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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Saturday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy Saturday!! Hope everyone is having (will be having) a wonderful 4th of July weekend. Be safe & don't forget to keep your fur kids safe from all the firework noises over the next few days!! :D

Okay, so let's get to the Overnighter!

When the feeds came back on, we learned that Victor had won the BB Roadkill Comp. A lot of BB fans questioned if Victor could still be backdoored this week, and the answer is long as he doesn't win Veto today. All he won, was the right to put up a 3rd nom this week. Other than that, he's vulnerable to be backdoored.

Victor and Paul talked about him winning the Roadkill Comp and Victor said he wants to put up James because he's such a strong player. While Paul told Vic to keep his winning hush hush, Victor said he has no problems telling everyone he is the Roadkill Comp winner. Frank/Paulie already knew by this point, too.

As it stands, Bronte/Paul are nominated for eviction but Victor is this weeks true target. Paulie told Bronte that she's not his target this week and told her about the plan to backdoor Victor. Bronte told Natalie this last night, so they're both aware now.

Since Victor planned on putting James up as the 3rd nom, Frank mentioned that James has to throw veto or they have to convince Victor to somehow put up a different 3rd nomiminee...and Frank has someone in mind. Tiffany. At 7:17pm BBT, Nicole told Paulie that Tiffany said she (Tiff) is going up on the block as the 3rd nom.

Paulie said that he told her that her name was brought up, but that he didn't tell her she's going up. Paulie's now concerned that if Tiffany did go up as the 3rd nom, that she'd blow up their games. Nicole then started to panic a little bit, worrying that maybe Victor would put her up. This makes Nicole want Tiffany up even more, so that none of the vets go up. Paulie starts to get irritated at Tiffany/Nicole freaking out.

By 8:36pm BBT, Victor talks to Frank about how the votes aren't there to get James out and that he put up Tiffany instead.

Victor told Paul that if he (V) wins veto, he'll pull Paul off the block. (*Yes, Victor would be safe this week if he won the veto and used on someone else since he's not on the block himself. It's the whole point of veto. lol)

Frank/Da'vonne talked about if they lose Tiffany in their alliance, they can just bring in Paulie (*yes, please!) At 10:33pm BBT, Tiffany heads up to the HOH room to talk to Paulie.

She asked who Victor is going to nominate and Paulie tells her it's her. Tiffany starts freaking out and said she just asked Frank and he lied to her by saying he didn't know. Paulie tells Tiff it's because Frank didn't want her to freak out. Tiffany said she thinks it's a big elaborate plan to get her out. Paulie assures Tiffany that Victor is still the target this week and that if Victor wins Veto, then Bronte or Paul will go home. Not her. Tiffany freaks out some more (mostly about Frank lying to her). Paulie tells Tiffany that they're trying to keep Victor calm so that he doesn't go hard after the veto.

The feeds cut out and then come back at 12:30am BBT. The HG's had their Roadkill Nom Ceremony.

The 3rd Nom is:

Tiffany starts crying more and her allies tell her that if Victor wins veto and saves Paul, then Bronte will get evicted instead and to not freak out.

At 12:45am BBT, Frank/Tiffany have a talk. Frank admits he lied to her and said it was because he didn't want her to freak out (which she did anyway).

**And that's it for the Overnighter! Today is the Veto Comp and it's gonna be interesting to see who wins and how this week will play out from there. I'm excited!! If Victor isn't picked to play veto, then it's bye-bye Victor this week via backdoor plan that's been set in motion. I'm more interested in seeing if he does get picked to play..that'll be interesting! ;)


Unknown said...

Tiffany is acting a lot like VANESSA and it's really concerning. Did Paul tell Victor He's the target? I have a feeling this week is not gonna end well.

SDfan said...

Victor should have kept his winning hush. Then he could have secretly nominated a strong player who would fight hard to win veto bc then Victor would get to put up a renom...keeping him safe. And it could have caused suspicions on who won and why they put up that strong player.

Thoughts anyone?

Unknown said...

Wouldn't the roadkill Nom have to win Veto for Victor to be able to put up a renom? If Paulies noms win Veto it's his choice...right?

Unknown said...

SDfan I re-read your post and Yes your right. That's a brilliant idea but I don't see it coming out of Victor hahaha

Walkrock said...

So I'm confused. If Tiffany gets pulled off the blocked, then Victor noms another. If one of the HOH noms gets pulled off then the HOH noms a new person. Is that correct?

Walkrock said...

So I'm confused. If Tiffany gets pulled off the blocked, then Victor noms another. If one of the HOH noms gets pulled off then the HOH noms a new person. Is that correct?

Jax said...

That's correct. Keep in mind that anyone from the winning team this week can't be nominated either, so it sort of limits the pool to pick from.

Unknown said...

I don't think Victor knows enough about the game to make such a smart decision ;)

Unknown said...

I don't think Victor knows enough about the game to make such a smart decision ;)

Unknown said...

She is definitely the emotional side of Vanessa without the smarts

Unknown said...

She is definitely the emotional side of Vanessa without the smarts

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, but Frank's idea to have victor put up Tiffany was so dumb. He said it himself, there weren't enough votes to get out James. So they should have just let victor put up James bc he is level headed enough to throw the veto. Tiffany on the other hand is the epitome of irrational, so she's gonna go out and actually try to win veto, and if by some chance she gets it, victor will be safe by default, since HE is the one that put her up and HE will get to pick the renom, and he clearly won't pick himself....

Stacia said...

@Shelby you are so right! The second I read that, I was like crrrraap. But still, I wouldn't mind Paul or Bronte going if that's the case.

Unknown said...

I think Victor should have nominated himself as the 3rd nominee. I know it sounds counter-intuitive at first, but that's his best shot at participating in the Veto and trying to win it. Because otherwise he is going to be put up on the block and sent through the backboor. By nominating Tiffany his fate is now actually lying in her hands. And if she doesn't win it, he is getting evicted. Anyway, I don't think he's a good enough player to think about this option, so I hope he gets evicted anyways.

Unknown said...

Anyone he would have picked would have thrown it or used it on one of Paulie's picks. Plus, the other side of the house pretty much communicates with each other. I think they would have figured it out. In actuality his move wasn't too bad because Tiffany is driving everyone crazy. It just won't work because the house is so United.

Ashlee Lopez said...

Go home Victor 😃

Nicole536 said...

Right now Victor is banking on his new found friendship with Paulie and Frank to keep him safe... He seriously has no idea that he's in danger despite the ENTIRE house knowing the BD plan so far no one, not even Paul, has told Vic.

Nicole536 said...

I think it was actually good game play on Vic's part to nom Tiffany --- he's hoping she's annoyed enough people that she will get voted out over Bronte... True, Vic doesn't yet realize he's about to be in the hot seat BUT he did make the best choice he could given the info he has.

I almost fell out of my seat while watching the feeds last night. Vic was talking to Frank and Paulie in the HOH and straight up said something like "Ya'll better not be playing me" The entire room went dead silent for a second while Paulie and Frank both struggled to reply to that comment.

Nicole536 said...

I agree... I really don't think he should have ran his mouth and told everyone. He should have kept it a secret, even from Paul (who can't keep any secrets!) the 8 pack alliance is starting to crack with distrust and paranoia so he really could have used this to put more pressure on that group.

Nicole536 said...

I saw Vic talk to Bronte and HE is hoping that Tiff has annoyed enough people in the house that she will be voted out over Bronte and Paul... That's why he didn't, in the end, nom James because he knew the house wouldn't vote James out over the other 2. He's hoping that by doing this the house can be swayed to vote Tiff out, saving his 2 closest allies. He doesn't realize that his 2 allies are keeping the BD plan from him and it's actually him that's in jeopardy.

Nicole536 said...

No. So far Paul hasn't let it slip to Vic that he's the target. Paulie said he's going to tell Vic after the veto comp is played that he's going up though so once the live feeds come back it should be an interesting evening/night in the BB house.

And the Apple didn't fall far from the tree with Tiff and her sister... They are so much a like!!! She keeps commenting on how she doesn't want to be known as the crier of the show... There are times when I'm listening to the live feeds that she will speak and I actually think it's Vanessa.

Taz Caz said...

Jamie! Where you at, girlfriend? I need my Because You're Addicted updates!

Unknown said...

I got an update on who won the POV!!!!!! Want to know??? Or did find out as well!!!!??? Arrrrrgh!! I'm so excited!!

Unknown said...

Oh MY GOODNESS!!! WHO ELSE KNOWS WHO WON POV BESIDES MEEEE????? sorry about the caps lol.. I'm just so excited!!!!!! Haha!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Taz Caz said...

Tell me! Tell me!

Unknown said...

Who won?

Unknown said...

Who all knows that tiff is Vanessa sis?

Unknown said...

Who all knows that tiff is Vanessa sis?

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