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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Veto Comp Spoiler

Good evening, ladies & gents! Earlier, Da'vonne and Zakiyah were picked to play in the Veto Comp (along side HOH Paulie and the 3 noms Paul/Bronte/Tiffany).

The live feeds switched off at 4pm BBT and finally returned at 6:30pm BBT after the Veto Comp was played.

Winner of the Veto is:

This means that the backdoor Victor plan is still in motion. I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter to see if anything has changed! See y'all then! :D


JChism said...

Yaaaay !! Love Paulie.

Fred said...

Sweet!!! Another blindside!!!! #BlindSide2

Fred said...

Sweet!!! Another blindside!!!! #BlindSide2

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