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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Goooood evening, ladies & gents!! It's almost time for the live eviction show to begin (at 9pm ET), so grab your snackies and get ready for a good episode!

Before the feeds shut off earlier, the final votes should look like this:
5-4 to evict BRONTE

So it should be Paulie/James/Frank/Natalie (4 votes) to evict Tiffany, while the other (5) will vote evict Bronte. What a clusterf***! lol These HG's have flip-flopped so much in the past few days, so we'll see how the votes actually pan out in just a little bit.

Here we go!!! :D

9pm ET:
Show begins...

9:26pm ET:
The Votes:
Frank votes to evict...TIFFANY
Natalie votes to evict...TIFFANY
James votes to evict...TIFFANY
Michelle votes to evict...BRONTE
Nicole votes to evict...BRONTE
Zakiyah votes to evict...BRONTE
Corey votes to evict...BRONTE
Paulie votes to evict...TIFFANY
Da'vonne votes to evict...BRONTE

Evicted from the BB18 House is:
9:42pm ET:
Time for the HOH Comp!!

Winner of the HOH Comp is:

(his team is also safe: Frank/Bridgette/Michelle)

The live feeds are gonna be very interesting tonight!! :D Don't have'em yet?? They're $6/m, nothing to download, and took me less than 5 mins to get up and running. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Do James and Davonne know Bronte is leaving?

Nicole said...

Tiffany's speech was funny

Lmo25 said...

Duuuuuude!!!! Tiffany's speech!!!!

BBlover! said...

Tiffany's speech was the best thing I have heard all season! Loved it!

Unknown said...

Tiffanys speech was epic! Loving some old fashioned bb drama! Can't wait for hoh comp!

Laura Taylor said...

Tiffany's speech jist reminded me exactly why I love BB so much!

Anonymous said...

Did you see Bridgette and Frank's face!!!! WOW!! Great game move!

Nicole said...

Best thing so far this season lol

Anonymous said...

Ugh I missed the speech what did Tiffany say?????

Unknown said...

Man, it just got real!! After all of that Tiffany better win HOH!! LOL!!!

Unknown said...

I haven't been able to watch the live feeds today. Does anyone know if the showmances alliance is still targeting Da'Vonne. As of last night they wanted to get her out, but they change their minds so often I can't keep up with what they decide to do.

Unknown said...

I love the unexpected.

JChism said...

Best episode in a long time. Loved Tiffany's speech and everyone's expressions. God I hope Frank doesn't win HOH. Sick of him.

Unknown said...

Good grief!! Are you kidding me!

Michelle said...

I can't believe Frank is safe, again !!

Michelle said...

I can't believe Frank is safe, again !!

Unknown said...

Crap, Frank gets safety.

Lmo25 said...

This is what sucks about these teams! Frank has been safe every damn week!!!

Unknown said...

Crap, Frank gets safety.

Nicole said...

Smh they will turn in Davonne now. I feel it.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

OMG!! Frank is safe again!! Well I know he won't let Frank control him.

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahaha, love it!! Go Frank!!!!!

Kelly G. said...

At first I couldn't believe Frank is safe again but just think, there is still 1 more person that needs to go out for the battle back and he would just win his way back in anyway. This may be for the best.

Unknown said...

Am I the only one who doesn't like this team thing?

Nicole said...

I do NOT like it at all

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Things got even more real because after all of that Frank is SAFE!! LOL!!

Unknown said...

Also equally thrilled Frank is safe. Eat that houseguests!

Unknown said...

I'm with you😎😎😎

Anonymous said...

The political conventions are Monday-Thursday the next two weeks I assume CBS will cover them. I guess that battle back next Friday is all we will see for a while.

Unknown said...

Lol!! I don't know what the heck I did but my post was deleted!! But I too am so excited frank is safe!!! Hahahaaaa. This is getting fun!!

Unknown said...

I don't know what I did but I somehow deleted my post!! But I LOVE that Frank is safe!! And I actually still like him! I believe he was genuine when he apologized! Anyway!! Yay!! Jokes on you HGs lol!! And now HE KNOWS!! What dummies! Lol

Unknown said...

Exactly!! Lol

Jeff said...

Tiffany is a ticking time bomb just like her sister was last year. Should have sent her packing

Jerrinator said...

Calling it now: nominations are Tiff and Day with RK probably being Natalie/Paul so that way they guarantee one of them will go. This is probs the last week with teams since a houseguest is returning and may likely reset the game.

Unknown said...

Theyre so dumb!! All for what?? Nothing!! At least not this week!! Hahahaha!! This actually made me happy!

Unknown said...

Wasn't a Frank fan until this week, honestly. Just funny that they thought they had pulled one over and that Frank was a goner this week, SYKE! Was so ready to see Tiffany leave. Excited to see what Paulie has up his sleeve for this week. Paulie has been my favorite since day one.

Lmo25 said...

It's going down on the feeds!!!

Diego said...

Omg what is? I cant find out my feeds won't go on =(

Diego said...

Also, noooooo mamma Day is in trouble!!! ...... tears

C.Montes (Cattyana) said...

Michelle has been sitting so comfortably for weeks now.

Lmo25 said...

Frank is pissed, he thinks Nicole and Corey flipped but he doesn't know for sure. Him and Day got into it cause he's been called out on his lies and he continued to say in front of her and Tiffany that he wasn't gunning after Tiffany, which is complete BS

Unknown said...

Wouldn't be too happy that Frank is safe. If he is evicted the following week he won't get a chance to battle back.

Unknown said...

Noooo! Why is frank safe 😁

Unknown said...

LOL!!! You are so right.

slnc said...

Well, I didn't really want Bronte to go home...Paul should have gone. But my question is what does all the black ppl go home early? Not just this show all of them..Frank should have have gone home for smacking Day on her disrespectful..smh.

slnc said...

Whether it was Day or any other women in the house, it should not be acceptable. Very disappointing CBS.IN THE REAL WORLD CHARGES COULD'VE BEEN PRESSED. That's not cool. Only man slapping my ass is my husband, man, girlfriend..😒

slnc said...
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slnc said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gross said...

Tiffanys speech was embarrassing. Duhhh....anyone can win HoH.

Her social skills are poo poo.

Unknown said...

Did you see Day and Nicole after Paulie won?? That was priceless!

Unknown said...

Did you see Day and Nicole after Paulie won?? That was priceless!

Unknown said...

Don't forget who lied first!! DAY!!! She made sure to pin frank and tiffany against each other!!

Unknown said...

Leesa I didn't. I was too busy groaning because Frank was safe again. What happened?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I don't get why Nicole and Corey want to work with Frank. Especially since he was talking about getting Corey out. Also, why work with the two people that everyone wants out of the house. Someone please explain the logic to me because I don't get it. Maybe I missed something on the feeds.

BB Bopper said...

Nicole confuses me. I like her but she can't seem to keep her mouth shut or stay loyal to anyone but her love interest, Corey. She not only changes her mind, plans and loyalities every day but every hour. She's a vet I guess I expected more of her. I'm disappointed in her but then again when the he** is James going to start playing and making moves? He's sooo consumed with a girl, once again, that he doesn't seem to have his head in the game. Am I the only one who feels this way?

JChism said...


Unknown said...

I think James is lying low and making other friends so when the vets turn on each other, he is safe and still standing. Day goes home, vic congress back and goes after frank. Glad to keep frank in or he would win battle back. Paulie will have to continously win to win. He is too big a threat.

Unknown said...

I think James is lying low and making other friends so when the vets turn on each other, he is safe and still standing. Day goes home, vic congress back and goes after frank. Glad to keep frank in or he would win battle back. Paulie will have to continously win to win. He is too big a threat.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany's speech: "Houseguests, so as we've seen over the past few weeks, dictatorships rarely work out for the dictators in this house, and this week is no different. In fact, let's talk about the dictator this week. He was trying so hard to get me out. He was up late nights, early mornings — gotta give him an A+ effort really. But there was one small flaw in his master plan to get me out, and that was the cow manure that spewed off of his tongue that smelled worse than his daily gas.... I'm sorry, but, if you want to keep me, I'm not targeting any single one of you but said dictator and his little Cabbage Patch Kid."

Unknown said...

The team thing is such a fail. Its totally irrelevant except having people safe for a week thanks to nothing they've done. I hate that apparently as usual the HG blabbed before the live show so it wasn't a really dramatic blindside like it could have been

daryl42 said...

Yes I'm with ya. Hopefully the team thing will be no more after next week.

daryl42 said...

Yes I'm with ya. Hopefully the team thing will be no more after next week.

Matt.Eastridge said...

Frank is the best... smart, physical, sarcastically funny... people just hate him cause they ain't him

Matt.Eastridge said...

Frank is the best... smart, physical, sarcastically funny... people just hate him cause they ain't him

Obsidiandog. said...

Has any one said anything about Julie Chen screwing up during the HOH comp? When the pic showed Jozea, et al playing bagpipes, Julie clearly said "baggage". A bunch of people lost on that question.

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