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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Weds: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Hump Day!! Yayy we made it to the middle of the work week and tomorrow is the live eviction. I cannot wait until this week in the BB18 house is ovahhh! haha Feels like I've been blogging this week for a month. :P I'm getting a little bit of a late start to my day, so I'm gonna go over last nights happenings while I eat my breakfast, then I'll start posting the Overnighter below.

James asked Paulie his thoughts on keeping Tiffany this week, and he shut it down pretty quickly..saying to stick with the plan and get Tiffany out. Meanwhile. Da'vonne/Michelle talked Nicole into keeping Tiffany this week. Nicole said she'll talk to Corey and get him in on the plan as well.

By 5:50pm BBT, Zakiyah is on board as well. So there's the 5 votes. At this point, it looks like Bronte will get the BB boot tomorrow. Let's see if the plan crumbles throughout the night, though.

Zakiyah then goes and talks to Paulie, in which he shuts the idea down for the 2nd time. So naturally, Zakiyah agrees with Paulie and backtracks her original desire of getting Tiffany out. Annnnnd now the plan starts to crumble. (6:47pm BBT) Paulie told James/Nicole that he's voting Tiffany out this week.

Nicole is shocked. James said he'll vote Tiffany out, too. Nicole then goes and tells Da'vonne that the plan to keep Tiff this week didn't work.

And so the plan to keep Tiffany is now officially dead in the water.

Not only that, but now Nicole wants to target Da'vonne next week. She plans to tell Frank about a story that Day lied about. (*I dunno. I give up trying to keep up with all this ridiculous lies/reasons to keep or evict someone this season. lol) Anyway, she goes and tells Frank that they get Da'vonne out next week. (This happened around 8:44pm), even though Paulie warned Nicole that it's not in their (Nicole/Corey) best interest to gun after Day right now.

At 8:02pm BBT, Michelle/Paulie have a talk. Paulie said they should stick with the pecking order of Tiffany this week and Frank next week...then Bridgette/Natalie after that. However, Frank's pecking order is different..he wants Da'vonne out next week, then Bronte and Natalie.

At 9:43pm BBT, Frank tells his puppet (Bridgette) to win Roadkill this week so he can tell her who to put up. He also mentioned maybe working with Nicole/Corey down the road.

Meanwhile, Paul is telling Corey that if he (C) wins HOH this week, to put him (Paul)/Bronte up on the block so that they can fight for veto and backdoor Frank. He literally just asked to be put on the block. I...I just can't.

At 1:30am BBT, Da'vonne/Nicole/Corey/Zakiyah are talking and Day tells them that she thinks Frank's gunning for her next week (*yup) and how Frank told her (Day) to put up Paulie/Corey if she wins HOH.

They're all frustrated with Frank telling them how to play the game. By 3:15am BBT, Michelle tells Da'vonne that Frank told her if their team wins tomrorow, she can be the HOH this week and put up Da'vonne. Basically do his dirty work for him. She also mentions how Frank said Nicole had a hand in wanting to get Da'vonne out (*which is true..Nicole told Frank not to say anything, but he did anyway)...and when asked about it, Nicole denied, denied, denied. Almost too much, as Day said she was denying a lil too much.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! So Frank is still on a lot of HG's hit list, while Tiffany is basically one foot out the door. Tomorrow the game resets as they battle it out for HOH and we start a whole new week of gaming. Depending on who wins it, Frank/Da'vonne are looking to be the most targeted. Tonight at 8pm ET, we have the Veto Comp & Ceremony on a brand new epiosde of Big Brother, so make sure not to miss it!


Atlanta said...

Lots for you to keep up with Jaime! However, it's good to see some game play. Past few years it seems they all voted house majority.

Unknown said...

LOL Jaime, I think Paul has "Stockholm syndrome" from being on the block. Hehehe!

Andy Tatnall said...

Wish we'd get a cast that would actually make moves. Hopefully that's coming next week.

Jennie said...

Ugh! Where is the drama?!?!

Jennie said...

Ugh! Where is the drama?!?!

Gilbert said...

What is with nicole and zakiya? I thought they would never be blinded by the boys yet they wont even breathe without corey and paulies permission...

Gilbert said...

What is with nicole and zakiya? I thought they would never be blinded by the boys yet they wont even breathe without corey and paulies permission...

Razldazlrr said...

Tiffany or Bronte - they both drive me crazy, so either one is fine.
OMG - Wil's video - he is so damn funny!!!!

Unknown said...

Only drama we are gonna see is whoever comes back into the house after the battle back comp

GMAGS said...

Speaking of the Battle Back comp - any idea when we will see that? Is it one big comp held at the same time after #5 gets evicted where winner of Glen v Jozea faces off against Victor and so on and so forth or are they holding comps every week and we just aren't seeing them yet?

HereInMyRoom5 said...

A special with air on July 22, a Friday and we will see the Battle Back comps.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure they are going on each week, but I haven't seen any news of Glenn, jozea, or victor coming out of sequester, so who really knows.

Unknown said...

I think another big potential target is Paulie. He seems to have a say in things too. And he is kind of close with Frank. Because as soon as they said something about keeping Tiffany he said no and that idea was squashed. smh

I know they can't for numbers right now, but still.. We shall see.

Missy said...

I was so hopeful that this year we wouldn't have unanimous voting and some unpredictability but it is falling out that they are just a bunch of sheep looking to be led with a few alphas dominating. Oh how I miss will, boogie, evil dick, and rachel. They played the game and made it interesting.

Missy said...

I was so hopeful that this year we wouldn't have unanimous voting and some unpredictability but it is falling out that they are just a bunch of sheep looking to be led with a few alphas dominating. Oh how I miss will, boogie, evil dick, and rachel. They played the game and made it interesting.

BB Bopper said...

Man these hg's go from one male telling them what to do, Frank,to another guy telling them what to do, Paulie. Why are they such sheep? The girls could run this game if they would just work together like they've said they would time and time again. But nooooooo they have to go and follow some guys orders. Baaaaaaa

Unknown said...

Anybody know why Nicole is so against Day? I don't get it!

Dafney77 said...

I watched all of Wil's BBsaga videos today! They were so funny!!

Dafney77 said...

Knowing BB they've already had the first few and recorded them 😕 But that's just a guess

Unknown said...

My thoughts exactly. I'm more disappointed in Nicole, you would think she'd be more focused this season.

Unknown said...

I don't mind the unaminous voting, it's a strategy. I do minded them not making moves that help their game. Just following along until they are voted off.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Yeah I don't get it either.

Steph said...

Kind of looks now like they are keeping Tiffany again. So what's the deal now

Steph said...

Kind of looks now like they are keeping Tiffany again. So what's the deal now

Jamie said...

Yep, as of 1019pm BBT, Tiffany is now staying. I'll cover everything in the Overnighter.

Unknown said...

I'm right there with you both. My though, which is based on something day said to James, which is that Nicole will do anything to protect Corey. I believe it even more now after a conversation that Nicole and Z had on the hammock Tuesday night. I also don't blame day for not wanting to be in an alliance with two showmances. They act like she should be thrilled to be in the alliance with them. How would they feel if they were in her position. I'm just glad she at least has James.

Unknown said...

They are doing a special Friday episode on the 22nd.

Unknown said...

They are doing a special Friday episode on the 22nd.

Taz Caz said...

So Bronte is the target. So lame. She'd be a vote against Frank. SMH

Unknown said...

Is it just me or is it wayyyy to boring for the number of peeps in the bb house? Zzzzzzz

Unknown said...

I agree with your thoughts on Day with the two showmances and I guess that why Nicole wants Day out.

Unknown said...

My thought exactly. Send tiffany home and give Frank a false sense of security before they send him home.

Unknown said...

I'm finally catching up on weds episode. What's with Bronte changing her clothes and flashing her bra at James? Oh dear LOL

Unknown said...

I'm thinking they are assuming she will go along with Bridgette and do what frank wants I'm so glad she's leaving! But I can see the argument for keeping Frank's guard down. It's gonna be a good week!

Sammie said...

Maybe Bridgette will even turn on Frank knowing that he's the reason her girl is going home. That would be nice since she seems to be so far under his control. It's weird. Watching tonight's episode, and she THANKED him for putting her on the block the first week?? Yeah, okay Bridgette...

Atlanta said...

Yes! Bridgette thanking Frank for putting her on the block the first week! She said it as though she was in a trance! Smiling, closing her eyes while snuggling Frank! So weird, snap out of it girl!

Stacia said...

Well that was right after getting tipsy from the Outback dinner. Bridgette was being all giggly and falling asleep. I was worried she'd say too much to Frank in that state. I saw it on BBAD.

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