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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Veto Comp Results

Happy Saturday to y'all!! Since we're less than a few weeks away from the BB18 finale and we're down to the Final 6 (3 pairs, with 2 of them being in a solid Final 4, at least this week anyway), there's not much to blog about. There has been much to blog about for about a month now, but I've been trying to get any info I could to make the Overnighters happen. lol At this point, there's nothing to really blog except the main things: Noms, Veto Comp, and Veto any fights or changes in the current plans along the way. So with that, I am retiring the Overnighters until this Fall's BB online season begins. RIP BB18 Overnighters!

Today is the Veto Comp and in short, if James doesn't win it, he's toast. (Though Natalie has said a few times that if she wins it, she's saving him from the block and gonna fall on her sword for him.) I will update this post after the Veto Comp is over and there is a winner.

Winner of the Veto is:

**I'm not tied to my computer today, so it might be a couple hours before I update post-veto comp.


Susie said...

BB is over, go enjoy your w/e Jaimie and thank you for all your work.....................

Unknown said...

I truly hope Natalie goes home this week. In both of his seasons, James was gaga over a female as if he is still in middle school. In the first season, the girl had integrity and let him know under no terms was it gonna happen with him. In this season Natalie led him on to further her game.

For those of you who made comparisons of Jeff and Jordon to Natalie and James - LOL. Jeff and Jordan were adorable and had crushes on each other. Natalie had a crush on Victor but Victor liked Nicole and that's why Victor spilled the beans on Jozea targeting Nicole. Natalie picked Victor for her team - remember? Natalie turned on Vic when she found out he liked Nicole. Nicole had the hots for Corey from day one and that's why she picked him for her team.

Natalie is as big a snake as Paul. Paul is evil, both in the house and out. He will and has turned on everyone. He is a good judge of character but a crappy person

Angelface said...

@ Brenda again, love ya! Lol yes! yes!

KathyC said...

Don't blame you one bit, Jamie. It's been hard watching, especially BBAD - don't know how you've hung there this long. I can't recall a season so boring - I'm surprised production hasn't stepped in and tried to teach them how to be entertaining. In the old days, houseguests would play to the cameras when they knew BBAD had started. Anyway - thanks, Jamie for your efforts.

Angelface said...

I don't buy Natalie will take him down if she wins it, that I would have to see to believe. I just don't think she has lay down and due in her.

Angelface said...

Die not due.

Unknown said...

Of course Natalie won't take down James if she wins the veto. She is saying this to manipulate him. She knows he has the better chance of winning so she wants James to take her down!!!! It's laughable!!!!! However, he likes her and might take her down. Fool if he does!!!!

Angelface said...

That's what I thought Brenda,
I'm really having a hard time watching, hope Corey and Nicole continue to interact with Victor and Paul, that was at least entertaining last week.
However could not stand hearing Meech...

Angelface said...

They used to shut rooms down, why aren't they doing that, used to force them into more convos.
And I think every year is boring when the hamsters waddle down.

Gilnast said...

Natalie is the worst.

Angelface said...

Slept late today hoped the comp would be done, I keep forgetting I'm not west anymore lol.

Nana/bblvr said...

I wasn't watching the live feeds, did Natalie really through James under the bus to p/v? Just curious, I think she is changing a bit. Do you think Nicole will let it "slip" to James? I really hope that as real friends outside this house that if James wins pov Nicole says something to him (maybe about hos daughter ) to shock him out of laying down his game for Natalie.

2thDoc said...

Natalie is still awesome. I don't know why most people commenting all of a sudden dislike her. So she put up victor and Paul. Who cares?! She was smart to get a strong competitor out. This is not a game of who is the "best" friend. If it weren't for that stupid second buyback, victor would be out and Paul alone crying. Nicorey weak. And they would have had the solid three left (Nat James and Meech ). But yet again CBS ruined it and blew up Nats game. So like I said, I still like Nat. She isn't a liar and does not resort to names and "I hate yous"

Obsidiandog. said...

James is still in the house, still in the game, if he wins veto someone stronger than Natalie will go up in his place and then we'll have a game. James is projecting weakness, makes him less of a target worth evicting if they can boot a stronger player.

Unknown said...

Cory won veto!

bbwatcher said...

Corey wins the randomest comps...When it matters he chokes...he had zero social game and zero intelligence...hope he won't make it to final two but he's an easy win for whoever sits next to him. Weak!

Angelface said...

Corey go lazy boy!

FEMily! said...

If Nicole and Corey make it to final two, I wouldn't care who wins. They both suck.

JoyNSoul said...

@Brenda, for the record, I never compared James and Natalie's relationship to Jeff and Jordan's. Nor would I ever!! They're not near as cute to watch!! Just pointed out that they did have a G rated relationship in the house, and that it is possible for 2 people in the house to like each other and not be all over each other! That is the ONLY comparison I made or would make! There were a few people on social media stating this G rated relationship between James and Natalie is strong enough evidence that she's using him. And she may have definitely placed James in the "friend" category, but was just stating that lack of a physical relationship wasn't the best way to judge. I don't watch the feeds, so I don't see all the daily interaction between them. I have seen some talk a little more though about how they interact on a daily basis and do think those observations are a little more telling than just a lack of a physical relationship. Some people are very conscious of the cameras and don't do PDA. But I agree, they are not near as fun to watch as Jeff and Jordan were!!

And yeah, I'd be very surprised if Natalie won the veto and used it on James. A lot of people in the house who were on the block said they'd use the POV on the other person, but recall only one person who has ever actually followed through on that!

UnionGrl said...

I didn't understand why the shift away from Nat until I watched BBAD and got the summary of Nat's under-the-bus toss of James. I've always like Natalie and knew she was smarter and more cunning than she pretended. I think James knows that too, and if not, mores the pity. They are making the right choice voting her out.

James has lost his taste for the game. He's just marking time now and I don't believe will present any real challenge to the F4. After he's gone is when it will get interesting. Did anyone else pick up the slight tension between Paul and Vic? Could be my imagination but a lot of time has passed and those are guys who could go to working your last good nerve in a hurry.

Time will tell.

UnionGrl said...

I want Nicole to win it all. She has played, IMHO, the best game of them all. She has picked a good #1, well-liked and cuddlesome, she has kept her drama to a minimum, and has bided her time perfectly. Despite all the accusations against her what evil has she really done? She has just waited, enjoyed the work of others when it fit into her overall plan, and shifted things when it didn't. Well done Nicole, well done!

She is peaking at the right time. All the surviving boys like her and respect her game (or so it seems to me)and it wouldn't take much convincing for any of them to carry her to the end. If Corey were to go I wonder if Vic would be tempted to swoop in as protector. That could be most amusing.

When it's down to the F4 that's when things should get fun again.

Angelface said...

I believe if anyone told Victor what Paul was doing to him all along he would be more weary of Paul, maybe all the time Vivtor and Corey spent together as have nots has made a stronger bond, that Victor is not going to easily toss away. He may even toss to Nic or Corey to get Paul. On some level Vic has to have a feeling about it. Paul seams to be a mean lil shit, in reality Victor is a kind hearted person, he knows Corey is too.
Corey and Nicole have played a good quite stay out of trouble game, nothing wrong with that, it's good on the 1 hand. On the other some people prefer the out in your face fighter. But to say they have no game would be wrong. Many a year a sit back keep quite person has made finals. Because the ending few trusted them by then.
Unfortunately James and Natalie busted the final 5 deal with Paul and Vic, I can't say I care at this point, I figured she was trouble for James and it turned out she was. Cannot believe she continued to play victim and tossed James under the bus.
@joyNSoul a few people on other comments including me were talking about comparing to Jeff and Jorden. But Nat has no romantic feelings for James, she has also admitted crushing on Corey. But there is nothing wrong with her just being friends with James, however James blinded himself dreaming of her.

Razldazlrr said...

Hmmm - weird that Corey won - ha ha - so who are they going to vote out? James?

Angelface said...

Natalie is Target right now, they believe she could mess with them more then James can.

Unknown said...

@angelface - thanks for clarifying that my Jeff and Jordan comment was from another thread and had absolutely nothing to do with anyone in particular. Some people are paranoid and looking for a fight! BTW aren't Jeff and Jordan married now?

Unknown said...

I hope James stays, gets HOH and puts up Vic and Paul. That would be fun!!!!

Unknown said...

Lazy boy Corey - hilarious!

Unknown said...

Who do you think will be America's Favorite Player? I think or might be Vic...definitely not Meech!!!!!

JoyNSoul said...

@angelface, thanks. I must have missed comments from others bringing up Jeff and Jordan. So I assumed it was in regards to my post a couple days ago.

@Brenda, not looking for a fight at all!!! Just didn't want my post to get taken the wrong way (which can easily happen sometimes on social media). And another problem with social media: You can't hear people's tone of voice when they post, but I wasn't trying to lash out with my comment at all. I was basically agreeing with you that there's no comparison between the 2 relationships.

Unknown said...

I have not watched or read much at all because these past few weeks.
Can someone tell me how National through James under the bus?
Thanks ��

Joliechance said...

Paul is mean spirit person, you can alliance yourself with people and strategize but you don't have to call them name and talk crap about them. That is Paul game. Every time he switches side/alliance he talks really bad about the others. The words he uses are offensive. He also manipulate Victor. Every time that Victor won HOH, Paul told him what to do. I feel bad for Victor because I really feel that he is kind hearted but gets manipulated easy. . Nicorey are both snakes and lazy. The only people that I hope wins is Victor/James or Natalie. That my opinion.

BeeBelle said...

I'm surprised production isn't encouraging something more interesting to watch. Let Victor tell Nicole what Corey said about their relationship after the game. It feels like production has already moved on to the All Access season.

Jen D. said...

At this point I'm hoping for a victor and Paul 1-2. Victor fought to be here more than anyone. Nicole and Corey deserve nothing. They've slept the entire season. I'm starting to lose faith in this show.

Unknown said...

Does Pail think he can beat Victor? Can he?

Unknown said...

Oops.....Paul (not Pail)

UnionGrl said...

If Paul doesn't let it blow up in his face. Victor is not someone you want to piss off and I can feel him getting close to that edge with Paul. Paul could beat anyone if he doesn't go too far or say too much. For him that's his fatal flaw.

Anonymous said...

If Nat goes this week, I can see James being the one both duos will want to vote with them. Whoever gets the next HOH should want to break up the other duo so keep James. It would be interesting if James gets HOH and see which side he goes with. I hope that he does what he thinks is best for him (Nicorey) and not listen to Nat. He is not safe with Paul/Vic and he probably would be so long as Paul doesn't win next HOH. Nicorey had to kiss up to Paul/Vic to get Mich out.

I was impressed with Nat when she got everyone on track to get Zakiyah out, making everyone aware that Paulie was running the house. I thought she was going to come on strong but she hasn't. She listens to James and if something goes wrong, then it's his fault and she keeps telling him he should have gotten Corey out. He was correct in having Paul/Vic on the block and getting one of them out. How would they have known about a jury buy back?

Anonymous said...

Victor is a snake, Nicole is annoying as nails on a chalk board.

Jamie said...

Natalie is the target now because of James/Nicole have a secret F2 deal before they even entered the house.

Anonymous said...

My guesses for HOH targets next week, assuming Nat goes this week, which I can't see that changing. Nicorey will vote her out even if they have to go against Vic's wishes. So far, they are hoping to be able to convince him that it is in his best interests also so they don't have to go against him.

Paul - Corey so he could try to get James on his and Vic's side for now so they would have the numbers and he would rather keep Nicole than Corey but would want to break them up.

Nicole - Paul. She believes he is super smart and thinks alot of comps will be mental so he could win those. Once Nat is gone, she will want James on their side again.

Corey - Well, whoever Nicole wants so again, I would guess Paul.

James - Paul because he will still believe Nicole has his back and she will have kept him in the game. I think he wants Paul gone the most anyway.

Angelface said...

No! Natalie is the Target, Becouse Paul & Vic, had a conversation where they weighed the the way they play comps and some of the mental game, they feel Natalie is more dangerous for them.

Your Welcome Brenda, & JoyNSoul.
Let's hope Paul Does not make final.

I do see show wise they have only shown nice convos between Nat & James.
Again Nicole has Played the perfect floater game, Corey has had to play, but he is still trying not to get any blood on his hands. Next week will be interesting.
And holy crap both couples are equally AHHnnoying!

Angelface said...

OMG the convo between Vi & James, just watching last nights show. LMAO.! Was hoping they showed What Natalie Said.

Angelface said...

That was to funny, Natalie your the pawn, James you were the deciding vote your the target>... Haaaahaahaa! Natalie is the Target. He was just playing off what she had said to him being the pawn when he and Paul were up.

Angelface said...

I think it all depends on who wins that HOH, and Paul still has to justify any move that takes Corey out, Victor is not a back stabber.
If Nicole or Corey win next HOH, Paul will go up as Pawn with JamesI don't think they will cross Victor or put him in a risky spot.
Paul wins next HOH James and probably Corey go up.

I don't think Nicole and Corey fully believe they can beat those 2, to win and both be in finals, they are pretty sure one will be in final 3,
I would not keep James in the game ether, those shorter guys can bust the 2nd round of finals. Nicole is safer having one of the 2 big guys on 2nd HOH comp, just thinking back 2nd is nimble and a girl or small guy can maneuver better. I know it's always anyone's game.
I think James is toast as soon as they can kick him after Nat.
If Paul and Vic take Nicole to final 3, she might win that last HOH and buy Paul. Victor most likely wins. But geez we do not know how jury feels about Vic, the battle backs can work against him.
We can speculate but someone in this 6 will win. Lol 😉

bbwatcher said...

@chicklet i think they all at least suspected the buy back, BB does it almost every year. I think that was even more good of a reason to vote out Vic over Corey because had it been Zak/Day/Bri/Pau/Cor, paulie would have been back in the house.

Angelface said...

Well AFP is going to depend on final 4 or 3, and when we vote, James possibly, Vic if he does not make finals, people seam to be so split about Nic/Cor. Which is not even cool. As she is so much smarter then a lot of people think, she has helped Corey stay safe, people think they are just in bed to be in bed, no they watched listened and layer back, talked, never sharing what they saw or thought to anyone.
Both are deserving of AFP, really will depend on mass blogs.
I can say I haven't really looked on to others, used to read Hamster, well lol I'm going to go look at hamster and a few others see what they are saying.
Have been looking at this page for about 5 years I think. Way less fighting in comments.

Angelface said...

BBWatcher, do you believe they blew their own game up for the BB buy back?

Angelface said...

If you haven't taken a look at Hamsterwatch, you should. Funny, Corey's Harry Potter dream talking was to funny.
My husband is a sleep walker, I call it spazing, if you don't have one of these, your lucky.
Just for laughs, I'll tell ya, he will screem and be running around bumping into everything, you cannot touch them, as they don't even know it's you. So I have to get up or run up turn on the lights, so he can focus, still in sleep mode, carefully talk him back to bed. But if it's snakes in the bed get out. Lol

Missy said...

Has anyone e heard if there are returning cast members cast for big brother over the top. I read somewhere, frank and davonne but I hardly believe davonne would not want to go home and see her family. The source wasn't reluable but it perked my curiosity.

bbwatcher said...

@angelface either way his game was blown with Victor or with paulie coming back

Unknown said...

Sleep walking is scary.
When I was younger I'd fall asleep on the couch and wake up in my bed, and in the morning I'd ask mom if she carried me to bed. She said, no you stood up and went to bed. So weird. Another time mom came home from work on a Saturday and suddenly was yelling at me for not getting a chore done. I had no idea I was supposed to do it either... She'd be like "I asked you before I left for work to do this, you sat up, looked at me, and said you'd have it done" I'm like, I have no idea what you're talking about. After that she would tell me stuff and leave a note. Just to make sure lol.

Angelface said...

Michael, most people don't have a clue they did anything, he can be full cooperative seam like he knows what I'm doing. No problem lays down right back out. His mother has it to, but not as bad. I do know a few triggers, one is being to hot while sleeping, or stress in daily life.
Unless your screaming nobody knows. Think my oldest Daughter does it too.

Dianne said...

That rumor re James & Nicole having a secret Final 2 even b4 entering the house is just that, a rumor. Every year we hear crazy rumors and dio any of them ever turn out to be true? I for one don't believe it.

Re Nat & James, I don't think she just used him like some of you do, but wonder why no one says the same thing about Corey. Corey has stated that he does not want to date Nicole after the show and she is clearly just as gaga over Corey as James is over Nat. Same situation except Corey is worse than Nat as he took advantage of Nicole's feelings to get physical with her. I do think Nat likes James as a friend and yes she's being snotty right now, but everyone in the house is getting a bit snippy. I can't imagine being cooped up with anyone that long, it's really a wonder they aren't at each other's throats more than they are. I'd go bananas.

I don't like Paul but he's the biggest threat, anyone who willingly takes him to the end is settling for 2nd place. Vic may do a Cody. I hope not.

I don't even think I will even vote for AFP, I'm tired of them all; the show is way too long.

Unknown said...

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