Watch BB18!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thurs: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Live Eviction Day! This looooooooong week is about to come to an end (thank gawd! haha) Da'vonne is still set to leave and her only saving grace would be if she has the roundtrip ticket to return back into the game. Man, that'd really shake things up, aye?!

**Before I get to the Overnighter, I want to mention that CBS made it official yesterday via CBS Press Express that this Fall will indeed be BB19 (which will be online-only via the feeds) and BB will return to it's normal summertime slot next year for BB20. So BB19 is more of a 'bonus' season. 

Yesterday was extremely calm on the live feeds, both during the day and night. But there are a few things to cover in the Overnighter, so we'll just get right to it.

Before entering the house, previous BB HG Derrick (who is best friends with Cody, Paulie's brother) gave him advice on how to win the game. He also gave James advice on how to win the game, but told Paulie exactly what he told James. So Paulie is onto James' game play. Meanwhile, Michelle/Zakiyah/Day are onto both Paulie's & James' game play which is like Derrick's.

5:45pm BBT:
Have Nots Room
Michelle was crying to douchecanoe Paulie. Michelle is "super annoyed", doesn't feel like herself in the house, etc. Paulie talked her off the ledge. Michelle said that Natalie/James are annoying her. Paulie asked if it was the pranks they're pulling, she said no. It's everything. Paulie said it's tough being in a locked-in environment.

Paulie: "It's a pressure-cooker environment."
Michelle: "I just wanna go home.."

Michelle's worried that she won't be able to get a job outside the house. Paulie reminds her it's just a game show. Paulie said if she can't find a job, he'll hire her as a dietician at his gym.

6:22pm-9:02pm BBT:
Feeds were off as the HG's had their half-way party.
Zakiyah apologized to Paulie for being "tipsy", hopes she doesn't embaress him. (*Ugh..)

9:16pm BBT:
HOH Room

The girls have a meeting. Zakiyah tells them that "girls are strong" and they can win HOH tonight. They wonder if the guys will keep putting girls up & out as long as they're winning HOH's, and wonder if there's a guys alliance..though they don't really care if there is. (*And this is why a girl won't win this season. lol)

In other news...
Natalie told James it might be best to throw tonight's HOH comp to Michelle (but then later retracts that statement by saying she..Nat..wants to win HOH and gun after Victor/Nicorey). Paulie told Paul that he thinks James will throw tonight's HOH to keep his game play low-key. (*Thanks a lot, Derrick.) Paulie then talked about targeting Nicole/James.

**And that's it for the Overnighter! The HG's are expecting tonight to be a Double Eviction, but it's not. Who will win HOH? What will this week have in store? Will one of the showmances be broken up? We can only hope! haha ;) I'll be back tonight to live-blog tonight's episode at 9pm ET, so I'll see y'all then!! :D


Jen said...

I saw on the feeds that Dayvonne told Z to put on some shorts because Z was parading around in some sort of bikini/lingerie thing. Day needs to stay in the house so Z doesn't self destruct :( the Paulie mist is strong with that one.

Unknown said...

I'm going to miss Da'vonne. I love her diary room monologues. I'm so over Z, Michelle and Nicole.

Unknown said...

I about died last night when Michelle was having her hissy fit over hitting Paul, and she asked if she was an ugly cryer. Yes, you are an ugly cryer and your voice sounds like nails on a chalk board, shut up already!!!

Gross said...

Zakiyah was in heat all night long.


Stevie said...

I'm actually down for Michelle if she gets it together and actually guns for PP.

Also, Paulie is the absolute worst.

I will miss Da. Hoping so badly that she gets the round trip ticket.

Diego said...

Okay don't laugh... but like when is jury gonna start.... with Day or after her. And if day has the round-trip ticket wat will she do if she wins hoh knowing that nature and James flipped on her and Paul was in on it because they made it seem like Day saw his true intentions of nominating her😉

Diego said...

Not nature but Natalie lol

Unknown said...

I am over Paul and Paulie someone needs to put them up. Plus I hope Day has the round-trip ticket none of them would like that.

Razldazlrr said...

I would love it if Day has the rt ticket! What is wrong with these girlies? They are the biggest flakes ever and the guys are mostly such jerks - it truly is like high school in there - maybe even junior high! It's so much more interesting when they put in true fans of all ages and mix it up.

Sammie said...

I'm like really over this season. This is the worst season to date. How many of these people are even playing BB? All of the girls suck at comps. I would love Day to get the round trip ticket, but what would that even do? It's not like she'll win the HOH comp or anything. Anyone that is actually on to PP or would actually gun for the showmances are so weak that their chances of winning HOH against Paulie are pretty slim. I would totally get behind Nat Nat as HOH. Hopefully it's something she can actually win, though. All of these girls are pretty boy crazy, and Michelle is just a big meanie. The only people left that I even like are James, Nat Nat, and Bridgette. I liked Nicole on her season, but she just SUCKS now all hung up on Corey. This ain't the Bachelor, girlie... Someone please start taking out these annoying ass players.

Kimberly said...

I come and read the updates, but I just can't do the live feeds. They are painful to watch.. Just like a middle school version of the Bachelor. I haven't even voted on the care packages because it doesn't even matter. Paulie has turned into a douche, I am sick of Paul and "friendship", the girls aren't even playing the game. Casting fail. At this point, I am more excited about the prospect of BB19 online. I don't care who wins BB18.

UnionGrl said...

I agree that Michelle is a nasty, shallow, mean drip and I can't wait until she is gone,gone,gone. The person not getting snaps for how cleverly she has played the game is Nat-nat. That's one smart cookie who lays low and plays a little dumb but is razor sharp. And don't count out my girl Nicole. It's helpful to have a snuggle bunny who is in so tight with the boys. This 'he's so much hotter than me' nonsense is just the right stroke to boy egos.

Sadly I can't say anything smart about Z. Thank God she has pretty to fall back on. That little thing last night in the HOH room (BBAD) about strong women and how mens ain't going to derail her is whistling past the grave yard. She leaves and melts into Paulie's arms - and he don't care! Her Momma is going to tear her up when she gets home for all this 'He's my man, I'll just follow him' junk she's living.

HereInMyRoom5 said...

Why does it say that Paulie is a DJ when he told Michelle that he would hire her at his gym?

Victoria Stairz said...

There are *actual* DJs and *actual* people that own gyms, but there are about 1000% more people who *claim* those are their primary professions when their actual job description should be UNEMPLOYED.

UnionGrl said...

You go Victoria! And I would remind everyone that every year the big complaint is how bad the show is and we all keep watching. As we see on the program b!tching gets you nothing but ignored. If you don't like it don't watch - that will show them!

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