Watch BB18!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Monday: The Overnighter

Gooooood morning, BB addicts & Happy Monday to y'all!! :D I'm back and refreshed, ready to watch this season come to an end in just mere weeks. Thanks for being patient while I took yesterday off, much needed!!

Okay, so to recap:
*Nicole won veto & does not plan to use it today
*Michelle is still the target
*Corey wants to give the $5k bribe to Victor (details below)

Yesterday was a quiet day in the BB house, until 2:41pm BBT.

A drone flew over the BB backyard and had a blowup doll attached to it, along with a message. The feeds cut for nearly an hour and when they came back on, they were all talking about it. They didn't get to read the message and speculated what it could've said, which is anybody's guess really. Natalie thinks it was mocking her, as Nicole thinks Michelle will use the doll/message against her somehow, and Michelle thinks the same thing about Nicole. Paranoia at it's finest. lol

At 5:09pm BBT, Michelle is crying again and having a total meltdown.

Michelle: "I wasn't ready to come here!"
Natalie tried her best to comfort her, telling her that if she didn't have James, she wouldn't have been able to survive in the house. She has James as someone to vent to and get support from...but Meech didn't.

Michelle: "I hate my body, I hate my face, I hate everything about myself!"

Moving on...

Nicole is worried about Victor might go against their plan and vote out Paul (because they're still acting like they don't like each other). Corey thinks he should offer his $5k bribe to Victor to stick with the plan of getting Michelle out. (*though Vic is definitely voting Michelle out anyway lol) In addition, they think the bribe would help keep Corey safe is Vic wins HOH next week. Plus it has the added bonus of solidifying trust between them 4.

Meanwhile, James wants Corey to use the bribe on Victor to throw the next HOH. Funny stuff.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Veto Ceremony where Veto Winner, Nicole, is expected to keep her noms the same so that she doesn't have to show her cards (so to speak) in the game by having to renom Nat or James and making even more waves. I'll be back later with the official veto ceremony results.


Unknown said...

He's basically giving Victor $5,000. 😂😂😂😂

TonyaB1027 said...

Natalie is sooo is quite annoying!! I have to wonder who or what made such a pretty girl that way.

Jamie said...

lol i know, right?! its hilarious.

Jamie said...

Tonya...Sadly girls like Nat havent learned to love themselves yet. she's still young. hopefully with time, she'll learn how to love herself and see how beautiful she is.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, as annoying as she has been all season, Nicole played this week exceptionally well. She won both HOH and POV, she managed to secure a good position with both Paul/Victor and James and Natalie, despite being forced to put up one of the four, she's getting rid of her target from the beginning, and she can say she "kept her word" with James.

rcazares said...

Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. Oh, and it's *bribe*, not bride. Damn autocorrect! :)

TonyaB1027 said...

Thanks Jamie, I hope she does too.

Jamie said...

gahh!! thanks for noticing RC! I fixed them. Half of "bribes" were correct, but two auto corrected to "brides" haha

Annabelle14 said...

So, does it qualify as a "bribe" if we all know its not a bribe. What were the stipulations? I mean, Nicole Trill's comment is right, he's basically handing Vic the 5k, which I thought they weren't allowed to do? or is that just with the prize money at the end?

Unknown said...

I've not been a fan of Nicole up to now but she seems to playing a shrewd, calculating game now. She has realised it's time to start playing and thinking a few moves ahead. Plus you don't see her having melt downs and big boo-hoo sessions like many of the other girls. She is definitely growing on me.

JoyNSoul said...

Nicole has been playing a boring, quite non-eventful game, and it seemed she was possibly distracted by a guy yet again in the house this season. However, I really don't think she's ever taken her eyes off the prize all season. Her "lay back and be boring" strategy has been extremely effective! I originally thought she was wasting her HOH on Michelle, but after watching last night's episode (I don't watch the live feeds), this is actually a very smart move. Michelle is targeting her for sure, but no one else is. Paul went on the block willingly to help get Michelle out, and Nicole kept her word to James, so it doesn't matter who gets HOH next. Corey probably shouldn't even try to win it. They can just sit back and let Victor/Paul and James/Natalie takes shots at each other. They technically don't even have to pick a side. It all depends on who gets HOH next. She's smarter than everyone gives her credit for!

And who cares if she only won HOH because she whined about getting a letter from her mom. She still outlasted everyone else except James, and she knew who she was dealing with when she used the "letter from mom" card. James is a pretty nice guy. She did what she had to do, and it worked! James probably shouldn't have given it to her, but he's just too nice, and he trusts her! He really does need to win the next one though if he has any hope of staying in the game.

Unknown said...

Ok, so I just signed up for the live feeds, these are some of the most boring POS houseguest EVER in the history of BB! What a waste of $6!

UnionGrl said...

Yup, my girl Nicole is doing the deed and playing the game. I was so thinking she should put up Victor but I see now that she has the situation under control. With respect to James "letting" her have the win - naw, I think he was slipping and tried to be something for his effort.

James has played well, Natalie has played a decent game, Paul - an extremely annoying guy - has played a good game and Victor can not be evicted it seems. The only one who had not played a good game, in my opinion, is Michelle and I will be delighted to see her go. I've had enough of her particular brand of idiocy so bye, bye, bye.

Unknown said...

Did Julie day Thursday is DE?

Jamie said...

Bridgette...give it a month when the new cast enters the BB house.

Angelface said...

Just want to state for public record, the matching barging suit tops are ugly. And Meech has multi personality disorder the girl just does not know who to copy next. Do you think she's driving Nat nuts?

Angelface said...

Oops Bathing suit.

rigs said...

I thought Nicole should have gotten either Victor or Paul out but I can see now that Michelle is the one to go. Michelle just likes to mouth off at people. Time for her to go. As others have said, Nicole now has the rest of the house on her side...for now. I wouldn't trust James. He can't be trusted but in this case I think Paul and Victor are bigger threats to James and Victor/Paul want James gone so Nicole is sitting pretty (pretty and smart, as always). Last night's show once again exposed Natalie for the fake that she is. And again Paulie and I are right about her. She told James that his job was to keep her ass off the block. She was pissed at him for "giving" Nicole the win. The truth is, James would not have lasted much longer and the best he could do is get an assurance that Nicole would not put him or Natalie up. Unlike James, Nicole is true to her word. I would have given her a pass if she did put James up because he deserves it. If the roles were reversed, James would have put Nicole up after promising not to do so. He is famous for making promises in the middle of a comp on national TV and then breaking his promise. Back to Natalie, after telling James his job was to keep her ass of the block, she then gets into bed, the tears begin flowing and she asks if Nicole and Corey would put her up before James. If James was smart, he would dump her ass, fast, as soon as the show is over or better yet, put her ass up on the block and get her out. She and Michelle are not in the same league as Victor, Paul, Nicole and Corey.

Unknown said...

rigs, you had me until "Corey."

erm said...

AAarrrhhhhhh ADAM Nicole didn't win hog. IT WAS GIVEN TO HER..urggggg.

rigs said...

"AAarrrhhhhhh" It looked to me that Nicole would have outlasted James. He met his match on "The Wall". He didn't really give it to her, he was bowing out as gracefully as possible. He was going down, he has lost his mojo and was being beat by a girl.

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