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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday: Weekend Update

Happy Tuesday, BB addicts!! I hope y'all had an awesome Labor Day weekend! :D As I posted the other day, the Overnighters for this season are officially done. However, I will still be doing daily updates until this season is done (in addition to still covering live comps, live eviction shows, and all other spoilers like the veto ceremony, etc.) This season is so painfully slow, that I haven't been updating much at all, simply because there's nothing to write about. I think Evel Dick summed up this season and cast pretty well last week...

 ...yea. Kinda hard to blog about. lol

Anyway, moving on...

On Saturday night, the final 4 Vic/Paul/Nicole/Corey had a talk about who to send home this week. Victor wants James out (revenge for James evicting him) and Natalie wouldn't be scary without James by her side anyway. (Nat told James that if she stayed, she'd try to link up with Victor and work with him.) Meanwhile, the other 3 (Nic/Cor/Paul) think it's best if Natalie goes this week, simply because she's better at comps than James, plus the fact that James has seem to have given up the fight in the game.

Victor finally agrees with the rest of the 3 and says Nat can go this week, but his biggest fear is that he (Vic) will be sent out the door by the hands of James..again. (*That'd be a hard pill to swallow for sure.)

Nicole is the one who really wants Natalie out. For some reason, she basically hates all the other female HG's and has been talking crap about all of them this whole season. I don't get it. *shrugs*

Nicole: "I wanna be evicted by a guy, not a girl." (*wtf?!)

It's either that she truly doesn't like other women, or she's still protecting her alleged pre-BB18 final 2 deal with James. Maybe both. Who knows. Either way, Nicole's gonna get what she wants this week: Natalie up & out.

Speaking of pre-BB18 final 2 deal between Nicole/James, last night (11:25pm BBT), Nicole told Corey that she wants a Final 3 with them two and James.

So there's that.

As far as Natalie/James goes, they've been fighting off and on all day yesterday. Natalie said that she made a bad move by turning on Victor. James doesn't think so and blames it on the whole jury member battle back thing because otherwise, Victor would still be gone and Paul would've been alone as they (Nat/James) still worked with Nicorey like they had planned on. James is starting to worry that Natalie has been playing him all season long and told Victor his concerns yesterday. Victor agreed with James' concerns on Nat/their showmance being genuine.

James (to himself): "Aw man. Why did I get into a showmance, James."

In other news, Paul told Nicole how James said she's been telling James that Paul was gunning for him. Nicole denies it. Nicole then went to Corey and told him what Paul just said and how she denied it. Then they planned to push for Natalie to go this week but "not too hard" to oversell it to the others. (*Technically, Nicole/Corey have the votes this week, since they are the 2 of 3 votes but Nicole wants everyone in her Final 4 to be on-board so there's no bad blood or anything.)

Best line of the weekend:
Came from Corey when he said he'd tell BB producers that he needs a break in between BB seasons if they asked him to come sides hurt from laughing. lol

In funny news, BB delivered Have Not's food for the week...when there are no Have Not's this week. lol Whoops.

And last, but not not least..Nicole shaved Corey's chest last night.  (7:06pm BBT)
 **And that's it for the weekend update! I'll be starting on Daily Updates starting tomorrow. If any drama unfolds or anything major happens, I'll gladly cover that right away as well. Natalie will be going out the BB door this week and adding to the group of girls (and Paulie) in the jury house. I expect to see more Natalie/James back and forth tension-filled talks and whatnot until Thursday.


Unknown said...

Nicole us smart; she I'd talking to the guys in sexist language they understand, hence the statement that she wants to be evicted by a guy not a girl. Smart!!!! Also James us finally catching on to what I have been saying all week - that Natalie has been using him to get farther in the game. Sorry he woke up so late.

Unknown said...

"Is" not "us"

Razldazlrr said...

OK - the evel dick comment is funny! yep - that about sums it up. And Corey? He really thinks he would come back? oh good god!

and james is finally figuring out he might have been played - took him long enough!

2thDoc said...

I don't think James was played at all. In the house I believe Natalie really liked James and respected him. Outside in reality, it's not realistic to be in a relationship with him. I think they both know that. The STUPIDEST move in the game for them (Nat/James) was when they after Vic and Paul instead of staying true to the F5 of getting out the Nicorey duo. They made enemies real fast. Take out strong players first then go after the showmance. Rookie move. Anyway they reap what they sowed. Just hope Paul out next followed by Nicole. Only true person to earn the 500K is Victor. He fought the hardest and had toughest road. Aside from the HGs, we all as viewers have got to stop the hate and slander of these HGs. Just because they didn't play the way YOU wanted does not make them bad people. Remember they don't know what we know as hamsters. So they may feel a certain duo is after them or not. So they react to that. Remember hindsight is 20/20

Unknown said...

I don't think James was played by Nat. As a real showmance it wasn't going to happen. They will ve good friends after the show. The mistake they made was going back on thier f4 deal w/ Victor & Paul. Also letting Nic have that hoh, as well as trusting her. If Nat leaves Thursday, James better play hard for the hoh if he wants to stay any longer in the house or hope someone he is aligned with wins

FEMily! said...

I agree that Natalie has genuine feelings for James. But she's being realistic. She's not going to move to Texas for him. She has been honest about this for weeks. I think people (mainly men) are hating Natalie and calling her fake and a user because they've been living vicariously through James all summer.

Unknown said...

Yes, James was played by Nat. Her first crush in the house was Victor. If she and Victor were in a showmance instead, you'd see her all cuddled up and physically attracted to him. She is not attracted to James at all on a physical level. She used him to get further in the game and I doubt they will even be friends outside the house. Two completely different lives.

Razldazlrr said...

I think my word "played" by Natalie might have been the wrong word. I think she likes James as a friend and he was nice to get close to in the house, when you only have a few options. I agree with others - it's not a physical thing for her.

Angelface said...

Just because we talk about the HG, does not mean anyone is hating, well ok some maybe.
You want to know why I prefer Nicole to Natalie, simply this power puff, unicorn, be bopping, drive a person nuts nail painting, think she's a princess. And Nicole just sat back watched listened and strategy talked with Corey only. Did not drive me nuts, However boring it was. As a women I just don't respect her type, frankly it gives grown woman a bad name. And she will need to grow up some day. I'm not sure what her age actually is, kinda don't care. But in a nut shell that is why I prefer Nicole, don't hate Natalie just don't like the persona.
And so many saying Nicole & Corey ditched the final four deal with Nat/James, no they really didn't they just let the cards play and used those cards. This week was one team or the other, Nic/ Cor, played it better.

Also a pair is a pair weather it's male, female, or 2 males, 2 females, dunno why showmance duos are so taboo.

I like the respect Nicole's/ Corey are giving to Victor mainly, do you really think they don't know both beat them. Are they delusional maybe, but it isnt over til it's over.

They were talking about the HOH Natalie's and the BB buy back, had Corey left Paulie would have come back in, Natalie and Meech would still be going, order may have been Nat then Meech. But oh yes they would have been targets.
And Nicole would have still won that HOH. She had no intention of jumping off that wall.

Dianne said...

Corey used Nicole to learn the game and to have sex. He has verbally said on camera that he has no intentions of dating her after the show. Nicole will be crushed when she finds out.

Andy Tatnall said...

Every season for the past four years, I've thought that BB could not possibly fail to realize that the past season was terrible and that they needed to change their casting philosophy. And every season they've doubled down on it instead.

Go back to casting people of all ages and looks instead of just young pretty people, and not only do you get a more interesting show that's not all about the HGs getting seen on TV, you also reduce the showmance problem. It's win-win! But of course they're not going to do that. God I hope whoever has cast the fall season breaks out of this pattern.

Angelface said...

Yes, Corey did say that to Victor, he also said she never leaves him alone, ha watch what Corey does every time he has info. He also doesn't leave her alone. Saying after the show he won't stay with her, is basic reality, it does not mean he used her, frankly they seam to be the same speed. After the show they go back to life.

@Andy I agree.
And if I tune in again and hear 4 annoying voices, I'll delete the record. Guys were a bit much this year also.

Unknown said...

Was James used by Natalie - absolutely. Was Nicole used by Corey - no. She likes Corey and Corey likes her even if it won't go past the season. In the beginning of the season, Natalie liked Victor but turned on him when she found out he liked Nicole. Nicole only liked Corey. Natalie turned to James cuz she couldn't have Victor. Poor James.

bbwatcher said...

Nicole is a better representation of a grown woman??!? Vomit...First of all, i don't care about houseguests having sex and liking each other, we're all adults not judging. Nicole is immature/insecure, easily threatened by other women and floats towards males to play BB. Natalie does not have the experience of playing this game, what you see is what you get. Both of these young ladies are far from being grown women, but if I had to pick a female favorite that makes mistakes yet displays character, I'd say Natalie. She ain't winning BB but maybe she'll grow from this experience. Corey is the least attractive male in the house but that's Nicole's type, @least hayden was competitive and smart.

Unknown said...

Ive been peeking in on the live feeds, and I have seen James and Natalie in two "fights". She is definitely distancing herself from him now that she knows he cannot take her any further in the game. It is kind of pathetic watching James get tossed in the friend zone already...he has twice said that "it is gonna be sad when we leave this house and this connection we built will be gone". She does not even respond to him saying that any more. She is still calling him "babe" but is so emotionally cut off from him now it is apparent that those of us who says she was just using him to get further in the game were right it seems.

rigs said...

Once again, I will say Paulie and I were right about Natalie. She is as fake as her boobs, LOL. God she is using James. I don't think she will ever "mature" out of her childish emotional behavior. Even I hope James get surprised and stays in the house, and I hope Victor doesn't end up regretting it but not sure that can happen without Nicole and Corey voting James out against Victor's wishes.

Let's face it, half of the girls this year were monsters. Natalie, Bridgette, Michelle and Da'Vonne were the worst. It is no wonder Nicole didn't get along with them. "Z" was easily manipulated and Bronte didn't last long enough to matter. I thought Nicole and Tiffany were the most mature.

Corey is proving he is not the slouch so many say he is. He is good at this game and he is a good competitor. He and Nicole make a good couple. If this were a couples game, I would go for them over James/Natalie or Victor/Paul. I'd like to see Paul gone next, then James and then however it turns out is fine by me. I think Victor, Nicole and Corey are the best players left. I noticed on BBAD last night Victor mentioned to Paul that he has won may comps and Corey said he was just one comp win behind Victor.

Unknown said...

Corey seems to win competitions when he feels he needs to, as did Derrick. CBS typically casts females with emotional issues as a sexist ploy to show how emotional and irrational females are - Meech is just the latest example. Nicole is a natural beauty, meaning she did not have to have breast implants or the kind of make up that Natalie and Meech cake on everyday to look attractive

Paulie was a douche for bringing up Natalie's "enhancements" but he was eight when he said the implants were a metaphor for her fakeness. James too easily gets crushed on these types.

Unknown said...

"Right" not eight.

Angelface said...

It really would be nice if they picked the girls better, they must think everyone loves a cat fight, No! In the past they have had some interesting women, if I had to guess back, I'd say Racheles crazy flamboyant personality, changed the way they picked females. Let's just say one is enough per season.

Why do people think Corey is stupid? He is not, just because he didn't care to win some comps did not make him stupid.
Victor is Just trusting cant be sure of his smarts, but he's not stupid, Paul thinks he's the smartest, James is also smart.

Anonymous said...

Since posts are only updated every few days, I figured I would mention that yesterday someone shouted through a megaphone for the houseguests to hear, "Nicole... James... Pregame Alliance" repeatedly. The HG's definitely heard what was said but of course screen went to fishes. HG's did not comment about it once the fish went away. I wonder if this was a stunt pulled by production to make things more interesting?

Unknown said...

@angelface - you are absolutely correct. The casting of Rachael created a very bad precedent of casting a sexist perception of female as emotionally imbalanced and calloused and narcissitic. Season 15 was the worst with Amanda and Aaryn and GinaMarie. That season was awful and Julie Chen and her husband should be ashamed! This season wasn't much better with Davonne and Meech and Natalie. Meech was very similar to Amanda and I'm sure they are on the same meds.

Angelface said...

Lol! I simply can't remember Meech any longer, who was she?

I'm ready for a reunion season. Not just winners, most liked by Viewers.

Angelface said...

Oh my Mama B, hum! Guess we have to wait and see. Sure don't like outside interference.

Angelface said...

How many of you were disappointed by Frank? I really liked him before. Maybe it was the way they did the teams this year, they did not play as teams very well, unlike the last time. Did they start the last team games with the vets coming in after or with the newer? Obviously better team leaders. Did not seam like teams except at comp time.

Unknown said...

Frank played with arrogance!!!!

BTW can you believe that Rachael and Brendon named their baby girl Adora Borealis? I wish it was just a joke but sadly is not

Angelface said...

Nothing she does surprises me, did they give her a middle name she most likely will use. Lol! And yes he did.

Unknown said...

Sadly I think Borealis IS her middle name!

@Mama B - I think production wants Victor to win so they are warning him not to go along with the plan to evict Natalie.

Painter19 said...

Did anyone notice that Corey went directly to the pipe key on the wall with no hesitation. Who told him he needed the pipe/key and for what as he had not seen the manhole yet!

Painter19 said...

Did anyone notice that Corey went directly to the pipe key on the wall with no hesitation. Who told him he needed the pipe/key and for what as he had not seen the manhole yet!

Stacia said...

I haven't watched it yet, but on BBAD after the comp, Nicole was saying how her Dad would be disappointed in her performance. She didn't realize about using water to make the key float. Corey said "Really? We have a key like that for my Dad's boat so I knew right away" Another instance of a comp being made for someone? I wouldn't have known, since I'm not a water person. Just an interesting thought.

Sammie said...

I think it's ridiculous all of you criticizing these girls and calling them fake because they got breast implants or wear makeup. If they choose to do those things, it's their body. I agree that there needs to be some casting changes because the women cast are often emotionally unstable and ticking time bombs.

I disagree with Natalie using James because I do think that she did really like him, but she didn't like him like him, so she did lead him on, and that's not cool. I think she's just bitter now, but she might end up staying friends with him if she patches things up outside the house or she might not. Would've thought Meg would stay friends with James, but they hate each other now, so sometimes you never know.

Rigs, I don't really understand why you don't like Bridgette. I liked her a lot. Definitely one of the least annoying this season. With Michelle crying all the time; Bronte, Natalie, and Nicole all with pretty annoying voices; and then Z, Michelle, and Da' bullying Bridgette all the time. Tiffany was pretty cool, too. Cried a lot, but she had a legit reason for being paranoid, unlike her sister.

I would've liked to see Frank go farther, but the reason he didn't was his own fault for being too cocky and just trusting EVERYONE in his alliance of like 1/2 the house.

Also, Angelface, the last time they did teams, the mentors started out as JUST mentors. Like they got to pick their teams, and they weren't playing for the 500k. If one of their mentees got HOH, they got their own HOH room like next to the real HOH room. And there was a comp each week where the mentors would compete to get immunity for one of their mentees. Then they joined the game later. I liked that setup a lot better. Prevents like what happened this year where they wanted to gang up on the returners right away.

Definitely seems like these comps are geared towards certain people sometimes, though, which does suck. Like the fact that there were SO many endurance or purely physical comps this season left most of the girls at a disadvantage.

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