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Friday, July 1, 2016

Nominations and Roadkill Comp

Good afternoon, y'all! Earlier today, the HG's had the Nomination Ceremony.

Nominated for Eviction:
Paul & Bronte

As I covered in the Overnighter, Paul/Bronte are just pawns. Paulie wants to do a backdoor plan on Victor, this weeks true target. Paul is already aware of this. Don't forget though, we have the Roadkill Comp today and that will determine this weeks 3rd nominee.

At 12:51pm BBT, the live feeds switched to fishies which means it's time for the Roadkill Comp! As soon as they come back, I will post below. (Check back periodically until the feeds come back.)

Feeds still off for BB Roadkill Comp (3 hrs now..geez. lol)

Feeds are back!..finally!!
Winner of the Roadkill Comp is:

He told Paul he wants to put up James.

Turn on the feeds for all the post-comp aftermath! I'll see y'all back here in the morning with The Overnighter! :D


Nicole536 said...

First time to comment but a long time reader... Love your blog! :)

Unknown said...

Jaime your the best! I always look forward to a loooong summer of obsessively checking my phone for new updates. It wouldn't be BB with out you Jamie!! Thanks!!

Jamie said...

Hi Nicole! Glad you came out of lurking! haha *waves*

Scott, thank you sweets!! <3 Cheers to another 80 something days of this ishhhh lol

Unknown said...

Hey Jamie! I love your blog so much! Quick question; who do you want to win the BB Roadkill and why?

dappledog said...

Finally decided to sign up for the live feeds and for the last few hours nothing but Jeff!! Don't get me wrong, love Jeff but I want to watch inside the house!!

Unknown said...

Why did Paulie tell Paul about the backdoor plan when Paul and Victor are buddies? I know they figured he would out one of them up, but why is he telling Paul? Also, I looked at the most recent alliance chart, why haven't the eight pack included Paulie in their alliance? Have they solidified their alliance with him?

Becky N said...

Sounds like feeds back up. I'll let Jamie post the announcement!��

Becky N said...

Sounds like feeds back up. I'll let Jamie post the announcement!��

Anonymous said...

I think Paulie is an unofficial member, he just wasn't on the room when they named it, eight pack, now that he is HOH I am sure they will make it official.

Unknown said...

Noooo not Victor

6 Worleys said...

Quick question..bc I can't remember, since Victor won, he can still be backdoored, correct??

6 Worleys said...

Quick question..bc I can't remember, since Victor won, he can still be backdoored, correct??

Itsme said...

Well that's a wasted HOH for Paulie or can Victor still go up after veto providing he doesn't win it?

Itsme said...

Well that's a wasted HOH for Paulie or can Victor still go up after veto providing he doesn't win it?

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure Victor is safe. It doesn't really change that much get rid of the dingbat Bronte.

Cyn B said... explain to me again why Paulie told Paul the backdoor plan...what a wasted HOH....hopefully they have the numbers to keep James...

Unknown said...

Or he wins the veto!!!

Amanda said...

Victor can't be safe (unless he wins veto) because then everyone would know who the Roadkill winner was.

Unknown said...

I don't think so. I think if let's say James is nominated then wins the veto Victor will have to choose someone else. That's what frank did, remember!! Ugh! I hope they send Bronte or Paul packing!!

Unknown said...

I don't think so. I think if let's say James is nominated then wins the veto Victor will have to choose someone else. That's what frank did, remember!! Ugh! I hope they send Bronte or Paul packing!!

Fred said...

I want the silver veto back. Remember when Marcellus saved Amy, and then he was nominated, and evicted. That's how it should be. You use the veto, you should be able to be renominated.

Fred said...

I want the silver veto back. Remember when Marcellus saved Amy, and then he was nominated, and evicted. That's how it should be. You use the veto, you should be able to be renominated.

Fred said...

Are the live feeds messed up? I usually can watch them on my phone, for some reason it would not work, but as soon as After Dark came on, it worked.

Anonymous said...

You guys are right that would expose him as the winner. :)

Unknown said...

I can't stand Tiffany!! She drives me crazy. I wouldn't be upset if they voted her out.

JChism said...

Why do these comments appear in duplicate? Just curious.

Opilia said...

Only if James wins. So if say Bronte wins then paulie can put up Victor. They wouldn't be able to keep,it anonymous if they kept Victor safe...
But if James wins veto then they cannot backdoor Victor.
So does James throw it and trust his friends to keep the chance to backdoor Victor? Or does he fight for his life?

Opilia said...

Or obviously if Victor wins it himself during the regular comp

Opilia said...

Or obviously if Victor wins it himself during the regular comp

Cyn B said...


Agri812 said...

I don't have the live feed so you guys would know a lot more than me- but i thought Bronte held her own with Paul Victor and Jozea at the pool table after the whole "girl talk"thing. She may be tougher than she looks/ acts.

Agri812 said...

I don't have the live feed so you guys would know a lot more than me- but i thought Bronte held her own with Paul Victor and Jozea at the pool table after the whole "girl talk"thing. She may be tougher than she looks/ acts.

Taz Caz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Taz Caz said...

She's also racist and said she'd kick James' ass back to Hong Kong or wherever he came from (he's of Korean heritage).

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