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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Noms + Roadkill Winner + Roadkill Nom

Happy Saturday, y'all!! YES I am fine, my internet was down since sometime yesterday afternoon and I'm just now back up and running. I haven't been on Facebook or Twitter until recently as well. So sorry!! Sometimes life just happens.


Okay, so yesterday was noms and there was no shocker there...

Nominated for Eviction:

Then the HG's had the Roadkill Comp and...

Winner of the Roadkill Comp is:

The Roadkill Nom is:

Today is the Veto Comp, which the HG's are itching to get started. As I type this, Veto Comp players have not yet been picked. If Corey picks "houseguest choice", he'll pick Nicole so that they both have a shot at being safe this week. (*If Nicole is picked & wins, she could pull Corey down and both of them would be safe.)

I expect Tiffany to pick Frank as her "houseguest choice" if she is lucky enough to get that chip pulled during the picking of the Veto Comp players. Frank would then use it to save her from the block this week.

3:24am BBT: 
Frank (to Tiff): "I would love to pull you off the block as a big "f-u" to them.
Tiffany: "That'd be hilarious. A real Big Brother moment.

**I'll make a new post shortly, as I believe Veto Players will be picked shortly! :D


Unknown said...

Thanks again Jamie for the updates.

Unknown said...

Wait ... What? Tiffany and Frank are working together now??? I missed something!

Missy said...

Tiffany figured out that her being saved was just to get back at frank, not because they wanted her there. After being completely ignored after the hoh comp tiffany was ready to self evict. Frank saw her coming out of the Dr in tears and went to see what was wrong. They talked and sorted out some of the lies that were told and are somewhat working together now.

Unknown said...

Ooooooooo ok! Thanks for clearing that up!

Missy said...

Tiffany figured out that her being saved was just to get back at frank, not because they wanted her there. After being completely ignored after the hoh comp tiffany was ready to self evict. Frank saw her coming out of the Dr in tears and went to see what was wrong. They talked and sorted out some of the lies that were told and are somewhat working together now.

Unknown said...

Ooooooooo ok! Thanks for clearing that up!

Fred said...

Jamie, I was very worried about you! I'm glad your back! I had to cheat and go to another blog! Don't leave us again when there is drama in the house! Lol.

Fred said...

Jamie, I was very worried about you! I'm glad your back! I had to cheat and go to another blog! Don't leave us again when there is drama in the house! Lol.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


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