Watch BB18!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sunday: The Overnighter

Good morning, BB addicts!! Happy 4th of July weekend to y'all!! :D The Overnighter is gonna be more of a summary than a detailed report, since it's the holiday weekend (plus nothing much happened last night, so it just works out that way. lol)

Yesterday, the HG's had their Veto Comp where HOH Paulie won it. (According to the HG's, it was the spelling bee comp.) Paulie winning Veto means that the plan to backdoor Victor is still in place for this week.

Paulie talked to Paul last night (7:04pm BBT) and told him that the veto will be used on him (Paul) and then Victor will be the renom. Since it's the 4th of July weekend, I'm expecting the Veto Ceremony to be today (instead of tomorrow as usual). I'm curious to see how Victor reacts to this, as he could go either way: mad or accepting of his fate. We'll have to see.

The Veto Comp was the Spelling Bee comp. Paulie spelled "Sustainability". There was a little tension between Tiffany/Da'vonne because Tiff apparently counted Day's word/letters and wanted to do a long word than hers so she could win veto.  Note: Tiffany asked Paulie before the comp if it was okay to try to win for herself, and Paulie did say yes.

This week is pretty much done, in the HG's eyes. Everyone wants Victor out and he'll be the replacement nom for sure. Plans for the upcoming weeks have already started being talked about.

Frank and James decided that Bronte should be the next one to go, followed by Tiffany.

Tonight's BB18 episode comes on at 8pm ET as usual, so make sure to tune into that. We'll get to see the ending to the HOH Comp from Thursday, plus nominations from HOH Paulie. If today is indeed the Veto Ceremony, then I'll be back later to update the outcome, though I don't see it changing much at this point unless something major happens.

EDIT: Forgot to post the Have Nots for the week: they are Da’vonne/Paul/Zakiyah. The Have Nots food for the week are fresh berries and yogurt, in addition to BB slop.


DeniseG said...

Do the hg's know about returning player and how it works?
When do we see that competition?

Jamie said...

No they have no idea. We'll see it on July 22nd.

JChism said...

I work in an office with about 20 people. Not one watches Big Brother. Ugh! Thanks Jamie for your blog. This show is addicting. I look forward every day to reading your updates and everyone's comments and viewpoints. The one thing that bothers me is the hateful comments toward particular houseguests. As much as everyone is entitled to free speech and opinions, and as obnoxious as some HGs may be, I try to avoid the personal attacks. Some HGs may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but they still have feelings and probably goodness in them that doesn't get a chance to flourish in this show's format. That's all. Just wanted to say it's ok to not like someone but try not to be hateful about it.

Diego said...

Omg preach

Steve Robbins Art said...

Can I still publicaly call Paul a jackass? It's really the best descriptor...

Unknown said...

Some people are just mean

Rose lane said...

Jamie, is Corey gay? Didn't he say something about being attracted to Victor in the first episode?

JChism said...


Jen D. said...

I don't believe he's gay. He said victor was an attractive, fit guy and he could see them having a BROmance. I think he was trying to say that he saw similarities between the two of them and could see a friendship between them. It was just poorly worded.

Stacia said...

Omg, the way James threw the HOH competition was awesome. Waiting til the last second to absolutely screw Victor over. Haha! I thought it looked believable.

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

The comment about Corey? When all the girls were checking out Paulie- so was Corey! I was thinking he was gay from the beginning...

BB Bopper said...

Jen D:. I was wondering the same thing due to what and how he made those remarks about Victor. But as time went on his actions and comments led me to believe that his previous comments were just poorly worded and misleading. He appears to be completely hetro. Does anyone else think there is an unusual amount of hg's who can't keep their mouths shut? They'll be in one room, make a secret plan and promise not to tell anyone and by the time they go to another room they're already telling it to someone else! And it's not just the newbies blabbing it's the best too. I find myself wanting to scream at them...SHUT UP!!!

BB Bopper said...

***oops it was suppose to's not just the newbies blabbing it's the vets too

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...

I'm liking this season much better than the last two! Are you guys/gals?

Rose lane said...

I still think corey is gay. I think his comment about Vic was meant just like it sounded.

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