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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Veto Comp Players

At 12:03pm BBT, Paulie announced that it was time for the picking of the today's Veto Comp Players!! As soon as the feeds come back on, I'll post the players below.

Playing in the Veto Comp are:

**The Veto Comp will take place at some point today, which means the feeds will be down for hours (3-4 hrs is average for a veto comp). So I'll be back tonight to update the winner of the Veto!! :D

Feeds back @ 5:21pm BBT

Winner of the POV is:

Okay, so obviously Corey is gonna use the veto on himself to take himself off the block. This means that Tiffany (Roadkill Comp winner) will have to make a replacement nom. Ooo this is gonna get interesting!! haha ;) Enjoy the live feeds tonight and I'll see y'all back here in the morning with The Overnighter!! :D


Big brother! said...

Corey won veto

Big brother! said...
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Fred said...

Really? Corey won?

Fred said...

Really? Corey won?

Unknown said...
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C.Montes (Cattyana) said...

Frank can't be nominated. Neither can Bridgette or Michelle. Paulie won HOH and his entire team is safe.

Michelle said...

I think he can-road kill can nominate anyone but the HOH - even members of their own team, right?

Mikomama said...

The entire team is safe from nominations...even road kill nominations.

Fred said...

Tiffany gets to put up the next nomination, because she won the RoadKill comp.

Fred said...

Tiffany gets to put up the next nomination, because she won the RoadKill comp.

Unknown said...

This team stuff has to go. (I can't keep up)

Diego said...

No shade but like wat alliances are left in the house like nobody is loyal at all.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think there was talk that Corey might use the Veto on Natalie because she promised she would vote Tiffany out if he uses it on her. Plus, Paulie will nominate Day as a replacement and that would one vote less for the side of the house that wants to keep Tiffany.

Unknown said...

Roadkill can put up anyone. Tiffany put up Cory and they're on the same team.

Unknown said...

Well all of paulie's team is safe so Bridgette, frank and Michelle can't be put up a good choice would he Day to be honest

Unknown said...

Corey won Veto so he's safe

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