just have to respect her staying back when it was probably driving her crazy to have to. She also helped Corey stay back, and he helped her. Thier duo should be respected.

I'll be voting Corey MVP, James obviously spent the summer trying to win over viewers.

Angelface said...

I don't see the option on CBS site yet to vote.

Angelface said...

I'd love to see him use the Veto and put James up there.

SaskatoonMarilyn said...

Hi Jamie - on the left of your blog screen there is a poll to see who will watch BB Over The Top this fall - you should have one more option for people like me in Canada who CANNOT GET THE FEEDS but would like to watch (thank god for your blog!!) - - and I hope at this point that Paul wins - he really grew on me this season. I didn't like him at first but he has had a good social game - I think if Nicole is in the final 2, the girls in jury will all be pissed at her (it's a girl thing!) and she may not get as many votes as she thinks - just my thoughts!

Razldazlrr said...

Interesting points everyone and sure makes sense! I wonder if Nicole hung back on purpose or if it just happened because she was so crazy about Corey. Did she ever say anything about holding back that people saw?

Yep - if Paul used the big C word - that is a huge NO.

And yes - James is a slob - I want to grab that backwards hat off his filthy hair and throw him in the shnower! and the rooms? oh good god!

Angelface said...

LOL @ Raz love it!

Angelface said...

I think she did hang back on purpose, but she was covered by Paulie she did not have to push early, while she was safe she stayed hidden, and yes the amount of couples helped. And let's face iit so many others played stupid, trusting that anything they said would be kept quite, it was a funny season, Anyway she played the last half very well. Final for last team. Yes good strategy used.

Angelface said...

Sorry Four,

Unknown said...

@union girl...for your information James does not live in a trailer he lives in an apt. And he is not the only one that sleeps in London Room. Paul did too and his area is more messed up than James. James has swept that carpet many times and brought all Nats dirty cups and glasses to the kitchen. He is not a slob as you put it. Guess you don't watch the live feeds as you would see him cleaning that room. Check before you say something about one of the HG. He does a lot outside of BB for charity! Just saying!

JoyNSoul said...

Angelface, definitely agree with you on jury votes for Nicole! Was thinking the same thing. Bridgette will vote for a woman, hands down. Especially since Paul used the C word! Day observed that Nicole was in control of the house. Paulie was closest with Corey and was close with Nicole as well. A vote for Nicole might almost be a vote for Corey in his eyes since they played together. Seems like Z is back on the Paulie train, so she'll likely vote with him, though I do think she would pick Nicole on her own. Don't think there's a shot of Victor voting against Paul, but that would be fun to see! Michelle is a fan, so I have hopes that she won't vote bitter against Nicole for voting her out. Although she was the one called the C word by Paul, so she might hold some resentment for that. That alone could be a jury vote mistake on his part!

I do think Nicole played a flawless game. Some of it was luck, but she did play with Derek and probably picked up a few things from him. She has seen how great he played, so I do believe she knew exactly what she was doing this year. I honestly can't see how she can lose at this point. Both James and Paul will likely take her to final 2, and I think she beats either of them! It's her game to lose in my opinion.

Also, totally agree with Adam on Corey being the best choice to evict for Paul's game. Although, if Nicole can make it to part 3 of the HOH comp, she might have a better chance of beating Paul than Corey would. Don't think James stands a chance at winning part 3 of HOH comp. He doesn't seem to be very good at the question and answer comps. I think any of the 3 of them could be contenders for the endurance comp as all have done well in the past. Go Nicole!!!

Angelface said...

I'm really disappointed in James, his lack of care is just awful, which is why I would like to see Paul put James out. The risk is there anyway you slice it, that James would not choose Paul. Will Nicole choose him over James. Interesting, Vewy intresting. He maybe worse off then he thinks.

Victoria Stairz said...

I am and old person, so I do not watch anything on a computer/phone/tablet longer than a YouTube video. However, I have a Roku (only 99 bucks), and it was the best purchase ever, in my opinion. I stream my Netflix through it, can purchase all the billions of channels' 'to-go' options (HBOGo, Showtime, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, etc.) plus CBS All-Access, and other channel offerings. So, I plan to purchase CBS All-Access and watch BBOTT on the comfort of my couch and on the big screen. Maybe Canadians can do the same? Roku is not paying me to say this, I just really like it! :)

Angelface said...

Thanks Victoria! LOL! I don't have that one. I am stuck with bad wifi, it does that round and round thing. I'm working on getting better service but I called them for the 4th time today, which I'm to call and check in about 14 more days to see if they figured out how to drive their truck past the house next to me. I guess it's still 1990 here. Everywhere else perfect service.

Dianne said...

Whoa, got some James haters here! He never struck me as messy, surely we can't blame the messy house on one person. Victor was the only neat freak.

Anyway, James hasn't played a stellar game, but it's not true he's done nothing! He had way more to do with getting people out than Nic. He was instrumental in getting Beidge, Z, Paulie and Vic out, not his fault Vic returned. He is also in the middle of two duos which was not entirely luck, if he gets 2nd he deserves it. I don't see James winning, that will be Nic or Paul. I don't want Paul to win, not a big fan of Nic but if she wins, good for her.

Annabellina said...

Based on who would be sitting in jury, I think James would win against Paul, Nicole would likely win against James, and Paul vs. Nicole could be very close.

Angelface said...

Meech is for sure still bitter, but will she choose Paul over Nicole,.
Sorry no respect for Day acting like a bad ass. It's not her choice it's Zs. Those women a bit on the cray cray side. Yikes.

JoyNSoul said...

Some observations from tonight's episode:
1. Jury house appears to be more exciting/interesting than the BB house. BB house has t had that much drama/tension all season that I recall.
2. Natalie may have actually used the veto on James had she won it? Don't think James would have let her though. (I still don't believe she "used" even if she only sees him as a friend. I still think she's a really sweet girl.)
3. Meech is more upset over being evicted by Nicole than by being called the C word by Paul. Hmm. I'm leaning toward her giving her vote to Paul over Nicole, but we will have to see if it comes down to those 2.
4. James is well respected in the jury house it appears.
5. Z is not very bright with her choice in guys, but it's her life, not mine. Good luck honey!
6. Pretty sure Paulie and Day will not be friends after the show is over!
7. James still stinks at the question and answer comps.
8. Most of my observations come from watching the jury house, so I'll say it again: jury house more interesting than BB house!

I'm hoping for James and Nicole in the final 2. I still like James and am probably in the minority, but I'm just not the biggest Paul fan. He doesn't annoy me like he did earlier on, but still hasn't won me over.

JoyNSoul said...

Oh yeah. And even though I didn't like seeing Day act the way she did, Paulie is still a real piece of work! Sub whatever word you will for "work."

Jeff said...

Day controls the women's vote in the house except for meech. Corey and Paul will vote for Nicole. If she makes it to final she wins

Anonymous said...

It's hard to say what the jury would do. Nicole laid low early on but beefed up her game when it matters. Who knows what her strategy was. She and Corey may have been strategizing all the time under the covers and no one was the wiser.

James was instrumental in some critical evictions even though he hasn't done well in comps and/or his social game. Personally I like him but doubt over the other two the jury will see that he has done as much.

Paul has always made sure he has talked to the person being evicted telling them that it wasn't his decision, presumably to get their votes in F2 if he made it. He better win in the HOH comps because Nicole said "yesterday" that she would take James to F2, one reason being that she would be up next to another vet so no one could use her vet status as a reason not to vote for her. I think James would also take Nicole instead of Paul.

We have to remember that when the jury has their roundtable, they start talking about who actually played the best and many times, the ones who were instrumental in getting them evicted are the ones that the jury votes for. They have respect for them for that same reason. Most times they get over their resentment and realize it is a game and look at how far they've gotten, no matter what they had to do to get there.

Obsidiandog. said...

James has played a much better game than Nicole has. She had the benefit of cover from first Paulie and then her uber brah Corey shielding her. She was protected by meat shields all season, and even in Paulie's master plan to evict the girls Nicole wasn't even considered for eviction. Her HOHs were given to her. It takes a lot of effort to stay off people's radar in that house, and even without a strong partner James was only nominated once. I think it is rich that people think he did nothing all season, you know, maybe, just maybe, it was by design. He was pretty aggressive his first season, this season he has gone so much further because he has a better strategy and played a much better game. He got Frank out, he was the first to nut up against Paulie, he voted Victor out twice much to the chagrin of CBS. Even in his 'showmance' with Natalie he wasn't afraid to appear weak and it garnered him a lot of sympathy in the house, so much so that he didn't even have to campaign when he was on the block, he let everybody else convince themselves that Nat was the stronger player. Some people have to be dazzled by comp wins, big muscles, brain games, but I appreciate subtle gameplay that is hard to spot, like Derrick's season. You still have people that deny that Derrick is one of the greatest ever, but the beauty of watching how he masterfully swayed people without them realizing it was magic. It is like mental judo, you use your opponent's force against them. I'm not saying James's game is quite on a par with Derrick's, but he has used the same basic strategy of 'lay low, don't win anything, don't talk too much" to much better success than his initial season.

James does shower, he washes his hair. He combs it forward like the kids do these days, and I don't think it has been cut in a long time. The gross ones are the guys that sleep on their sheets without shirts, just their greasy skin.

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