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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wed: The Overnighter

Happy Wednesday, BB peeps! The Overnighter is super late due to work, so I appologize for the delay. But since this season is moving at a snails pace, have no fear because you didn't miss anything. Well, anything worth watching on the flashback feeds, anyway. And as I type this up, all the HG's are 1pm BBT.

Yep. This is what BB has come to this summer. *le sigh*

So Da'vonne is starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together that she's going out the door tomorrow..finally. She asked around all day/night to the HG's, asking if she's going home Thursday and they all lied to her. James felt bad at one point (because they're both parents and Day used the parent-card on him, and it worked lol, but it's too late at this point for the votes to flip.) Even James said he knows trying to flip the votes would be personal and not game-related, as he's aware that sending Day out this week would be best for his game.

At 6:05pm BBT, Paulie told Nicole that he'd put up Zakiyah/Michelle is he wins HOH, with his target being Michelle first. Paulie might not try to win HOH though, if Victor can win it instead...he knows Vic will put up the girls.

At 6:54pm BBT, Day/Zak have a talk. Day mentions she thinks she's being targeted this week but not sure. Day goes and asks James (at 7:10pm BBT) if she's going home this week, because if she is, she just wants to know so she can enjoy the last few days in the house. James tries to be slick by saying he'll ask around for her.

Right before 7pm BBT, Zakiyah cried to Nicole about her relationship issues with Paulie. (*OMG.)

8:51pm BBT:
This convo is something I can't watch, as it's a trigger for me from my previous marriage. What I can tell you is, if you wanna know what (in my opinion is) mental and emotional abuse looks like, here's your chance.

Paulie said he gave Zakiyah 2 chances to come clean about facts, Zakiyah has no idea what he's talking about. He brings her to tears and keeps jabbing her verbally, smiling at times at the obvious pain she's in.
(And his retells later on will confirm that loved every minute of it. He told Paul, which Paul thought it was hilarious. Even James had a good laugh with Paulie about it.)

Moving on...

9:28pm BBT:
Paulie retells it to Paul. They have a few laughs about how Paulie treated Z. Paul thinks it's hilarious that she's crying. (*I can't stomach this.)

12:25am BBT:
Paulie/Z make up. (*I..I can't.)

*So Day is finally waking up to the fact that she's going home but it's too late anyway. At best, it'd be a tie and Paul would break it, sending Day out the door. This week is done. Put a fork in it. Day's only hope right now, is to have the roundtrip ticket to return back in the game . Tonight at 8pm EST, we have another BB18 episode (Veto Comp/Ceremony), so make sure to tune in for that.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think the fight between Z and Paulie is one of the worst ever on the feeds. This is Paulies real personality not the guy CBS is editing him to be on the show. They want people to love him when in reality he's a guy who belittles and makes fun of women even one who he's suppose to be in a relationship with. What's worse is that he's probably gonna make it to the end and or win considering that most of the players left seem to just do whatever he says.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...
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Dianne said...

Z has her faults, but Paulie is toxic in regard to his relationship with Z. His behavior and the guys going along with it is very disturbing. I didn't care for Derrick and wasn't a huge fan of Cody, but Paulie's recreation of their game play is like the evil twin version.

Alisha said...

I really liked Paulie in the beginning but after watching last night I think he's such a jerk. The way he talked to Z last night actually made my stomach hurt and then he went to everyone talking about what happened he really disrespected her. I can't wait until he goes I don't see how people don't see him as a huge threat!

Unknown said...

yep. agree. I liked him at first glance but he's a dog. Z is immature but didn't deserve that. no one does.

Dianne said...

btw, do the TV only fans even know Z & Paulie are a thing?

Unknown said...

Watching that whole argument lastnite, made me yell at the tv! lol Seriously, if my ex husband came off like that, he would of had a handful. On the other hand, since Z is SO IN LOVE with Paulie, she played the I have no idea what you are talking about (which also eluded me to believe she was lying) and played the hurt little girl waiting for him to say, I am sorry, I didnt mean to hurt your feelings, Yata, yata, yata. I wanted Z to get lit up! Wtf? Seriously girl, your gonna wait for him to throw his arms around you, make kissy face and get engaged???? I think she is the worst when it comes to the showmances. Paulie is a pompous ass. She needs to walk away from that! No backbone. Nicole loves to gossip to her showmance and Nat(clueless) and James... the two I hope make it outside the house.

On the other hand don't want to see Da go, I think she could make waves in the house. Unfortunately all we have to see make asses of themselves is Paulie, Paul and good grief...Vic!

Dianne said...

Nat is smarter than people think, she told James a week or so ago that Paulie is going to win if he stays in the game.

UnionGrl said...

Yeah, that fight was not only telling as to the true nature of the combatants but it was, as Jamie said, a classic example of emotional abuse. Paulie is an a**hole deluxe. The fact that he bragged to all his little boy friends about how he made that girl cry was truly disgusting.

Truth be told they (P and Z) were only ever physically attracted. They never had a real meeting of the minds or harmony of personalities, ever. Her jealous fits cooled him off and now he's tired of her but doesn't want to break-in a new cuddle bunny. I repeat, he's an A**hole deluxe. But, she is letting him do it and still hasn't caught on that he doesn't, and never did care.

LilyPearl0560 said...

I just echo what everyone else has said. This guy is a total a**hole. I wished so hard that I could have been there to tell Z just to walk away. I know it is easier said than done when a woman is being abused in real life, but here in the BB house Z does NOT have to put up with it. It drives me nuts that she still follows him around with stars in her eyes but that is the effect that abusers have on their victims.

Stacia said...

I agree with everyone's comments about Paulie. He said he didn't play games, but their entire conversation was a game to him! Just the smirk on his face the whole time made me want to smack him! He retold all the guys as they came in to the HOH. In watching it, James was filled in last and seemed like he was just laughing to play along.

Unknown said...

I feel very sorry for Z. She is being made to feel miserable by this sinister manipulator who twists everything to blame her and is constantly blowing hot and cold. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to have any close female allies in the house who would tell her straight that all this is not right. Plus, even if she did wake up and smell the coffee and realise this showmance is a huge mistake, they are both stuck in the house together for possibly several more weeks. I hope by some fluke she wins HOH and the letter from home is worded to imply that this relationship is no good.

Missy said...

My question to these house guests are what is the end game? Do any of them other than paulie plan to get further than jury or is that their goal? Campaigning is not allowed and considered disrespectful? I have been watching previous seasons to remind me why I started watching bb in the first place and am in mourning as to what the last few seasons have done to ruin the game.
I have seen z be cruel and vicious to other house guests. I found what paulie did was truly disturbing but my sympathy for z has been destroyed by her own maliciousness. I wonder if cody and derrick are proud of paulies game style?

Zayne said...

I agree with Missy. While no woman deserves to be treated like that in a relationship, let's not pretend like Z is some innocent victim that's never done anything wrong in the house. She has been a truly atrocious human being to Bridgette.

Unknown said...

I really loathed Cody and Derrick. Derrick especially was an abuser. Don't believe me? Go back and watch how he treated the women in the house.

Z will wake up and smell the coffee once she's out of the house--whenever that is.

Bobbie said...

So off topic but is anyone else having issues with the mobile site. Used to be different on my phone where I could just choose which post to go into. Now it's the same as the regular site. Have to scroll through all posts.

DeniseG said...

I was watching when Paulie started accusing Z of lying and I started getting really upset and had to turn it off. I didn't see them make-up, but I think Z would think she had to if she wanted to stay in the game. That's what abusers do. I hope Z actually sees through his crap.

I wondered what Cody thinks of his brothers behavior.

Missy said...

Yes Bobbie, my mobile site is different than before. I preferred the other format to the new one.

Anonymous said...

All Paulie wants to do is get some action while in the BB house, and once he is out he will more than likely be partying and getting more tail. He does not care about Z, which is sad.

Razldazlrr said...

Yep-Paulie and Cody both think they are god's gift! I haven't seen the show last night yet -do they show the fight? and paul is a total idiot- the guys act like they are in high school

Lea said...

I think what he's doing is called gaslighting.

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