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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tuesday: The Overnighter

Goooood morning and Happy Tuesday to all you BB addicts!! Before I get to the Overnighter, I wanted to give you guys & gals an updated BB18 Alliance Chart, courtesy of the fantastic @89razorskate20 on Twitter:

Victor is still leaving on Thursday. He's been campaigning for votes and getting a lot of fake promises, but he's as good as gone by this point. The HG's have been talking about the upcoming weeks and what to do. A lot of HG's are onto Frank being the one that runs the house, so that'll be interesting to see what happens with that.

Speaking of Frank, he wants Tiffany out next week. The Fatal Five, which used to include Tiffany, is basically now the "Fatal Four". lol So as long as Tiffany is vulnerable for eviction next week, expect to see her up on the block (at least at this point). This is confirmed at 9:51pm BBT when Paulie/Frank have a talk (Paulie wondered if it'd be better to get Bronte out this week instead, because they think a girls alliance is forming and thought that maybe they should get a girl out this week, but they decided against it and are sticking with getting Victor out as planned.) Frank mentioned that Tiffany & Bronte need to go in the next two weeks, James agreed and said that they need to start getting girls out.

6:14pm BBT:
HOH Bathroom
Corey is watching Frank shower. Paulie walked in and said..

Paulie: "This is the 2nd time I've come in here and you're watching him shower." (*lol)
Frank: "Don't look at me. I don't need you staring at me when I have my finger near my butt hole."

Feeds were down from 7pm-8:20pm BBT for their 4th of July party. Big Brother gave the houseguests pulled pork, brisket, macaroni & cheese, cookies, potato salad & chicken. Have-nots were able to eat. When the feeds came back, Corey was a little tipsy.

8:51pm BBT:
Paulie/Zakiyah flirted on the house phone last night. Zakiyah joked that she's about to 'go to the club', to which Paulie flirted back by saying..

Paulie: "Have fun at the club. When you get back, I'll do that thing you like." (*lol)
Super cute moment on the feeds.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! It was a pretty chill night for the HG's. Paulie will get the HOH camera to take pics and then do his HOH blog at some point today. I'll be back later on with an afternoon update! See y'all then! :D

As always, you can snag up the live feeds for $6/m, nothing to download, took me less than 5 mins to get everything up and running. Super cheap entertainment and super easy to use.


BB Bopper said...

Where do I need to go to find the hg's blogs?

Unknown said...

Lol Corey is hilarious

Jamie said...

BB Bopper said...

Thx Kingboo. Last night on BBAD I felt bad for James when the girls were asking Paul and Cody (Corey joined in too) a bunch of questions about what they look for in a woman and other similar questions. The girls ooowed and awwwed over their answers all the while James was sitting right next to those guys and they didn't ask him one question. I thought it was rude and hopefully it didn't make James feel bad....but I felt bad for him.

Janie Daily ~ Intuitive Coach for All areas of your Life said...
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