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Friday, July 22, 2016

New HOH & Nominations

Good evening, BB addicts! Okay sooooo...the feeds just came back on a little bit ago and I have some awesome updates for y'all.

The New HOH is:

Nominated for Eviction is:

The HOH comp was a 5 1/2 hr long endurance comp. Frank is geared up for the veto comp tomorrow and says he's gonna "kill it" (win it), or at least hopes that Paulie or Bridgette win it if he doesn't.

**I'll be back in the morning with the Overnighter. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!! :D


Clair20 said...

Wow, I am so happy for James. Now he can see a picture of hie daughter!! Way to go James.

Clair20 said...

"His" daughter, so sorry.

Unknown said...

Not trying to be mean.. But hope that picture snaps him back to reality. She's more important than Natalie!

Unknown said...

Not trying to be mean.. But hope that picture snaps him back to reality. She's more important than Natalie!

Taz Caz said...

No one will take James to the end because he will win. Doesn't matter. Love may be all James takes away... 😕

Dafney77 said...

I'm surprised! That's a big move putting Frank up. I'd really like to see Paulie up there on the block.

Unknown said...

James has been watching and keeping his mouth shut mostly. He will beast out now. Frank needs to go. Nat may get vic to trust james. He tried as he knew frank was not good for the girls. May get more interesting now

Unknown said...

Definitely happy and shocked to see that news this morning. So happy for James. I was wondering when he'd step out the back.

Unknown said...

Definitely happy and shocked to see that news this morning. So happy for James. I was wondering when he'd step out the back.

Jerrinator said...

Does anyone know where Day stands with Michelle? Honestly the only two people who I know would never put her up are James and Natalie and she's been loyal to Jamea since last season. What I'm saying is if she doesn't want to take James far, is Michelle someone she would consider? Michelle seems to be extremely loyal to Day, but I don't know what happened with last week's somewhat chaotic happenings.

Missy said...

James needs to get his head in the game and quit sleeping through the days. Paulie played him having james do his dirty work. When Nat told james about paulies conversation with frank that should have been a rude awakening. I hate this whole "I am doing what the house wants" Grow a pair and do something bold. Paulie will cut james as soon as he is no longer useful. The house may as well just bow out and hand paulie the check now.

Unknown said...

That seems to be how James plays. Believes that will be less
blood on his hands.

Missy said...

But he is playing pails game for him. That has been the trend the last few seasons, go with the "house" but that only strengthens the leaders game. In the end paulie will just pick off the ones he doesn't need and they will all go home. The house can't win the prize, just one person. It's boring tv let alone bad game play on the part of the house guests. But that's my opinion and I am a frank fan.

Missy said...

But he is playing pails game for him. That has been the trend the last few seasons, go with the "house" but that only strengthens the leaders game. In the end paulie will just pick off the ones he doesn't need and they will all go home. The house can't win the prize, just one person. It's boring tv let alone bad game play on the part of the house guests. But that's my opinion and I am a frank fan.

Unknown said...

Definitely happy and shocked to see that news this morning. So happy for James. I was wondering when he'd step out the back.

Clair20 said...

Leesa luv, yes I do hope that picture snaps him back to reality. I just got so happy for him to see his daughter. I am cheering for him, but you never know.

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