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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday: The Overnighter (Lite)

Good morning & Happy Live Eviction Day!! :D Last night shortly after 10pm BBT, the votes have flipped once again. There's been a lot of flip flopping about who's going home this week. Tiffany was gonna go home...then stay...then she's staying.

The votes are: Corey/Nicole/Paulie/Michelle/Zakiyah to keep Tiffany. Only 5 votes are needed, so there's that. They're hoping to catch Frank totally off guard with this blindside of keeping Tiffany (Frank's target via HOH Bridgette all week) and it will hopefully leave him "frazzled" for the HOH comp. The decide to not tell anyone, so that Frank can't figure out the votes and then go gun for him next week.

Nicole went and told Tiffany right after they all decided on keeping her. Tiffany, of course, was super excited to hear that she has "5 solid votes" to stay.

One things for sure, tonight's gonna be amazing!! :D Finally some sh*t being stirred up! Only took week 3 to get there. lol Other than that, it's been a pretty calm night, and I have to take my car into the shop...hence why the Overnighter is a lite version this morning.

I'll be back before the live show tonight and will be blogging the show live for those of you that won't be near a TV. See y'all then!! :D


Stevie said...

Wait... So who's going home? Paul or Bronte?

Nicole said...
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Nicole said...

So Bronte goes home correct? Because Paulie and James want Paul to stay?

Stevie said...

Also, are they going to just blindside James?

JChism said...

We will see who caves under the pressure of going against Frank. HGs seem to lose their nerve on eviction night.

Jerrinator said...

I think they want to blindside James AND Day because Nicole is convinced (and I think it's true) that the two of them are dangerous and working together.

michelaine said...

I read that they were going to tell them, but have them vote to evict Tiffany anyway, so Frank and Bridget wouldn't know who flipped.

michelaine said...

I read that they were going to tell them, but have them vote to evict Tiffany anyway, so Frank and Bridget wouldn't know who flipped.

Katie Mc said...

FUN FUN FUN tonight! :) This will be great...Frank is getting on my nerves and Tiffany...OMG, every day she is more and more Vanessa..I am starting to think she just dyed her hair and came back as Tiffany!!!

Unknown said...

LOL @Kathleen!

UnionGrl said...

I'm concerned for James with Nat. If what Corey says is true,
for all her sweet talk she's just using him. You day watchers know the story better but I don't want to see him crushed by that girl. I like the couples (Paulie/Z - Corey/Nic - Paul/Bronte - Frank/Bridgette) and the seemingly real attraction/interactions. I really enjoyed the very long telling conversation between Frank and Bridgette the other night. She may act all silly/girly but she is razor sharp under all that marshmallow frosting.

Unknown said...

Lol!!!! So true!!!

Steve Robbins Art said...

This "we gotta mask who voted for who" and unanimous/boring house-votes-the-same can be aliviated by not revealing the tallies.

Let's push this idea in social media tonight:

#NoTallies #NoReveals #BB18

Anonymous said...

If Tiffany stays then who goes?

Unknown said...

I'm sure Bronte will go home. Paul has been asking to go on the block so I'm sure they'll keep him for that reason. Smh I don't understand him... lol

Anonymous said...

That will work. :)

Unknown said...

Yeah I don't get Paul either.

Unknown said...

Yeah I don't get Paul either.

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