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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Saturday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Saturday!! I have to run off to work for a quick meeting, but I'll be back to blog about this afternoon's Veto Comp Results and such. So since I have to rush off to work, I'll have to keep the Overnighter brief this morning.

Okay, so as we now know, Victor is back in the BB18 house. James is the HOH. Frank and Bridgette are nominated for eviction. The target this week is Frank (of course), but that could all change depending on who wins the veto and Paulie seems to be going to bat for Frank and could turn things around this week. Paulie told Paul last night that they should get Bridgette out this week so that the men vs women numbers start to equal out a bit more (since it's been mostly guys getting evicted).

Frank told Bridgette to fight to win the veto for herself so she can take herself off the block. He doesn't want her to "throw it" to him just to help his game.

Nicole and Zakiyah still think they're on The Bachelor. Nicole/Corey kissed a little.. Nicole's hand seemed to roam a bit under the covers.

Today is the Veto Comp and that will determine how the rest of the week could possibly play out. I'll be back to report Veto Comp Players when they're picked (the HG's are just now waking up as I type this, so it might a little while yet.) See y'all in a little bit with a new post! :D


Carlos said...

Why is Paulie going to bat for Frank? James honored Paulies HOH wishes last week. Did I miss something? Can someone please explain?

Carlos said...

Why is Paulie going to bat for Frank? James honored Paulies HOH wishes last week. Did I miss something? Can someone please explain?

Unknown said...

It's best for Paulie to keep a big target in the house. If Frank stays and wins HOH he'll likely be gunning for Day and James.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dianne said...

Get Frank out!!! Who made Paulie King, although a crown would help mask that god awful haircut, lol.

Big brother! said...

I totally agree! Get Frank if he don't win pov! Now is the chance! These people need to think about there game not paulie!

Brandy said...

Actually they have an even number of guys and girls in the house now.

Brandy said...

Yes Paulie now needs a ball gag and a bag over his

Brandy said...

Yes Paulie now needs a ball gag and a bag over his

Brandy said...

Actually they have an even number of guys and girls in the house now.

Carlos said...

Thank you Paul. I think Paulie is making himself into a bigger target in going against the hoh. I was rooting for him until that haircutime and this Frank alliance. If they don't get Frank out now then Paulie, none of the has will have a chance.

Carlos said...

Thank you Paul. I think Paulie is making himself into a bigger target in going against the hoh. I was rooting for him until that haircutime and this Frank alliance. If they don't get Frank out now then Paulie, none of the has will have a chance.

Jeff - Louisville, KY said...

Frank needs to stay or this season becomes lame with two showmances dominating the house. Boring.

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