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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Weds: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Hump Day!! :D Yayy for half the week being over with now! Okay, so there was a ton of game talk last night, so I'm gonna do a cliffnotes version so that I'm not typing a book for hours and hours. lol (I have to go to work in a little bit, too.) Victor is still slated to leave tomorrow, nothing has changed there. Most of the talk last night was about Frank's game blowing up. Let's get to it, shall we?!

*James and Natalie are getting closer, flirting more.

*Michelle accidentally washed her extensions in the washing machine lol she later on tried conditioning them to salvage them.

*Michelle farted in front of Paul. they both laughed. Michelle said sometimes they just slip out.

*Frank told Paulie that if Bronte wins veto, Tiffany should go next week. Paulie thinks they can wait and get Bridgette/Natalie out first. frank thinks that'd be a waste of HOH though.

*Frank telling Paulie ideally his F8 would be themselves/Cor/Mic/Nic/Zak/Nat/Bri/Paul(9 ppl) getting James & Day out before they hit 8.

*Paulie told Zakiyah that he heard there's an 8 pack alliance . Paulie said he doesnt really care because big alliances blow up anyway.

*Paulie told Zakiyah that Bridgette's gotta go next week because she flip flops and benefits Franks game. They then talked about Frank and how he's making deal with everyone.

*Zak/Day had a convo about how Paulie has his eyes set on getting Frank out in the future.
Zakiyah said she thinks Paulie was mad about the 8 pack alliance made.

*Tiffany is slowly becoming her sister (Vanessa), telling Day that she feels alone in the game and the Fatal 5 aren't making her feel comfortable.

*Zakiyah talked to Frank and said that they should have told Paulie about the 8 pack alliance as a group.

*Zakiyah told Day/Tiffany that Frank said it would be them 5 together (Zak/Frank/Nicole/Corey/Paulie). Zakiyah thinks Frank is doing deals like that with everybody though.

*James told Frank that Corey doesnt want to throw the HOH comp (to make Tiffany vulnerable for eviction), though he understands he has to. (James will be throwing HOH as well so that he can make Bronte vulnerable as well.)

*Frank told James about Paulie knowing about the 8 pack now and how they had to tell him in case Tiffany blows up when she's nominated next week for eviction and spills the beans.

*Frank told James that they gotta get Paulie out if they want a shot at Americas Favorite Player.

*Zakiyah/Nicole talked about Frank telling Paulie about the 8 pack. Nicole thinks that was selfish. Zak adds that Paulie isn't feeling Frank.

*Zak told Nicole she thinks Frank made a F3 with Paulie/Corey. (*Yep.)

*Fatal 5 had a meeting: they discussed if they should get Frank out next week. Nicole suggested that they stick with Franks plan of getting Bronte out next week.

*Nicole/James convo: Nicole said that Zakiyah mentioned Frank was trying to get Frank/Nicole/Zakiyah/Paulie/Corey for Final 5. Nicole also thinks that Frank is trying to get him (James) to go after Corey. James: "So Frank is lying?"..James is starting to see Frank's gameplay through this convo with Nicole. James mentions that Frank wants him (James) to put Corey/Paulie up. Nicole said that's why Frank's telling him that Corey made up that alliance, when he didn't. Nicole said she feels weird around Paulie now because she wasn't in the room when the alliance was outted to him and she feels like a liar now.

*Frank tells Day/Zak that they should get Paulie out once jury starts because then it'll be a cake walk for them. Frank then confirms that he wants Bronte out next week, but Tiffany can be the backup plan if Bronte wins veto.

*Day/James talked and James confirms that Frank made a final deal with him. Day said that Frank's doing that with everyone. Day tells James she wants Frank out next week because of all the deals he's been making. Day said she wanted to stay loyal to the vets but that Frank is throwing even them (the vets) under the bus now. James is concerned that they all look like liars now because Frank told Paulie about the 8 pack without the group being there. Day said if they take a shot at Frank, it can't be a "swing and a miss"..they gotta have it on lock before going after him. She mentions doing it via a backdoor eviction. James said they can keep following Franks plan until an endurance comp where James can win it and take Frank out.

*Nicole joined the Day/James convo. They fill her in on the 'wait until endurance comp that James can win' plan to take Frank out.

*Day tells Paulie that it was sketchy how Frank told Paulie about the 8 pack (without the group).

*Paulie asked Day/Michelle who came up with the name. Both said it was Frank. Paulie said Frank said it was Michelle. The girls laugh and can't believe Frank is pinning the naming of the alliance on Michelle. Paulie is confused on why he wasn't included on the 8 pack and is wondering where he was in the pecking order. Paulie said that the reasons he was told on how/why the 8 pack was formed, doesn't add up. He said it feels like a 'slap in the face' to him, because he went to the vets early on in the game and wasn't included in the alliance. He wants to ask the vets why he wasn't inlcuded. Zakiyah said that Frank wants Tiffany out before jury because she wouldn't be a vote for him in the finals. Paulie said he wants the other side of the house gone first, before targeting anyone in their group. Paulie said they can lay low for now but in the meantime, start cutting HG's out that would vote for Frank to stay then they can go after him (Frank).

Annnnnd that's it for The Overnighter!! So Frank's game is in trouble, just a matter of time before he has to fight for his BB life in that house. I'll be back later on with the Afternoon Post! :D


Unknown said...

I'd rather Frank get evicted next week just so he has the chance to battle back. But he's gotta chill with all the deals he's making

Jamie said...


Unknown said...

They need to start getting the ladies out or the boys are in big trouble.

Unknown said...

They need to start getting the ladies out or the boys are in big trouble.

Razldazlrr said...

good lord - that's a lot of convo!

Unknown said...

It really was. I was watching it and kept having to go back and forth. Paulie's face and body language throughout was so hard to watch. You could tell he was really hurt by the situation.

Lyles Movie Files said...

Feel bad for Paulie. I never understood why Corey was in the 8-pack over him in the first place.

Unknown said...

I know some people really like Nicole, but I really don't like her. She doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut. Didn't a showman a do her in the first time around?

UnionGrl said...

I watched BBAD and is it just me or does Tif look like the Unabomber? I really don't like her skulking around like a whipped dog chewing on her nails. Ugh. Also, is it my imagination or is Mic always eating? I guess it's stress eating but she is always shoveling something in her mouth.

Anonymous said...

Could someone tell me the headcount on the votes tomorrow because they was a lot talk about booting Tiffany.

Unknown said...

It should be a 10-0 vote to evict victor. If you are referring to the show, the way they edited everything painted that picture and made it seem like Tiffany might go. They had to get creative and manufacture some drama with the votes for the show.

Anonymous said...

Alright I know they need to create drama but it seemed real for a minute. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for responding Robin.

DeniseG said...

Frank will be out soon unless he does damage control with whomever he sees as his "main" alliance.

Stacia said...
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Stacia said...

Watching BBAD and Day is going over numbers with Tiffany for future reference. In the spelling competition (that we haven't seen yet), how many letters were used? Tiffany replies "all of them" =D Day doesn't even react and tells her 54 then changes it to 44 thoroughly confusing Tiff. Haha!

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