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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tuesday Afternoon: Major Chaos

It's been a heck of a day in the BB18 house today, my goodness!! I just spent the last couple hours running over hours of conversations and sifting through the madness so that I can break it all down for y'all. Okay, so here's the scoop...

Frank wants Tiffany or Bronte out after this week, depending on who wins veto. He said that if Bronte goes, then that leaves Natalie/Paul on their own.

Zakiyah wondered why Frank wants herself/Day/Michelle to win HOH, and Da'vonne said it's because he wants them to do his dirty work. Day then mentioned how great it'd be to see Frank/Tiffany up on the block together. Nicole told Day that she thinks Frank has a Final 4 with everyone. (He's made 5 final 2's, I believe? lol) Day told Zakiyah that next week they could try getting Frank out: have Corey win HOH, Frank goes up as Roadkill Nom & Fatal 5 vote him out.

Paul then pitched a "keep Victor" plan to Paulie, saying that keeping him around as a target would give them more time in the house. He mentions how there's 8 girls and 5 guys next week if Victor goes this week. Paulie isn't interested though, as he sees getting Victor out later on down the road being a problem. Later on in the night, Paulie told Frank/Corey about the 'keep Vic' convo he had with Paul and the boys agree with Paulie that Victor's gotta go this week. So that's that.

Nicole asked Corey if Frank made any Final 4 deals with him, and Corey said yes. Nicole said that Frank has made a Final 4 with everyone.

Nicole: "We have to get Frank out.."

Nicole told Corey that Frank has even mentioned getting COrey out before Final 8. Corey said that Frank told him how he wants Zakiyah in the end with them (Corey/Frank/Zakiyah) because she'd be easy to beat. (*Note: During Frank/Corey convo about taking Z to final 3, Frank said it's because she wouldn't know the days of events for BB, they'd be able to beat her easily in the final comps.)

Corey/Frank talked about them two, plus Nicole/Zakiyah and Paulie being Final 5.

Nicole then and talked to Day/Zakiyah and about how Frank needs to go because he's being "too agressive now". Day asked if she (N) thinks they can get James on board to vote him out and Nicole said yes...though she thinks Michelle would be a different story. Da'vonne thinks they should gun after Frank next week. Nicole is worried that them wanting to target Frank will get back to him, and then he'll gun after them instead.

Frank told Paulie about the 8 Pack alliance and blamed it on the girls for making the alliance. (*Note: Shortly before this, Nicole was downstairs saying she knows Frank's gonna tell Paulie about the 8 Pack Alliance and blame them.) The 3 boys say they're solid together as a trio and Corey/Frank mention keeping Nicole/Zakiyah around for a long time because they'd be loyal to them.

Corey then went and told Nicole that they brought Paulie into the 8 Pack. Corey said that they need to slow down with the whole "get Frank out ASAP" talk, because he doesn't feel like Frank is gonna target them. Meanwhile inside, Da'vonne is talking to Tiffany about getting Frank out next week. lol She tells Tiff that she heard he (F) is coming after her (Tiff). Tiffany agrees that they need to get Frank out and that he's a threat to all their games. Day made Tiffany promise that she wouldn't tell Paulie any of this convo. Tiff promised. Day told Tiffany that she's worried about her having a Vanessa-like freakout, which would screw up Day's game. During this convo, Tiffany admits to Day that she didn't throw the veto like she was supposed to (which everyone already suspected anyway). (*NOTE: Nicole was watching this Day/Tiff conversation. Nicole told Day to not have this convo until post-HOH on Thursday.) Nicole walks over and Day fills her in on what they talked about.

Moving on..
Corey went and told Paulie about how Frank is making Final deals all over the house and that Day/the girls wanna target Frank next week. He also told Paulie about Frank making a deal with him (Corey) that didn't include Paulie. This convo bonds the two boys together, as they wonder why Frank would play sloppy by making so many deals. Paulie said he's shocked to hear all this.

So what's the end result of all this chaos? Well, Day/Frank are hurting their games, as others are bonding over their messy game playing. Also, Victor is still up & out this week as planned, nothing has changed there.

It'll be interesting to see what happens overnight, but all I can say is..the game is definitley getting heated finally! Summer vacation for these HG's is now ovvahhh! ;) haha I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter as usual, see y'all then!! :D


Jerrinator said...

Just confused on how this hurts Day's game. Yeah, her game is starting to devolve into her game last year where she can't keep her mouth shut, but by micromanaging Tiffany, she keeps a loyal number. By reporting to Nicole, she shows that she's loyal. Sure, she's a bit of a loose cannon, but she's playing the game much more level headed than last year. If anything, I just think she's playing a stronger game then last year. Everyone knows that she sucks at comps so she won't be a target until later. I guess I just want to know your perspective becauseI see the Frank aspect, but not the Da'vonne aspect.

dappledog said...

Just started watching the feeds tonight and wondering what is up with all the pieces of hair the girls are combing?

Stacia said...

Haha! @dappledog a lot of the girls wear extensions and Michelle had hers wrapped up in James's sweatshirt (idk why). She washed them unknowingly and now the girls have a "fun" project of figuring out how to untangle them. It's real hair. They were thinking of pranking James with them somehow.

Unknown said...

Michelle accidentally washed her hair extensions.

Jennie said...

She lost her extensions the other this how she found them?

Jennie said...

She lost her extensions the other this how she found them?

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...
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Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

I agree with both of you actually. I like Da.. She's onto things going on in the house before most houseguests. Her problem is that she talks too much... She's playing too hard too fast.... She needs to "cool her jets"

BB Bopper said...

They all ought to just call themselves the blabbermouth squad because there doesn't seem to be anyone who is capable of keeping their mouth shut! I don't think I've ever seen it this bad before. It's just flipping ridiculous!!!

Karen W. said...

I'm surprised by Frank's game play as well. I don't know why he's playing so hard so fast. I luv this season of BB!!!!

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